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Experimental set-up of the British inventor John Searl 


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FIG. 22-B 


Volume II 

by D.A. KELLY 

Schauberger’s models of ‘flying saucers’ 

Bronze Shaft 

Two Ferrite 
Ring Magnets 

Two Ferrite 
Ring Magnets 



PRIM. 3 






Copyright © 1986 
General Content & Format, 
other Copyrights, as noted 

ISBN 0-932298-59-5 

1st Printing 1986 

Clearwater, FL, 33516 

2nd Printing 1987 

3rd Printing 1991 - Published by 
P.O. Box 1866 
Clayton, Georgia 30525 


The subject of free energy and perpetual motion has received much undue criticism and misrepresentation over the 
past years. If we consider the entire picture, all motion is perpetual! Motion and energy may disperse or transform, 
but will always remain in a perpetually energized state within the complete system. 

Consider the "free energy" hydro-electric plants. Water from a lake powers generators and flows on down the 
river. The lake though is constantly replenished by springs, run-off, etc. Essentially, the sun is responsible for keeping 
this system "perpetual." The sun may burn out but the total energy-mass remains constant within the cycling univer- 
sal system. 

Vacuum is charge flux without mass, containing a high electrical potential of approximately 200,000,000 volts 
relative to pure zero charge. Within an ordinary electrical circuit, the ground has a valued zero charge with respect to 
something else with the same absolute potential, but actually has a non-zero absolute potential relative to the vacuum. 
Present theory explains that we can create a difference in potential "within" the parts of a system only by displaying 
electro charge mass. By pumping the electrical mass between potentials we can only get back the work that we put into 
the system. Orthodox science has confused charge and charged mass, ignoring scalar electrostatic waves. (Note that 
"ignor-ance" is the operative word here). 

Recalling that the vacuum's charge flux is massless, any charge flow would be scalar and normally incapable of do- 
ing any work (change of momentum - requires mass movement, -F = ma + v(dm/dt). By electromagnetically 
oscillating the true ground vacuum potential, we create an added resonating electrical potential difference between 
that part of the circuit and the normal rate ground voltage of the rest of the system. Maintaining the correct harmonic 
vacuum oscillation will produce the excess potential needed during the negative half-cycle to sustain the work load. 

As can be seen, we have not produced energy from anywhere, but merely diverted and juggled the inate high poten- 
tial of the energized vacuum! 

By AR&D, P.O. B. 323, C.D.A., ID, 83814 


“The man 
with a new idea 
is a crank 

untilthe idea succeeds! 1 




The author wishes to make grateful acknowlegments for the individual research contributions of the following per- 
sons, which provided a solid basis and background for this work. 

Walter Baumgartner 

George Hatheway 

Prof. S. Santilli 

Tom Bearden 

Tom Herold 

Prof. Shinichi Seike 

Dick Bensen 

Prof. B.F. Jensen 

Dr. Rolf Schaffranke 

John Bigelow 

David Jett 

William Sowder 

Chris Bird 

Dr. W. Lambertson 

William Stoneburg 

Paul Brown 

Rev. Tom Long 

Andy Slivinski 

Joseph Cater 

Ray Nelli 

Bob Teal 

Gene Cords 

Bob Nelson 

Adam Trombly 

Dr. Richard Clark 

Joseph Newman 

Tom Valone 

Bruce DePalma 

Ken MacNeill 

Bill VanDoren 

John Draper 

Milton W. Monson 

Dan Wallace 

John Ecklin 

Bill Muller 

Rev. Curt Wallace 

Jerry Gallimore 

Byron Peck 

Willis Winter 

Francis Gibson 

Alex Peterson 

C.B. Wynniatt 

Mark Goldes 

John T. Ratzlaff 

William Whamond 

Dr. Hans Nieper 

Oliver Nichelson 

John Bedini 

This present Manual of Free-Energy Devices and Systems discloses the project work of approximately fifty indepen- 
dent researchers into "free-energy" R & D, and spin-off anti-gravity research. 

The various researchers cover the spectrum of laymen "explorers" and professionally-trained scientists, with the 
work of both researcher types pointing to a common end, that of validated "over-unity output" from their various 
prototype projects. 

There can no longer be any serious doubts about the practicality of the various "free-energy" units and systems bas- 
ed on the full-weight of the hardware evidence from at least fifteen different types of projects, as presented in this 

Although all of this presented prototype/project work has been aimed at producing free-energy machines, it has 
become increasingly apparent that in some cases levitation (anti-gravity) results have been achieved as a spin-off from 
this basic free-energy development effort. 


D.A. Kelly 

Clearwater, FL, 33516 
Pratt Institute, -eM/53 
Brooklyn, N.Y. 

Holder: 45 U.S. Patents 
35 years of Engineering Experience 



Preface 2 

Forward 3 

I. Nicola Tesla 

a) Tesla Coils 

b) Direct Electrical Transmission 

c) Danish Institute of Ecological Techniques 

II. Dr. T. Henry Moray Projects 20 

a) Lester Hendershot 

b) Seven Radiant Energy Patents 

c) WIN Project 

III. John Searl Projects 31 

a) Otis T. Carr 

b) Shinichi Seike of Japan 

IV. Viktor Schauberger Projects 39 

a) Institute of Ecological Technology 

b) Biotechnical Academy 

c) Energy Unlimited 

V. Joseph Newman Projects 43 

a) Newman Motor Generator 

b) Electrodyne Corporation 

c) Burney Research 

VL "N" Machine Projects 54 

a) India Dept, of Atomic Energy 

b) Stanford Uiversity 
b)Stanford University 

b) Stanford University 

c) DePalma Institute 

d) Trombley/Kahn Project 

e) Bruce DePalma 
I) Tom Valone 

VII. Motor/Generator Units & Systems 71 

a)Raymond Kromrey 

a) Raymond Kromrey 

b) Lawrence Jamison 

c) John Gulley 

d) Bob Teal 

e) Jim Watson 

f) Z.T. Lindsay 

g) The Swis M.L. Converter 

VIII. Capacitive Discharge Motor 81 

a) Edwin Gray 

IX. Motor/Generator/Transformer 81 

a) Robert Alexander 

X. Conservation Motors 84 

a) G. Srinivasan 

b) C. Wanless 

XI. Variable Reluctance Generators 86 

a) John Ecklin 

b) Paul Brown 

c) Bryon Peek 

XII. Permanent Magnet/ Electromagnetic Motors 89 

a) Kure-Tekkp Co. 

b) Bill Muller 

c) Professor Paul Monus 

d) J.W. Putt 

e) Dr. Keith Kenyon 

f) Electrodyne Corp. 

XIII. Battery Recharge Systems 97 

a) Joseph Zubris 

XIV. Solid State Amplifying Transformers 99 

a) Hans Coler 

b) Alpha/Theta 

c) Frank Richardson 

d) E.V. deRivas 

e) Parametric Transformers 

XV. Permanent Magnet Motors 104 

a) Howard Johnson 

b) Peregrinus 

c) D.A. Kelly 

XVI. Miscellaneous Articles 109 

Electrostatic Motors 

Crystal Components 
Newman Article 
Systems Technology 
Wilhelm Reich 
Karl Von Reichenbach 
Rudolf Steiner 
Jerry Gallimore 
John Bigelow 
T.T. Brown 
T.J.J. See 

Dr. William J. Hooper 
Paul Brown 

Despite ourselves we are rapidly changing into a world economy and it is naive to think that a group of educators, a 
group of government employees, or a group of large energy company research directors can stop the evolution of free 
energy devices and systems. The reason being that technology and financing flow freely across national boundaries. A 
Saudi Arabian prince could care less about whether or not a particular conversion process has been approved by the 
National Academy of Sciences. His primary concern is more likely to be whether or not it is a promising investment, 
with a likelihood of growth. 

We need to keep our eye on the main goal of bringing about the utilization of free energy and be cautious about our 
claims and let those that are resistant to change continue doing their own thing. It is far more prudent to continue 
these developments and find ways around the "system" than to practice tilting at windmills. 

I have attempted to contact all active researchers in the free energy conversion field but am sure that I have missed 
some. To those that I have missed, my apologies. If you will send me a short description of your device or system, with 
test results, I shall try to include you in the next edition of the Manual. I expect to see an exponential rate of growth in 
the number of projects with time. 

God bless all of us in our efforts and may we enjoy and have a fun-time together in this exciting new free-energy con- 
version era. 

D.A. Kelly 

Recommended Reading in this Field: 

1) "Ether-Technology: A rational approach to gravity-control. 

By Rho Sigma 

This book has become one of the leading informational sources in the free energy field because it covers much 
ground in a clear and concise manner. Send inquiry, with a S.A.S.E. to: 

Cadake Industries 

P.O. Box 1866, Clayton, GA 30525 

2) "Earth Energy: the entrancing force with a thousand names" 

By John Bigelow 

Another folio-type, informative work which describes many free energy units, with illustrations so that the phen in- 
volved are readily understood. 

Send inquiry, with S.A.S.E. to: 

Health Research, P.O. Box 70 
Mokelumne Hill, California, 95245 

3) "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman" 

By Joseph W. Newman 

This work covers the specifics of this multi-faceted motor/generator technology, plus many other new theories. 

S.A.S.E. to: 

Joseph W. Newman 
Route 1, Box 52, 

Lucedale, Mississippi, 39452 

4) "The Sea of Energy, in which the Earth Floats" 

Fully describes the pioneering work of Dr. T. Henry Moray. 

Send inquiry and S.A.S.E. to: 

Cosray Research Institute or Cadake Industries 

2505 S. 4th East P.O. Box 1866, Clayton, GA 30525 

Salt Lake City, Utah, 84115 

By John E. Moray 

5) "Awesome Force 1982 and Awesome Life Force 1984" 

By Joseph H. Cater 

Send inquiry and S.A.S.E. to: 

Cadake Industries 
P.O. Box 1866 
Clayton, Georgia, 30525 

I have chosen to leave an explanation of the mystery of "free energy" to my good friend, Rolf Schaffranke, as he has 
spent a lifetime in a study of this field and has devoted all of his time to it during the past twenty years. His contribu- 
tion to this manual follows in the Foreward section. My main purpose in the compilation of the following information 
on free energy devices and systems is to make this little known and potentially world-changing field of technology 
available to a large spectrum of people and to the youth of the world in particular. As mankind has evolved over the 
ages we have gone through phases of development and many have called our present stage the information age. This is 
a reflection of the rapid processing and transfer of information through the use of computers and satellites. I submit 
that our next age will most likely be the Free Energy Age and that we are in the birth pangs of that age right now. 

I decided to present this information in the form of a manual starting with the first individual to pioneer in the area, 
Nikola Tesla, and move up to present day research by some individuals who prefer to remain anonymous. It was in- 
teresting that in the assembly of this manual, that all of the contributions except three have come from independent in- 
ventors working mostly alone in their basements and garages. Only two countries, Denmark and Sweden, are using 
public funds for unclassified research in this field, as far as I have been able to determine. There are hints of extensive 
research in Russia, but information on their work is difficult to obtain and generally unavailable. 

This lack of public support is seen as cause for alarm by many researchers in the free energy field but this is more likely 
just a normal way our free enterprise system works. Studies have shown that eighty percent of the major innovations 
in this country have come from independent inventors in just this fashion. We who study this field grow impatient 
with its slow progress and lack of recognition. This, of course, is nothing new. The story of Galileo, and the trouble he 
got into by finding that the earth revolved around the sun is well known to every school child. Little is known that 
Thomas Jefferson, on reading that meteorites fell from the sky, said that "I would rather believe that two Yankee pro- 
fessors lied, than that stones fell from the sky". His view was later endorsed by the French Academy of Science. 

There we many disturbing and derogatory references to "the establishment" by people interested in the free energy 
field and I fed that it is important to address this up front, in the preface, so that those young people who may con- 
template working in this field can appreciate their potential difficulties. My understanding of "the establishment" is 
that it consists of the theoretical physics community members who refuse to recognize that this source of energy exists, 
science teachers and university professors who ignore it in their presentations, the large multi-national energy com- 
panies that will not finance free energy research and governmental research funding people who also ignore the field. 
When a scientist is refuted he is presented with a forum to make his case, but when he is ignored he is rendered impo- 
tent and his work goes into limbo. 

Some inventors seem almost paranoid in their fears and I think we need to include a few of the actual cases to insure 
that our young students be fully aware of some of the problems which they may encounter should they choose to go 
this route. Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the present alternating current system of electricity which is used throughout 
the world, was awarded two U.S. patents for radiant energy converters in 1891. He sold his alternating current inven- 
tions to Westinghouse and set up his own research and development company to develop some of his other inventions. 
From that period on he was generally ignored and after he went through his Westinghouse money he existed in reduc- 
ed and modest circumstances until his death. Even today's physics texts make little mention of his work, and books on 
his life's work are now quite hard to find on library shelves. 

Dr. T. Henry Moray was active in the radiant energy field in the 1914 to 1941 time frame. During this period his equip- 
ment was destroyed by a double agent, an employee of our own Rural Electrification Administration and an agent for 
a communist government. Afterwards he was attacked three times in his laboratory, he was shot once and he and his 
family fired upon from ambush. 

In more recent times, the late 1960's and 1970's, Mr. John R. R. Searl in England had his home invaded by govern- 
ment inspectors and his free energy generator (Levity disc unit) consficated. he was then prosecuted by the Southern 
Electricity Board on charges of stealing electricity and all the wiring was torn out of his house. 

In present times Mr. Joseph Newman has been denied a U. S. Patent, even though he presented affidavits from 
numerous expert witnesses and had several demonstrations for energy gain from his motor/generator unit to the court 
in Washington. 

First, it should be understood by our young readers as to why the free energy conversion field is so important and why 
inventors persist in spite of their difficulties. The main reason is that the energy source, the raw material, — unlike — 
natural gas, oil, coal or uranium, is free and available the world over. Unlike — the sun, it is here both night and day in 
quantities beyond imagination. Those of us old enough to remember the long gasoline lines in 1974, and the actions of 


the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (O.P.E.C.) to rapidly escalate the price of oil know that it led to a 
twenty percent inflation rate in this country and severe hardships to many third world countries which exist to this 
day. There is a natural correlation between the price of energy and economic growth. Present forecasts predict that 
there will be serious shortages of electrical power in the United States in the mid-1990's. The cost of new conventional 
power plants have become so high and the lead times so long that regulatory agencies have just about stopped all new 
power plant construction. 

The beautiful point about free energy is that because it is freely available to everyone, anyone can set up their own 
research project with a minimum amount of money, a lot of patience and a lot to time. It is not necessay to have a 
multibillion dollar accelerator, a national laboratory or even a large industrial laboratory. I would like to see this 
Manual stimulate the minds of young people around the world and a continuing exponential growth in the number of 
free energy conversion projects. It is going to come because it is definitely an idea whose time has come! 

We human beings are naturally resistant to and afraid of change. It took our secondary education system an entire 
generation to make the change from the teaching of phonics and go back to it again. 



The term "free energy" is considered to be the net E.M.F. yield, or energy differential between the input to an elec- 
tromagnetic unit or system and the output E.M.F. produced by it. Some electromagnetic machines produce an output 
only slightly above unity, while others have produced outputs of about three-to-one. Lately the output ratios have 
been rising, with a recent unit providing about five-to-one. The prospects are quite good for a continuing and steady 
increase in these input/output ratios. 

The concept of electromagnetic "free energy" should not be considered to be the same as natural free energy 
sources such as solar, wind, hyrdo or geothermal energies, because these new E/M machines usually require an input 
energy in order to obtain an increased energy output, which the natural sources do not require. 

Several years ago there were only a few "free energy" devices which appeared to offer hopeful opportunities for 
development, but today there are at least five significant individual projects which are operating at varying degrees of 
over-unity output. While these various machines or devices in both rotating and solid state classes are based on classic 
Faraday/Maxwell principles, they achieve their over-unity output by the enhanced electromagnetic activity within the 
unit or system. 

It must be noted that some senior physicists, in an attempt to discredit some free energy researcher's projects are 
proposing the discarding of Maxwell's mathematics with their new theories and operating machines. After a thorough 
review of each researchers work it was found that rather than the discarding of Maxwell's equation principles, these 
various machines actually supplement or enhance the electromagnetic functioning in each case, based on Maxwell's 

Second equation. Since this attempted discrediting has occurred in two distinct cases it appears to be a planned and 

contrived approach to putting down "free energy" efforts. 

One of the major reasons that establishment physicists resist the concept of "free energy" is that the tachyon field 
concept goes against the Special Theory of Relativity which limits particle speeds to the speed of light. The tachyon 
concept (fast particles) has been proven valid based on the the findings of Professor Gerald Feinberg at Columbia 
Univertisty in 1967. Several of these new over-unity output machines have established the reality of the tachyon field, 
as witnessed by the individual researchers. 

In addition to Professor Feinberg's findings on the fast particle concept, a U.S. Naval research team which was run- 
ning various experiments during the 1950's recorded a spot indicator moving across a CRT scope screen at a speed of 
202,000 miles per second, which could not be explained. These tests results were noted as the interaction of particles 

moving at about 16,000 miles per second. Aware of the constant of 186,000 speed of light standard, these ex- 

perimenters rechecked their test setup, but again recorded the same results of the 202,000 m.p.s. particle speed. Since 
none could offer an explanation of these findings, the test results just went into limbo and were noted as an unexplain- 
ed phenomena. 

The result of the "Saganac Experiment" in 1913, also has never been satisfactorily explained by contemporary 
physicists. In this experiment two simultaneous light sources were sent in opposite directions around a closed path, 
and photographic plates recorded the impingement of the light sources. If the basic beliefs of relativity were correct, 
both light signals would have traveled these equal closed, circular paths (equal to the distance around the earth's sur- 
face) in identical times. The results disclosed that they did not!! We must conclude that a modification to 
Special Relativity is needed! 



























Today, physics is taught on the basis 
of very extensive mathematical sup- 
port, and yet TESLA was able to 
“Visualize” a fully working A.C. 
motor, which he immediately accepted 
as “an act of faith!” 

Today’s physicists demand proof of 
principle with a blackboard filled with 
endless equations, and yet according to 
their math, the bumblebee cannot 
possibly fly! Mathematics is a useful 
support tool, but not the “main event” 
in applied physics! 

All of these truly great applied 
physicists have learned to listen to the 
pulse-beat of nature, - rather than the 
squeaking of chalk on a blackboard. 

These have been the hands-on/doers 
who have had their work shoved aside 
by a “blind’ physics establishment 
which is hell-bent on following their 
own values and economic ends in 

There is a corporate slogan going 
around today:-“Together we can find 
the answers.” This slogan is both trite 
and not the right one to ask! The real 
question to ask today is: Will we be 
prepared to implement the answers 
when we find them? 

This question is directly applicable 
to the “free-energy” field. 

We must now ask ourselves how 
many gifted, true-believers are now 
bypassed by an unknowing physics 
establishment. These are the “gifted 
ones” who function at the intuititive, 
gut-feeling level, in addition to having 
a natural analytical ability. How much 
further along in our collective 
understanding of our real universe 
might we have been if- — the work of 
these gifted ones had been accepted? 



Submitted by:Rolf Schaffranke 

Since major breakthroughs in the physics of non-conventional energy generation and energy conversion have 
already been made in several countries, it seems appropriate to present the main points of the ongoing changes in 
research in a convenient Question and Answer format which allows a selective overview of the highlights of newly 
established facts and observations. 

Please remember that big name, long established companies have long abdicated the main part of their research in- 
itiative to government planners and we no longer can look to them for leadership. 

Question: "Where does the energy potential for the operation of the new "converters" actually come from?" 
Answer: The energy is extracted from the G-Field, formerly known also as the Ether-Field, indentifiable today as a 
real acceptable, subnuclear and sub-quantic medium. In the past, this medium was given various names, such as 
PRANA, by the Indians; ORGONE, by Dr. Wilhelm Reich; ODIC FORCE, by Baron Von Reichenbach; ANIMAL 
MAGNETISM, by Franz A. Messmer; MUMIA, by Paracelsus; BIO-COSMIC ENERGY, by Dr. Brunler; ELOPTIC 
ENERGY, by Dr. Hieronymus; X-FORCE, by Dr. Eeeman (U.K.) 

Today, it is commonly referred to by one of the following definition NEUTRINO SEA, by Prof. P.A.M. Dirac; 

euphemisms. ..what Aristotle once chose to call "ETHER". 

Question: "What is the magnitude of this field energy potential?" 

Answer: The energy content of the G-Field was calculated as (1) 10 33 cm 3 by Sir Oliver Lodge, England, 2) 8.8x10 s 
volts/cm by Prof. S. Seike Japan, 3) 250 billion Joule/ml by Rene L. Vallee, France. 

To repeat a popular conversion figure published in Switzerland, the energy content of One Liter SPACE is about 
equal to the energy of 5000 Liters of gasoline. 

A remarkable confirmation of the claims of Nicola TESLA who, more than 100 years ago, expressed his belief that 
"before many generations will have passed," mankind will be able to extract unlimited power at any place." 

Question: "Which scientists of repute (Nobel Prize winners) are, or were in favor of the "ETHER" (G-FIELD)?" 

Answer: Some of the world renown scientists who affirmed their belief in the existance of a universal ETHER or 
Forcefield are: 

JAMES CLERK-MAXWELL: "A material substance of a more subtle kind than visible bodies, supposed to exist in 
those parts of space which are apparently empty." Prof. Paul DIRAC, N.L. 1951, deBROGLIE, N.L. 1959, 
MICHELSON: "Even if relativity is here to stay we don't have to reject the "ETHER." Sir OLIVER LODGE: "The 
Ether is a physical thing. .we can only get it electrically" STARK, N.L.; ARRHENIUS, N.L.; A. H. COMPTON, N. 
L„ P.E.A. LENARD, N.L.; H. UUKAWA, N.L.; F. SODDY, N.L.; Albert EINSTEIN: "There are weighty 
arguments to be adduced in favor of the ether hypothesis. To deny the ether is ultimately to assume that empty space 
has no physical qualities whatever. The fundamental facts of mechanics do not harmonize with this view... .According 
to the General Theory of Relativity, space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an 
ether. According to the General Theory of Relativity space without ether is unthinkable..." 

The above quote by Dr. Albert Einstein was published in 1920, based on Einstein's speech at the University of 
Leiden, Holland, (May 5, 1920). 

The publication was in German, and translated by Sir Oliver Lodge into English, quoted from his book, "Ether and 
Relativity" (1925). However practically all textbooks in physics omit this fact. Einstein himself has gone on record 
stating on his 70th birthday: 

"Now you think that I am looking back at my life's work with calm satisfaction. But, on closer look, it is quite dif- 
ferent. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm and I am not sure if I was on the 
right track after all." 

Question: "What about conservation of energy law pertaining to the operation of cosmic energy converters and 

Answer: "...every emission or absorption of a virtual particle is already accepted to totally violate conservation of 
energy. That is, emission represents the sudden appearance of extra energy in the ordinary universe, and absorption 
represents the sudden disappearance of some energy from the ordinary universe. Every charged particle in the universe 
constantly does both processes. Even the neutron is continually breaking into different virtual, charged particles. So 
every piece of mass in the universe, ACCORDING TO ORDINARY PARTICLE PHYSICS — is already violating 
conservation of energy on the microlevel... 

...a strong magnetic pole represents an additional stress in space-time, (the G-Field, R.S.) as does a strong static elec- 
tric charge. Either of these situations warps and twists spacetime itself. This in the region of a magnetic pole or of a 
strong static charge, conservation of energy need not apply. Specifically, for large, massive atoms of some heavy 
elements, violation of ordinary "linear" magnetism — and hence of the linear conservation of energy law — has already 
been noted. 


This is particularly interesting since, with a permanent magnet, one can apply spatiotemporal (G-Field) stress in a 
locality without any further input of energy. The entire business of using this to produce a free energy device depends 
simply on the cleverness of the inventor. It is also possible to time the applications of both effects — static electric stress 
and magnetic monoploar stress - with an ordinary electromagnetic rotary device to produce seemingly "Free" energy. 
And so the potential is there for free energy. To the question, "Can it in principle be done?", we must definitely 
answer, "Yes, if we believe our present physics." The second ques ion, "How difficult is it to do?", can be answered 
in several ways; possibly the best is: "If one is clever and gets back to absolute, simple fundamentals, it may be possi- 
ble to do it cheaply and in a straightforward, practical manner." 

Tom Bearden, "WHY FREE ENERGY IS POSSIBLE" in PEGASUS, VOL. @, Ed. 1, January 1984, ASGFE. 
Question: "Operation of such a G-Field or Tachyon Field energy converter would be in violation of the scientific fact 
that a perpetuum mobile is clearly impossible. Any comments?" 

Answer: This applied only to so-called "closed systems" in our technology, like turbines, combustion engines, steam 
engines, etc. 

Nature shows that the movement of electrons around the atomic nuclear, planets around the suns, etc. are indeed all 
genuine "Perpetuum mobiles" since they represent "open systems," interacting with various fields of electrical, 
gravitational etc. nature. 

Examples of Perpetuum Mobile Actions are, among others: A) the Bessler Wheel (1712 to 1717), B) The Foucalt 
Pendulum (France) both are powered by the rotation of the earth. "The earlier, original concept of perpetual motion 
refers merely to any device that does work in excess of its energy input. This does not exclude an unseen energy source 
(such as the G-Field!) as the input to a perpetual motion device. It is this that separates practical perpetual motion 
from the laws of thermodynamics!" 

Quoted from: Earth Rotation as a Source of Free Energy" by Martin Ruderfer, published in PROCEEDINGS of 
the First International Symposium of Non-Conventional Energy Technology, October 23-24, 1981, University of 
Toronto, Canada. 

Question: "Why are permanent magnets so important in connection with design of G-Field converters?" 

Answer: Permanent magnets act as "cosmic energy pumps" or "gravitational diodes." The space energy or G-Field 
can be concentrated, focused, magnified and compacted by strong magnetic fields. The development of very strong 
magnets, so-called "Super-Magnets' (NIB's) made from exotic alloys, makes G-Field converters and generators possi- 

QUOTE: "I think it is possible to utilize magnetism as an energy source. But we science idiots cannot do this; this 
has to come from the outside. " (Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Laureatus as quoted in the book: "Energie im Uberfluss" 
by Hilscher, 1981. 

Question: "What are the prerequisites for successful R & D efforts leading to mass production and licensing of 
G-Field converters?" 

Answer: 1) Identification and refinement of the best developed, most economical, most promising conceptual ap- 

2) Close international contacts to assure a flow of up to date information about all new developments in this 
technology area in order to avoid dead-end approaches. 

3) Follow the newly developed super-magnet technology in all countries, with special emphasis on samarium-cobalt 
and neodynium compounds (neodynium-iron-boron) and other new materials. 

4) Application of vortex-technology within the known laws of fluid-dynamics and nuclear dynamics. 

5) Sufficient long-term funding for success by attracting venture capital, by offering of tax write-offs plus an 
inflation-proof potential return. (As a tax write-off, it can be more attractive to an investor than giving to a favorite 
charity. Note: Over 100% in the U.S.A.) 

6) In general, logical thinking and ethical handling of the project in question by all partners, will assure success. 

(Note: In reference to Item 5 above): Since the IRS vrs SNOW case of 1974, it is held that a new limited partnership 
organized for the purpose of financing the development of a new process or product is entitled to deduct research, ex- 
perimentation and development costs. 

It is of course extremely difficult to put a price tag on the results of R & D in an area of revolutionary technology. 

However, there is no doubt whatsoever about the feasability of the technology as such. 

Dr. R. Schaffranke, h.c. 


1) " There isn 't any energy crisis. It's simply a crisis of ignorance." R. Buckminster Fuller 

2) "It is amazing that in the sub-micro world of the atom, quantum physics requires the perpetual motion of par- 
ticles both as to spin and orbital motions. In the macro world, science is based on the law that a perpetual motion 
machine is absolutely impossible. 

This is the state of today's science??? John W. Ecklin 


3) Scientists aren't used to thinking how things would be/seem/feel Within A CAPACITOR; they Fail to 
Recognize "MAXWELL'S DISPLACEMENT CURRENT" when they are IMMERSED in it!! Instead, they 
call it GRAVITY!! 

William Whamond-Canada 

I. NICOLA TESLA (1856-1943) U.S. 

There is no doubt that Nicola Tesla's monumental scientific work in the electrical energy field ranks him as one of 
the greatest applied scientists of all time! 

His most outstanding contribution to the electrical engineering field was the polyphase A.C. induction motor, along 
with A.C. power distribution technology. He was instrumental in bringing about the wide scale acceptance of A.C, at 
sixty cycles per second, as the standard power source in the United States. 

The construction of two A.C. generator stations at Niagara Falls in 1895, which produced eleven megawatts of elec- 
trical energy was a truly outstanding achievement at the time. 

It is significant to note that Nicola Tesla began to fall into disfavor with the establishment of the time, when he pro- 
posed the development of the direct transmission of electricity based on his Colorado Springs experiments of 1899. He 
was slowly cut off from future funding and began to lose the support of his principal backer, J. P. Morgan during the 
early 1900's. Although George Westinghouse was an early Tesla supporter, with most of his motor/generator 
technology built by Westinghouse, he, too began to withdraw support from Tesla. 

Of nearly similar importance to electrical technology was the development of the now famous Tesla Coil which pro- 
duces very high voltages and the application of these to a variety of electrical products. Tesla coil designs have seen 
application in several "free energy" units such as the 1920 Hubbard Generator which was basically an amplifying 
transformer unit. 

Dr. T. Henry Moray the inventor of the first successful radiant energy conversion system was said to have been 
greatly influenced by the pioneering electrical work of Nicola Tesla. Although Guglielmo Marconi has generally been 
given the credit for inventing the first wireless voice transmission (radio), much of his functional hardware was based 
on Tesla's early work with radio wave theory and several issued patents. 

Nicola Tesla did not hold a large number of U.S. patents, the total number being about 112, but they were of 
significant importance in several areas of applied science. Although he was preeminent in advanced electrical engineer- 
ing, he also made sizable contributions to mechanical technology with his unique disc turbine, some early aircraft 
designs, engine components and instrumentation. 

It is not widely known that Nicola Tesla built and tested an electric automobile in the early 1930's. Although the ex- 
act technical details are now obscured by time, it was known that a large electric motor was powered by a special elec- 
trical unit containing a vacuum tube array, which appeared to be a radiant energy converter. These conclusions have 
been drawn by the presence on the tubes, and a six foot long antenna, plus a variable tuning means, but the operating 
details remain unexplained. 

Tesla can be credited with being a pioneer in radiant energy conversion with his two U. S. patents in the field:-No. 
685, 957, Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy, and No. 685, 958, Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy. 
Both patents were issued in November of 1901, and consisted of condensers with one plate charged by radiant energy 
and the other plate charged by independent means. A circuit is connected to the condenser terminals which were 
adapted to be operated by the discharge of the condensers. There is no record of any prototypes being built for these 
designs, but it is believed that they served as a basis for Dr. Moray's subsequent work in this experimental area. 

It is quite clear that Nicola Tesla was convinced of the practicality of converting the energy in space to our needs, 
but his efforts in this direction were never realized. 



1 , 119 , 732 . 



Patented Dec. 1, 1914. 

This patent was the result of Tesla’s 
many high voltage transmission ex- 
periments at Colorado Springs dur- 
ing the early 1900’s. It served as the 
basis for the construction of the 
famous:-“Waldencliff Tower,” 
which was intended to become a 
transmission station for wireless elec- 
trical power. 



HIGH PRESSURE - (Voltage) 











a) Tesla Coils 

The Tesla Coil is basically a high frequency resonant coil/transformer in which the voltage and current relationships 
between the primary and secondary windings are independent of the ratio of the turns. Time Dilation with Conduction 
Electrons in Tesla Coils/Oliver Nichelson. 

In 1901 Nicola Tesla made a statement to the press that could provide a key to understanding the physics of his 
"free-energy" generator, The New York SUN of Jan. 30, 1901 carried an article in which Tesla claimed that the 
capacity and inductance in a resonant oscillating circuit are not constant and can change in value. He cited ex- 
periments in which he observed changes in these values according to the season of the year, phase of the moon, and 
even the time of day. 

As intriguing as these observations are, Tesla made another comment which greatly increases their importance. In 
describing the oscillating circuit he models it on the mechanical system of a spring and a weight. He said, "The capaci- 
ty of the electric circuit corresponds to the pliability of the spring and the inductance to the mass of the weight. 

Being rigorous in the interpretation of this analogy a reader can hardly escape the conclusion that if inductance 
equals mass and inductance is variable, then mass must be a variable value in a resonant oscillatory circuit. This is to 
say that mass change, of the charge carrier, takes place in anelectrical system. 

Tesla was an outspoken opponent of relativity theory and believed that mass was mass and force was force and 
never shall the two be equated to each other, but for all of his intellectual opposition to the concept he was faithful to 
his observations, though he felt it necessary to call the effect by another name. 

Mass, as is known from other experimenters, changes under the influence of motion, that is by moving the mass 
over some distance during a certain period of time. Velocity, of course, is the measure of distance per unit of time, 
v = d/t. Mass increase, then, is related to the velocity of the charge carriers in the circuit. 

Time, too, is linked to the volocity of an object. According to the FitzGerald ratio, the time lapsed observed on a 
body at a given velocity relative to the time lapse at rest (to) is: t = t (1-v/c). 

For example, if an object had a velocity of 260,000 Kilometers per second past an object would equal t/2. This 
means its would take one hour of the observer's time for half an hour to seem to pass on the moving object. 

This would point to the possibility that in an oscillating electrical circuit very high energy processes could be taking 
place which would cause a time dilation of the observed effects. In a properly constructed electrical oscillator conduc- 
tion electrons, if accelerated with sufficient energy, would undergo large mass changes which would allow charge car- 
riers to be observed in motion over a significantly long interval because time has slowed down within the circuit. 

Charge carriers in motion over a long time interval would appear as a self-sustaining current. At 4-10 million volts, 
Tesla's larger coils were certainly energetic enough to produce such effects. 

Comparison tests have been made between conventionally wound high voltage coils and modified Tesla coils with 
significant results. Both types of coils were the same size, using the same wire size and power input. The Tesla coil pro- 
duced an 800% energy curve above the conventional coil. The conventional coil plotted resonance at 3.55 MHz., while 
the Tesla coil was at 1.47 MHz. 

b) Direct Electrical Transmission 

Nicola Tesla believed that it was possible to transmit electrical energy over any distance without wires, and con- 
ducted numerous tests to verify this concept. 

The special laboratory constructed at Colorado Springs, Colorado, was set up for this purpose, along with provi- 
sion for wireless (radio) transmission projects. As the laboratory was completed during 1899, the construction of an 
amplifying transmitter was started which lead to the tests on transmitting electrical energy over short distances. 

One major discovery made during these early experiments was the extraordinary behavior of the atmosphere during 

the transmission of high voltage electrical impulses. The experiments showed that air at normal atmospheric pressure 

is freely conductive to electricity, which was most encouraging for the continuing of further experiments. Further 

tests revealed that electrical transmission in the air of several million volts is enhanced at higher altitudes where the at- 

mospheric pressure is considerably lower. 

Tesla calculated that the distance between the transmission and receiving stations made little difference, and that 
these distances might be only a few miles apart, or several thousands of miles. The only factor involved in long elec- 
trical transmission distances would be the high elevations required for the towers to compensate for the earth's cur- 

The fact that Tesla and his colleagues had constructed several working models of electrical transmitting stations 
operating under the same conditions which would exist for a full size transmission/receiving plant, convinced them 
that such a system was commercially practical. 



The tentative specifications for the commercial electrical transmission plants were: Two stations (terminals) main- 
tained at an elevation of not more than 35,000 feet above sea level, the electrical voltage maintained at 15 million to 20 
million volts, which could produce the energy of thousands of horsepower; with the transmission distances ranging 
from hundreds to thousands of miles. 

Realizing that elevations of thirty to thirty-five thousand feet are both difficult and costly to achieve, Tesla's group 
aimed at considerably reducing the tower height required for a practical system. The electrical transmission tower at 
Wardenclyffe on Long Island, at a height of about 700 feet is the apparent result of the tower height compromise ar- 
rived at for short transmission distances. 

Three U.S. patents were issued to Tesla as a result of the successful series of electrical transmission experiments 
which were: 

1) No. 645, 576 System of Transmission of Electrical Energy 

2) No. 649, 621 Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy 

3) No. 1, 119, 732 Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy 

These three issued patents dealing with electrical transmission are presented in the adjacent pages of this Section. 

While this direct transmission of electrical energy has been proven practical by Tesla's extensive tests, it must be 
noted that the method presents several operating problems and hazards in practical application. 

In addition to the necessity of high transmission towers, the problem of air space/or intrusion into the transmission 
zone remain an operational hazard. Low flying planes, birds, foreign objects which enter the transmission zone would 
be destroyed, so that operational safety is open to question. 

c) Danish Institute of Ecological Techniques 

The Danish Institute of Ecological Techniques is an officially registered association now counting 250 members 
(December 1986). Meetings are held at the University of Copenhagen. The association has an ongoing multi-project 
alternative energy program organized with a number of basic concepts under research and development. 

This program is under the direction of Asst. Prof. Borge Frokjer-Jensen, and it is mainly dealing with selecting 
basic unit concepts which have already shown some initial success and with reviewing each of these to see if further 
development can be made to them. A unit feature is the project organization of the association: assignment of in- 
dividual projects to project teams comprising of three to five active research-interested members which guarantees 
that rapid determinations can be made on each project type. Appr. every second month all the groups are meeting 
together to share experiences and to plan the next strategy. 

The projects now under review and development are 1) a Variable Reluctance Generator (project for 1987), 2) a 
Kromrey type generator (project for 1987), 3) a Bedini type battery/recharge system, 4) a Tesla/Hubbard Amplifying 
Transformer, and 5) an N-generator with liquid contacts. (Further projects are mentioned in chapter 4 under Viktor 
Schauberger Projects). Finally there are groups dealing with the works of a) Viktor Schauberger, b) Wilhelm Reich, c) 
Nicola Tesla, and d) Rudolf Steiner. 

Such an organized and continuing development effort should be expected to produce some positive results on this 
schedule of R & D effort. 

In considering the Hubbard Amplifying Transformer, this device was originally rebuilt and evolved by members of 
the Swedish Ecological Institute, Stockholm, who have run tests on this unit and have found an electrical power step- 
up of about 3:1, at the resonant frequency of the unit, 
lc. Description of the Hubbard Amplifying Transformer 

Of all the various types of free energy units recorded and witnessed during the early twentieth century, none has 
been more controversial and indeterminate than the multi-coil transformer unit introduced by Alfred M. Hubbard in 
1919. The various newspaper accounts are technically contradictory and the actions of Hubbard generally inconsistent 
with any valid energy project. 

There have reportedly been at least four distinct modes of operation recorded for the Hubbard unit, with only one 
having a valid and proven cord of functioning. The various methods are as follows: 

ljlnput source from a standard 110 V.A.C-60 cycle input, per newspaper articles. 

2) Input source from a battery and A.C. pulsing unit, as per test operating prototype of Swedish Research org. 

3) Input source: a transmitted energy differential between earth grid zones, (Theory only, unproven) 

4) Input source from a radium core within the central primary coil. 

It is believed that tachyon field activity occurs at the resonant frequency of the coil-transformer assembly, which is 
supported by Tesla coil data, which serves as a background for further R & D on these units. 



THE amplifying transformer 

Thi* drawing it mainly reproduced it originally shown by Joseph Crux. 



B coils connected in senes 




for resonance 

for resonance 


Outoui power 

Input X 


3 times 



_ moot power 

P - E * ll— 


The natural magnetic resonance frequency: 2.8 GHz. 

Suggested resonance frequencies for the transformer: 

5.340 Hz - 2.8 GHz/2 )? 

10.681 Hz - 2.8 GHz/2 J 2 
21.362 Hz - 2.8 GHz/2 

The ideel mechanical length of coils: 5.75* =<146 mm (or multiple hereof) 

Ratio of the center coil diameter to the length 173 (in the test model) 

which equals a diameter of the center coil of 146/3 = 49 mm. 

The ideal ratio of the diameter of the center coil to the 8 smaller coils 
must be THE GOLDEN SECTION, i.e. the diameter of the small coils must be 
30 mm. 

The following wire diameters have been tested: 0 25. 0.5 and 0.75 mm. 

Measurements of 
the test model: 

output power = 

3 times input 

For multilayer coils: Measurements: 

wires^mag.mat. mag. iso. !(.49 mm^J 

*> 30mm il~ 





AS‘S-£M0jLE£> 7~/G UN/T 

0-1 50 Amps. 
Ammeter — 

Small Multimeter j 

Voltage output readings / 



Light Bulb -voltagj 
output MonitAr ^ 

O.C. Motor Meters — | 
Frequency Control 

11.25 KV-/D.C. 

Power Supply,- ( 
(under meters) . 


Eight Cylinder 
Auto Distribu tor 

Gear Box — 

VARIAC '■ , 

/ariable voltage) 




Electrical Resistance 

115 V.A.C./ -or pulu’d 

- Casters - Weight of unit, approx 83 pounds 

The coil described in the first paper was the type Tesla would have used in his experiments with very high potentials 
and currents. It was large, requiring 1525 meters of wire, and ran down to half voltage in 26.39 seconds. Tesla's 
writings and the reports about other inventors following Tesla suggest that smaller devices with longer damping times 
could be built. In "On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena," 1893, Tesla says that "It is easy, by observing 
certain artifices, to wind a coil through which the impedance will be reduced to the value of ohmic resistance only," 
during the discussion of coils of apparently smaller dimensions. Also, the coil system built by Hubbard in 1919 and 
pictured with a 1928 newspaper story which was reported to have a damping time of several hours suggest that such a 
device could be built on a smaller scale. 

Random Motes & Clues 

Capacitors and Inductors 

Coils or inductors are one of the building blocks 
of radio. Another building block is what is called a 
capacitor or a condenser. This device is iust 

metal plates very close together, separated either by 
air or by an insulating solid material. Fig. 61 shows 

-charge^ ^ + charge 

(Electric field 
[Electric llu* 

Figure 61 

- ^ 

I IRl 1 


two such metal plates connected by a battery, which 
produces an electric field and an electric flux between 
them.* By Gauss's law, this flux is associated with 
charges on the surfaces of the conductors. If the 
total flux is <p, there is a charge Q = +<p on the posi- 
tive plate of the condenser and a charge Q = — < p on 
the negative plate of the condenser. The voltage V 
across the capacitor is related to the electric field E 
between the plates. If the field is constant between 
the plates and if the distance between the plates is 


For a given capacitor, the charge Q is propor- 
tional to the voltage V; that is, Q is equal to V multi- 
plied by a constant C: 

Q = CV 

The constant C is called the capacitance of the 

The Hubbard coil from the Seattle Post Intelligencer 
of 27 Sept. 1928. The dimensions are 6 in. long and 
4 1/2 in. diameter. 

Random Notes & Clues 

Usually, capacitors (condensers) have unmov- 
ing plates and constant capacitances and are used 
for other purposes. Consider, for instance, what 
would happen if we removed the battery of Fig. 61 
and connected the plates of the same capacitor 
together by means of a wire as shown in Fig. 61. A 
current would tend to flow from the positive plate 
to the negative plate. Suppose, however, that the 
wire was coiled, to form an inductor; It would 
take some time for the current to start flowing. 
Further, once the current got started in the coil, it 
would be hard to stop. As a matter of fact, the 
current would oscillate back and forth sinusoidal- 
ly in the coil, alternately charging the plates of the 
capacitor minus and plus, and then, later, plus 
and minus. The behavior of the current is like the 
oscillations of a mass supported by a spring. The 
capacitor is analogous to the spring. 

This behavior is also like that of an elec- 
tromagnetic wave trapped in a closed box or 
resonator, that is, a standing wave. It should be, 
for both are governed by the same laws — that is, 
Maxwell's equations. 






a : 



(So Model.) 

2 Sheets— Bheet 1. 



No. 593,138. 

with esses 

£ Patented Not. 2, 1897. 

< ^ 












in ye nr on 

$ /?. 

BT . 

/&u,, Y7tlpi % 





No. 503,138. ^ Patented Nov. 2, 1897. 






£ /l. 

fit I 






No. 685,957. 

Patented Nov. 5, 1901. 



(Application tiled Mar. 21, 1901) 

(No Model.) 

Terminal (+) 

Fig. 2 

Negative Terminal 


kT Insulated Plate/ 
Conducting Body 





f t' 

Flow of Radiant 

Terminal (+) 

Fig. 3 

Negative Terminal 


Grounded Plate 
Insulated Plate/ 

Conducting Body 

Movable Armature 
Translating Dev. 

Current Source 




No. 685,958. 

Patented Nov. 5, 1901. 

(No Modsl.) 



(Application fllod Mar 91. 1901.) 


Mikola Tesla,] mentor 


II. DR. T. HENRY MORAY U. S. (1892-1972) 

The work and operating hardware of Dr. T. Henry Moray are the most credible, fully documented and witnessed of 
all the free energy systems in the solid/state, or non-rotating type of equipment. A frill description of Dr. Moray's 
work on radiant energy systems is covered in his book: "The Sea Of Energy-In Which The Earth Floats" published by 
the Cosray Research Institute, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah, 5th Edition, 1978. 

Dr. Moray's extensive work in the field carries over from Nicola Tesla's earlier theme that the earth was enveloped 
in an electrical energy zone that was free to be harnessed. During the early 1930's Dr. Moray experimented with solid 
state circuitry, cold cathode ray tubes and discovered the electronic properties of a "soft, white, stone-like substance 
(Swedish stone) which he used as "Moray valves" in the early radiant energy devices. It is known that this semi- 
conductive "Moray valve" was the key component of these radiant energy systems which were comprised of a 
moderate array of vacuum tubes, a power supply, step-up circuitry and a 100 foot long antenna. 

The key point in the basic value of Dr. Moray's radiant energy systems is that they were witnessed and documented, 
and produced up to 50 K.W. of electrical energy at a demonstration given in 1925. Some of his smaller versions con- 
sistently produced about 3.5 K.W. output documented at other demonstrations. 

As is true in most cases of proven and demonstrated devices and systems. Dr. Moray was subjected to harassment 
for his work, including being shot at, and having a test system destroyed by an observer. Although he had a number of 
loyal friends and believers, the damage caused by his enemies was instrumental in preventing his system from being 
fully developed and marketed. 

It is interesting to note that Dr. Moray received a U. S. patent No. 2,460,707 for an Electrotherapy device, as 
shown, and some researchers believe that elements of his radiant energy system are adroitly disclosed within this 
schematic. A complete review of patent No. 2,460,707, reveals, however, that it is a theraputic device which utilizes 
standard A.C. electrical input, a transformer to step-up the voltage which drives special discharge tubes. The high 
potential, high frequency electrical field is said to produce a theraputic effect on patients. 

Attempts have been made over the intervening years to duplicate Dr. Moray's original radiant energy system, but 
with no reported successes achieved to date. It is unlikely that any possible success with this technology would be 
disclosed now in view of the suppression imposed on such "free energy" systems. 

At this point it is appropriate to consider the various factors in Dr. Moray's system which produce such a relatively 
high level of power output. There have been a number of radiant energy devices developed such as Lester 
Hendershot's device and some others listed elsewhere in this manual, but none of these present the high power levels 
achieved by Dr. Moray's technology. 

As was previously stated, the detector or "Moray valve" is the key component which receives the space/radiant 
energy from the antenna, and it has been stated that the detector was the forerunner of present day germanium diodes. 
The next stage in such a system must be stepping up the power level through the use of coils, capacitors and 

A disclosed schematic of the Moray system indicated a coil in parallel with the Moray Valve, with one leg connected 
to the antenna, and the other leg to ground. Two tuning capacitors are also in parallel with the detector portion of the 
circuitry. A total of three vacuum tubes along with three transformers are connected in series from the parallel leads 
from the detector portion of the circuitry. 

a) Lester Hendershot 

Lester Hendershot received publicity for his small electrical power unit during the 1920's, and this unit produced 
useful electrical power at about 300 watts, but tended to be erratic and difficult to start up during numerous test 

Hendershot was essentially a layman/researcher and therefore could not provide a scientific explanation of how his 
device worked, but evolved it on an intuitive basis using existing radio technology as a guide to the various com- 
ponents and construction. The unit was first built in the 1920's and was based on tapping the space energy field in a 
similar way to the T. H. Moray energy system. Some researchers call Hendershot's unit a Moray device in miniature, 
but there are substantial differences in the components, construction and operation of these two concepts. 

The Hendershot generator was the subject of considerable publicity and he conducted private demonstrations from 
time to time during the 1950's. There are conflicting theories on how the Hendershot unit works, one being that the 
electrical activitiy in the coils causes a stress (potential) in the capacitors located within the two coils. Electron flow 
tends toward the inner plate, and thereby initial electrical activity drives them back. The output from this unit is 
reported to be about 1/3 KW, and considerable tuning was required to obtain a consistent output during the various 

The Hendershot generator consisted of twin, special basket-weave coils, capacitors, transformers and an input 
magnet/clapper unit, which produced a wattage increase, and was dependent on the tuning of the input magnet/clap- 
per component. 




The basket-weave coils had a cylindrical capacitor incorporated into them, since a capacitance factor is necessary in 
these types of units to store the charges that are being built up in the coil sets. The coil frequency was within the radio 
broadcast range and the induction level was compatible with radio art also. 

The most interesting feature of the Hendershot generator was the input/excitation arrangement which consisted of 
a permanent magnet/clapper as an adjustable buzzer unit. A set of small coils (2) was located adjacent to the iron 
clapper unit, to receive the electromagnetic pulses from the clapper-magnet combination. The combined magnet-coil 
assembly was mounted on a slide so that an adjustable screw could move the clapper in relation to the magnet, and 
thus change the "buzz" frequency. 

Some experimenters have used regular door buzzers as the input/excitation component and these appear to serve the 
same purpose when reworked to provide the adjustment feature described above. 

The two transformers required for the Hendershot circuity are vertical oscillator transformers which can be obtain- 
ed from old T. V. sets. The turns ratio should be 5:1, and these units must be tested for functional operation before 
being assembled in the final assembly. 

A total of six capacitors are required for the assembly, two of these being the central capacitors within the basket- 
weave coils. Two dual electrolytic capacitors are required, which are standard Pyramid TM 58 units, rated at 40-80 
Mfd., at 450 working volts. 

A schematic of the Hendershot Generator is included with this description, but the full construction details are not 
provided, since they are available from other sources. 

Although the construction of the complex basket-weave coils is involved and time-consuming, the Hendershot 
Generator represents a generally desirable type of free-energy device of the solid-state type. 




b)Radiant Energy Patents - Various R. E. Circuits and Devices 

1. Patent No. 2,813,242, Nov. 1957 L. R. Crump-Atmospheric Energy Device 

This radiant energy conversion art is quite significant since it discloses three distinct conversion applications circuits 
which are both practical and worthy of further study and improvement. 

The accompanying schematics show the three versions, along with the identification of each component within the 
three circuit diagrams. Of particular interest is the circuit diagram shown in FIG. 3, which is the high voltage D. C. 
conversion, using input coils, tuning capacitor, a transistor oscillator, transformer and diode circuitry. This arrange- 
ment should offer the best combination of components to produce a high potential output from a radiant energy 

The circuit version shown in FIG. 2 is for a general low voltage, wattage arrangement which is simple and may be 
useful for certain applications. The circuit version shown in FIG. 1 is a direct transistor radio operational design, 
which is self-explanatory. 

There is a general similarity of Cramp's work to that of Lester Hendershot, except for the addition of the antenna 
and diodes in Crump's art. It should be noted that the tuning capacitor in Crump's circuit is a desirable feature in any 
Radiant Energy device, since these circuits need to be "tuned" to R.E. frequency. Hendershot's permanent magnet/& 
clapper component is a desirable dynamic feature which might be used to advantage within the Crump circuitry, but 
this will require some experimentation before an optimum match is obtained. 

The addition of the diodes in Cramp's circuitry increases polarization efficiency, and generally improves the R. E. 
conversion value of this device. It should be noted that it is believed that Dr. T. H. Moray also used antenna-coupled 
coils directly connected to his 100 foot long directional antenna, as the Crump input circuitry indicates. 

In a general manner, the Cramp circuitry appears to bridge between the art of Moray and Hendershot in the selec- 
tion and application of the various components, as can be seen from a review of their circuit components. 

2. Xtec Corporation, of New Britain, Conn, with reference to Crump's Patent above, (Pats, pending) 

This group has developed an antenna/amplifier arrangement which is said to collect and amplify atmospheric/ra- 
diant energy. The antenna operates as a dependent power supply for the system. An input signal turns on the power 
amplifying antenna which draws on the potential between two points in the environment to complete a circuit through 
a form of inductive coupling. The result is amplified energy for the load to be driven. 

3. Patent No. 3,249,944 Electromagnetic Transduction Utilizing Radiant Energy, by H. E. Stockman 

This patent describes an electromagnetic transducing apparatus responsive to radiant energy, a transducing means 
for converting high frequency radiant energy into corresponding high frequency electrical signals. Detection means 
coupled to the transducing means for converting the high frequency electrical signals into unipolar electrical energy. 

Also required is a source of first magnetic field, and means responsive to the unipolar electrical energy for 
establishing a second magnetic field. An adjustment means between the first and second magnetic field means. 

4. Peter Markovitch - developer of "Apparatus to Rectify Ether Energy" (1977-1978) 

The prototype work of Markovitch was based on Nicola Tesla's U. S. patent No. 725, 605, which disclosed his 
"pancake" type coils in a dual signalling mode of operation. 

The prototype unit consisted of an "antenna," hollow metallic ball made of thin conductive metal which served as 
the "etheric" collection component. The collection (antenna) ball was secured to a vertical copper large diameter rod. 
A conductor wire was coil-formed around this vertical rod and connected to an outer circular primary coil. 

The two working coils of the arrangement are the outer, circular primary coil which is toroidally wound around an 
inert circular and round coil form. A second, or secondary circular, toroidally wound coil is wound in a continuous in- 
volute pattern within the outer primary, circular primary coil. The circular primary and involute, inner secondary coils 
are wound in opposite hand directions. The toroidally wound primary and secondary coils have merit, since the coils 
can have a relatively large number of turns within a confined volume. 

It is claimed that this device produces about 500 watts of D. C. electricity, but the absense of dynamic electronic 
conversion circuitry casts some doubt on this claim. 


Nov. 12, 1957 


Filed March 12, 1954 


P F Pc^ylA 



Fil+tr f 




Gnd . 


4 6 



^ ?Ko 

Transf.orme^ Terminal 
high voltage 



LcvfL </-C MOt#! A 

Tuning Capac 

. CaP ) r,n Base 

Coil Diode f ^Collector 

5 ' 


Fi G* 3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM showing a 
Capacitors system for obtaining high energy D. C. 
/>Base source at a high voltage, from the At- 




C6il° 1 »aj 

L 7 \ Fly. 

\^S Emitter crAl 

Aud io 

coupled - 
Coils , 

2 & 3 






Capacitor ' 
3 0 n 3 1 









6,10 & 12 

FIG. / 


Coil y 
37 y 

! ; 

j-4t -j-nXn) -t- 

46*" Low — pass Filter 
43 — Choke Coil 

+OC /5 

Z 1 

Gnd . 

PtVi> «<T L 

. tapacitors' 




Tuning Capac 



- oc 


P/M Dynamic 


of a Transistor 
Radio Receiver, 
Powered by Energy 
Abstracted from the 

showing a General 
Application, to pro- 
vide Direct Current 
Power to a Load. 

Low wattage 


Lloyd R. Crump 


(2.i6t tQster 




5. Joseph Tate - Electromagnetic Radiation/Radio Wave Energy Conversion 

The art of Joseph Tate is based on attempting to harness all the (radio) frequencies using an antenna to bring the 
waves to a source where the antenna's (vibration) is converted into electrical energy. 

His circuitry includes clusters of diodes and capacitors in a cascading pattern used to convert and (amplify) the 
radio waves into useful electricity. A total of twelve diodes (IN34) along with ten capacitors are arrayed in a sym- 
metrical form, - six diodes and five capacitors, per side of the symmetrical formed circuitry. 

This type of R. E. conversion arrangement is not as flexible as the Hendershot/Crump art, since no tuning or input 
pulsing feature is present, nor is there any oscillator or transformer stage employed. While both the diode and 
capacitor components are desirable in such R. E. circuitry, but the dynamic electronic conversion devices are a 
necessary part of these units. 

6. Patent No. 2,115,578 W. M. Hall, Radiant Energy Receiver 

The Radiant Energy Receiver unit of W. M. Hall is essentially a single detector and conversion device, as shown in 
FIG. of this patent. The device is comprised of a sealed container which houses a window, a diaphragm, a disc elec- 
trode connected to a vertical rod which is an electrode or terminal. The sealed container (housing) forms the other ter- 
minal of the device. 

The device operates by changes in the capacitance between the disc electrode and the detection chamber directly 
above it. This device is deemed to be less effective in R. E. circuitry than either the permanent magnet/clapper compo- 
nent of Hendershot, or the coil/tuning capacitor of Crump. (Pat. No. 2,813,242). 

7. Patent No. 1,540,998 H. Plauson Conversion-of Atmospheric Electric Energy 

This atmospheric energy conversion arrangement is generally similar to the art of L. R. Cramp, but is not cost/ef- 
fective due to the use of large balloons and connecting conductors. 

c) WIN - U. S.) 

WIN Energy Conversion To Electricity 


WIN is the acronym for "World Into Neutrinos" and chosen to create an image of the world circulating around the 
sun, the sun and its planets moving through its galaxy and all moving through the Universe at a rate of 160 kilometers 
a second - that of planet earth moving through a sea of neutrinos. 

The neutrino is a subatomic particle in the lepton class and is the smallest neutral particle. Physics literature gives 
reports of current studies to determine the mass of the neutrino with best upper limit projections of 60 eV for the elec- 
tron neutrino and 1,200 eV for the muon neutrino. H. C. Dudley gave the energy density of the neutrino flux through 
which we move as being between 10 s and 10 10 eV/cm. 

Two patents, U. S. 685957 and 685958 were granted to Nicola Tesla on November 5, 1891, on an apparatus and 
method of utilizing radiant energy. If he reduced these to practice they were not mentioned in the general literature on 
his life. Dr. T. Henry Moray also chose to call his energy source "radiant energy" and demonstrated the production 
of 1400 watts using "a small wooden box about 18"x24"x24"... .connected to no prime mover but only to an antenna 
and ground" in 1928. His work was reported in the book The Sea Of Energy. The New York Times has been reporting 
on the present day efforts of Joe Newman to patent his device which produces 25 times more energy than it uses. His 
book describing his work is entitled The Energy Machine Of Joseph Newman. 

Other names reported for this energy in the book by Hans A. Nieper on Revolution on Technology, Medicine and 
Society are tachyon and gravity field energy. The hypothesis upon which my work is based is that the neutrino flux is 
the source. In a sense this is academic as the most important question is "what is the yield and the capital cost per 
kilowatt hour?" 

Conversion Method 

Figure 1 is a schematic drawing of my energy conversion process. The flux enters into the crystal from the top, is con- 
centrated and flows into the dam. A reaction occurs in a propriatary ceramic material which results in the production 
of excess electrons. These flow through the load to ground and do work. The process is simple with no mechanical 
moving parts. 



In my present mock-up model I use an outside power supply to activate the device and am just beginning studies on 
yields. The near term goal is to attain a 200 percent yield with the feed-back circuit to be developed later. Direct cur- 
rent is utilized and multimeters across the dam segments have shown current simultaneously leaving the dam in both 
directions. This is evidence that my concept is working. 

Potential Applications 

There are no known limitations of the amount of power which can be produced as this is a function of the design and 
the load. The base area of the crystal is important but is not limited to the flux through which the device moves as the 
sides are subtended to a much larger area. Scale-up factors of 10 are probably maximum for safety reasons. My pre- 
sent model should be capable of reaching one kilowatt. It will be the decision of the process owners as to how far to go 
in scale-up sizes. It has been my thinking that it will be desirable to eliminate electric power transmission lines coming 
into an application. Others will have to decide whether to scale up to power an entire country, a state, a city or an in- 
dividual in that city. 

The most obvious application seems to be a power supply for all electric homes, one having a capacity of 10 KVA. In 
industrial applications such as arc melting steel separate units for each furnace battery may be preferrable to one unit 
for the entire plant as the electrode can become a part of the conversion device. 

Yield and Cost 

The amount of power lost in the conversion process is expected to be small, perhaps one percent which may be lost in 
the dam and the two spark gaps. Fuel costs will be zero as we will be converting free energy in a manner similar to 
hydroelectric power. This is too early to project actual costs of manufacture. A guess is that the 10 KVA units will be 
produced in volume for a cost of $1,000 and a selling price of $3,000. The decision to sell or lease these units will be a 
business decision made by others. 

Patent Considerations 

My present plan is to apply for a U. S. Patent only on the mechanism of energy conversion. Apparatus patents will be 
the problem of the organization to which the mechanism patent is assigned as well as all foreign patents. 

Figure 1. Win Energy Conversion Schematic 


II. Dr. T. Henry Moray Projects 
WIN Energy Conversion Project 
Subject: Power Measurements 
Power In 

Figure L. is a schematic drawing of the power supply in use at this time. The alternating power going into the mock-up 
model is calculated by multiplying the alternating current times the alternating voltage in accordance with Ohm's Law. 

The alternating current is measured with a Universal Enterprise DM-300 multimeter on the 10 ampere scale. Thi s is 
reported to have an accuracy of three percent of the reading or ± /-five digits. 

Fifteen one megohm resistors between the high voltage leads having a one percent accuracy are used as a voltage 
divider. A Radio Shack analogue type multimeter good to ± /-percent of full scale and with 10,000 ohms/volt, is used 
to measure the voltage across two of the resistors. The actual voltage is calculated by multiplying the voltage read 
times the ratio, 15/2. 

In experiment number two on October 6 the alternating power going to the rectifier bridge was 1,912 watts. 

Power Out 

Power loss in the bridge is small, as determined by fell, and is ignored. 

Direct current goes from the bridge through a Simpson 0 to 2 Ampere D. C. ammeter, Model 26, with an estimated ac- 
curacy of ± /- 2% of full scale. This meter indicates the current going to the mock-up model. 

Power loss in the crystal is negligible as determined by feel. The window is closed in the present series of experiments 
and has zero power loss. 

Direct current voltage across each dam segment is measured with a total of five 25,000 ohm s /volt, multimeters, one 
2,000 ohms/volt and one 1,000 ohms/volt meters. These have an accuracy of /3% of full scale. The total voltage of 
the seven segments is multiplied times the direct current to calculate the dam power loss, in accordance with Ohm's 
Law. Any alternating current is ignored. In the 10/6/86-2 experiment the dam power loss was 28 watts. 

Only one side load is presently being used and this consists of a bank of 100 watt light bulbs in parallel. A test bulb is 
placed close to one of the load bulbs and brought to the same light level as one of the load bulbs through a variable 
transformer. After the run is terminated the voltage of the bulb is measured with a Micronta Digital Multimeter, 
Model 22-198U having an accuracy of ± /- 1% of the reading. Two people agree on the light intensity match before 
ting the test bulb. Current to the bulb is measured with the DM-300 multimeter mentioned earlier. Wattage of one 
bulb multiplied times the number of bulbs gives the power loss in the side load. In the 10/6/86-2 experiment the side 
load loss was 893 watts. 

Electricity goes from the dam to the post across an air gap. In an experiment, the A.C. voltage of the 
power supply is measured with the direct current going into the model as mentioned earlier. After an 
experiment the gap is closed and the power supply brought up to the same current level used in the 
experiment and the A.C. voltage noted. The voltage difference is attributed to the voltage drop across 
the gap. That times the direct current is used to calculate the power loss in the gap. Any alternating 
current is ignored in order to be conservative. Power loss in the 10/6/86 experiment was 512 watts. 

Power goes from the dam post to the front load as shown in Figure 2. A low resistance load is placed 
between the post and the front load to function as a voltage divider. This is made up of one ohm, 10% 
by 25 watt resistors, in parallel with the number varied to bring the meter in the mid-scale range. A 0 to 1 
A.C. analogue voltmeter is placed across the low resistance divider with its reading divided by the cal- 
culated resistance to yield a calculated alternating current. The manufacturer of the voltmeter is unlisted 
but the meter is assumed to have an accuracy of +/ — 3% of full scale. The resistance of the front load 
is measured using the Micronta multimeter mentioned earlier which had an accuracy of +/ — 1% of the 
reading. Power loss in the front load is calculated using I 2 R, in accordance with Ohm's Law. In the 10/6/86- 
2 experiment, the loss was 1,588 watts. 


Electric current returns to the power supply through the back load and is measured with a Gruen 0 to 3 
Ampere D.C. ammeter with an estimated accuracy of +/ — 3% of full scale. Resistance of the back load 
is measured with the Micronta multimeter. Power loss is calculated by I R and was 750 watts in the 10/6/86- 
2 experiment. 


At this stage I am more interested in proving that an energy gain has been achieved than in the actual 
amount of gain. It is useful to be able to relate changes in the mock-up model to yields but in most experi- 
ments only the effect on meter readings is noted. Relationships should hold even though the inaccuracy 
may be higher than desired. Once an energy gain has been proved scale up to higher efficiencies becomes 
an engineering problem rather than a scientific one. To summarize: 

Power in 1,912 watts 

Power out 

Dam 28 

Side load 893 

Gap 512 

Front 1,588 

Back 750 

Total out 3,771 

Yield = 3,771/1,912 x 100 = 197 percent. 

This is in the reasonably confident range and adequate for marketing. 

Figure 3. Power Supply. 

Figure 4. Crystal, Window and Probe Assembly. 



III. JOHN SEARL (U.K.)(1931- ) 

As the "real world" of applied physics slowly unfolds for us in the coming years, the name of John Searl will surely 
take his rightful place along with the truly great men of science! John Searl has played a major role towards the 
understanding and application of anti-gravity research and actual flight. 

Searl's name will become known to anti-gravity flight in the same way that Robert Goddard has become the founder 
of rocket space flight, and they have been following similar paths towards the realization of their technologies. 
Although the name of John Searl is known only to a relatively few scientists and engineers, his now-famous "levity 
discs" are an outstanding example of tachyon field activity at its ultimate usefulness due to the extremely high 
peripherial disc velocities. 

A total of forty-one levity discs of various types and sizes have been built, tested and flown over the period from 
1940 through 1961, which were unpublicized events at the time. It must be noted that Searl, as an advanced electrical 
researcher in England originally started out to build an improved electrical generator in horizontal disc form. As the 
machine concept was planned and developed, Searl had no idea of what his work would ultimately lead to. 

His disc generator concept was based on the belief that a segmented metal disc would cause free electons within the 
ferrous surface to be spun off by the centrifugal force and thus could be collected by some means at the disc's 
periphery. He reasoned that conventional electromagnets could be uniformly placed around the disc's periphery to 
convert the collecting free electrons into a useful E.M.F. In order to provide a pulsed electron flow the disc's iron sur- 
face was slotted or segmented, so that the multiple electromagnets produced a very high pulsed E.M.F. flow. 

During the testing of the first disc, the electrical power was produced as expected, but at a very high wattage level. 
As the test were continued both static electrical activity and the smell of ozone were noted as the disc was driven at 
higher speeds by the input motor. As the disc speed was increased, the testing group was astounded to see the disc rise 
from the test bed and reach an approximate fifty foot elevation above them! 

At this point the disc was obviously decoupled from its driven motor so that it was operating in a self-propelled 
mode, and as we have now come to understand, - was sustained by tachyon field energy. While hovering at this level 
for a while, a glowing halo was noted around the disc's periphery, and finally the disc accelerated rapidly and disap- 
peared vertically from sight. All of the subsequent levity disc flights followed this same sequence pattern; the static 
electricity and ozone activity, the rising of the disc to an approximated fifty foot level, with the glowing halo effect 
and finally the eventual disappearance into space. 

It is probable that the physological impact on the numerous witnesses to these test flights must have been most pro- 
found, since most dared not voice what they had witnessed with their own eyes, for fear of being ridiculed. While this 
attitude can be accepted for laymen observers, any observers who were trained scientists can only be called "cowardly 
frauds" since they are not true to their "professed" calling. Since the subject of flying saucers has become "taboo," 
no official press releases on Searl's work were evident, but the British Government has undoubtly recorded his ac- 
tivities and probably has an R & D project actively based on this pioneering anti -gravity work. There have been reports 
of a "levity disc" project active in Canada, but this cannot be confirmed due to security measures. 

John Searl's levity disc work has been further explored and expanded on by Prof. Shinichi Seike of Japan's "G" 
Laboratory, who has photographic evidence of Searl's levity discs in flight and grounded, as present in his book: 
-"Principles of Ultrarelativity," G. Res. Labs, 1982, 6th Ed. 




a) Otis T. Carr (OTC Enterprises, Inc. 1945-1959 U. S. Patent No. 2,912,244 - Amusement Device 

The flight vehicle project work of Otis T. Carr has marked similarity to the levity disc art of John Searl, and it is cer- 
tain that both these flight vehicle systems function in the same physical way! 

Mr. Carr completed his theoretical and applied research effort in 1947, and attempted to interest the government 
agencies and universities on his finding but to no avail, since they were far more interested in atom-splitting at that 

As many other inventors before him, Mr. Carr and his group decided to direct his technology effort into the educa- 
tional and toy fields, where he felt that better cirulation of his findings would be achieved. The evidence of this deci- 
sion on his project work can be seen in his U. S. Patent No. 2,912,244, Amusement Device, which is actually a nearly 
complete disclosure of his anti-gravity flight vehicle. 

There can be no doubt that his patent was actually a "simulation" of his A/G flight vehicle, since all the operating 
components of his art were in their true relative spatial relationship within the vehicle! Such key components as No. 
86, "simulated" electromagnets, and No. 90, - plurity of plates - (Searl's segmented plates) are in their true operating 
relationship, leaving no doubt that this was a basic prototype/plan for his A/G flight vehicle! 

Mr. Carr has stated that his flight vehicle operates on the following principle: - "Any vehicle accelerated to an axis 
relative to its attractive inertial mass, immediately becomes activated by free-space energy and acts as an independent 
force." "We have shown that a charged body accelerated to an axis rotation relative to attractive inertial mass, in- 
dicates polarity in a given direction." 

b) Otis Carr’s Anti-Gravity Vehicle 


While these statements by Carr can be generally confirmed, they do not explain the actual electromagnetic inter- 
change and extreme polarization which occurs between the segmented ferrous disc and the peripherial electromagnets 
which results in the "G" field cancellation and anti-gravity flight that John Searl's technology has shown. 

One of the most interesting and key components was his so-called, - "Ultron energy accumulators," which were 
essentially spinning metallic capacitors of an unusual - geometric shape, being square-shaped in one plane, and round- 
shaped in a 90 degree rotated plane. It must be noted that these Carr - "Ultron's substitute-in-function for Searl's 
segmented steel plates as the high speed rotating inductive component. There appears to be considerble merit in utiliz- 
ing a planetary, spinning capacitive component with its ability to store a sizable charge at high peripherial speeds. In 
both Searl's and Carr's units the accumulating charge from the rotating element is discharged into electromagnets at 
the disc's periphery. The flat area on Carr's disc contains uniform capacitor banks which are said to oscillate the 
charges received by the rim electromagnets. 

Although the addition of the unique Carr-"Ultron" component is an apparent improvement over Searl's basic A/G 
flight technology, the two arts tend to reenforce the credibility of each other, as per the comparison of the similarities 
involved in the designs. In regard to free-energy units and systems, it appears that Carr's technology with the addition 
of the capacitance "Ultron" offers an advantage, since this capacitance function decidedly improves the "over-unity" 
output of these devices! ! 

NOTE: This is some kind of "Amusement Device"-One that can be used to explore the worlds around us! ! ! Wake up 
you Physicist's 



b) JAPAN "G" LABS - Prof. Shinichi Seike 

Prof. Seike's work astrides both static and dynamic energy conversion systems, as can be noted from his book:- 
"The Principles of Ultrarelativity"- 1982, published by the Gravity Research Laboratory at Uwajima City, Ehime 
(798) Japan. Prof. Seike is the Director of the "G" Labs and he has been instrumental in recording and publizing the 
work of John Searl and his levity disc, anti-gravity technology. 

The "G" Labs have expanded on the theory and operation of the levity discs, and his book (above) contains several 
photographs of Searl levity discs in flight and on the ground, plus the test setup photos. These photographs of the levi- 
ty discs have not been previously exposed and provide visual evidence to the validity of anti-gravity flight. 

John Searl's levity disc technology, as related to free energy systems, is covered elsewhere in this Manual, (under 
John Searl), and is of interest as a potential free energy generator unit. Dr. Seike's contribution to free energy is in the 
form of his "transistorized G-Power generator'-' or "endless amplifier" which is based on the ability of special triple 
transistor closed circuit to absorb "G" strain energy, - or the tachyon field. It is known that p type transistors (semi- 
conductors) carry holes (Dirac sea) - unoccupied state of electrons, which can absorb "G" strain-(tachyon) energy. 

The closed circular circuit of the "transistorized G-Power Generator consists of three identical, equally spaced tran- 
sistors, plus three capacitors from the unit. The input signal is amplified in the first stage and successively amplified in 
the second and third stages. Since the amplification can continue, the name "endless amplifier" became appropriate. 

Of significant importance to the free energy field is Prof. Seike's educational model of a Kleinean Bottle, which was 
built to demonstrate the existance of tachyons. 

In some recent tests, the "G" labs have succeeded in reducing the weight of a Mobius test ring to 2/3 Gravity, or 
essentially an approximate 1/3 weight loss, but the test parameters have not been disclosed. Prof. Seike maintains that 
because of these above tests, we can now believe that tachyons are present throughout "G" space. 

Thie round amplifier ie 
called, therefore, Endless Ampli- 
fier , which makes single turn of 
semiconductor coil. The following 
drawing indicates, for example. 
Endless Amplifier of 2SC521X 
3 , which can oscillate at D C 5 
volt stabilized. That frequency 
decreases second by second, minitjts 
after minute as indicated on the 
following table. 

Experimental . Date/23 /January/ 

a)Professor Sinichi Seike's Units 


Japan's "G" Laboratory, 

Prof. Shinichi Seike 

Loss of Weight, Energy Density of "G" Field 
Stress energy of gravitation of 

W= g is contained in unit volume 

of the zeroth hyper surface 8 k, 

(Ordinary Physical Space) in Riemannean space, near a planet 
It particularly reduces to 

-5.4 x 10 ergs/cm 
upon the surface of the Earth since 

g=980 cm/scc 

which is about identical with stress one (- E ) of electric field of: 

8 k 

E = 8 .8 x 10 V/cm , 

and is about ten thousand times ordinary stress energy of magnetization. 

This G stress is ubiquitous , and is more general that than that of Nuclear 


We shall firstly translate Moebius Band into electric device. The follow- 
ing picture shows Moebius wound. We shall secondly make a torus of Moeb- 
ius wound, which forms a Klein Bottle, next picture. 

Loss of G 

We shall feed electric current to Moebius Coil as in the 
following Fig. Then, Klein Bottle ( torus coil ) loses weight 
as on the following table. Experimental specifications are as 


# 0.651 

follows /torus coi: /17 turns 
of Moebius wound/own weight 
of the coil /about 30 gr/ 
power supply / regulated ( NPS ' 
151D/Dendy )/Balaner/Ex 
200N ( 200gr Max and resolu- 
tion of 0. 001 gr ) ( digital ). 

If we feed about 620 ampere bj 
superconduction, loss of g exceeds the own weight, leviting. 



Return of History 

As tachyon is super signal, it catches past signal. Then, 
time reverses. The system returns a history ( falling path by 
g ) , being repelled by g and attaining loss of g. 

That is to say, we find that tachyon upon the first hyper 
seerface goes out onto the zeroth ( physical space ) . 

For example, the following photo shows — 0. 6 5 7 gr of loss. 
The greater the current, the more the loss. 

It attains — 2. 18 gr as the next photo shows when we feed 
60 A DC to a Moebius coil of 3 turns. 

Falling mas6 attains/ 

t = 2 second 

while does 

after time reversal of / 

Tachyon of 2 c attains 

t = 1 0 second 

while signal does 

That tachyon catches a signal of/ 
t = — 1 0 second , 

resulting in time reversal of this system. 

Maes is repelled by g, resulting in loss of weight 


Japan's "G" Laboratory 

Prof. Shinichi Seike: 

Catting Moebius Strip into 3, we label 1, 2 and. 3. The 1 
continues onto the 3, the 2 onto itself and the 3 onto the 1. 
As shown in the following figure, we have 2 strips. 

The one is half another. Wave with the velocity of c is on 
the longer strip, that with the velocity of 2c cannot but be 
on the short. This reason is why tachyon flows in Moebius 
Strip (or Moebius wound coil). 

Growth of State Momentum under 

Four momentum of the atoms of Bariun Strontium Titanate or 
Ferroxplana (or Ferrite) grows under circularly polarized 
electromagnetic field of (4-8) . in recourse to (5-4) such that 

mca £ 2dcos dr + (a 2 — d 2 ) char } 

mca £ (a 2 — d 2 ) + 2d 2 cos dr sec har } 

( a 2 + b 2 + d z ) char - b 2 cos dr 

( a 2 + b 2 + d 2 ) - b 2 cos dr sec har 


a — 

a 2 + 

b 2 + 

X mg ( T — » °° ) , 











which is invariant under positive value of Q(o). We take Q(o) 
to be positive since negative Q(o) furnishes negative growth 
of total energy and, therefore, provokes pair annihilation 
with ambient atmosphere and it ‘becomes dangerous. The fre- 
quency condition is preseribed by 

aH fl + fl < 0 , (8-27) 

in which a » and n are coupling constant, vertical magnetic 
field (static) and rotation frequency of electric field (of 
Nuclear Electric Resonance), respectively. They are stated 
of in the fifth chapter. Resultant state four momentum of 
Barium Strontium Titanate and Ferroxplana (or Ferrite) can 
be described by (5—1), in which the growth of the third com- 
ponent of resultant state four morrentim is determined by 
dP* a 2 - d 2 

-* •• Mg ( r — * 00 ) 

dt a 2 + b 2 + d 2 


double length 

IV. VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER (Austria) (1885-1958) 

The scientific work of Viktor Schauberger has to rank him as one of the greatest natural scientists of all time, due to 
his monumental efforts to understanding and applying water flew/, its quality and the concept of "going with the flow 
of nature" ! 

His work ranged all the way from improving water quality agricultural methods, hydroturbines and prime movers, 
to electric power generators and anti-gravity flight vehicles, and yet he is never mentioned in traditional physics books 
which is significant commentary on the state of our "so-called advanced technological society today! Our 
"advanced" technology is at the level of little children playing in sand boxes, and the work of Tesla, Moray, Searl, 
Schauberger and Newman have all proven this to be true! ! 

Although Viktor Schauberger's work covered a wide range, only his contributions to the alternate energy field will 
be described in this section. Schauberger's energy work centered on his theory of utilizing "implosion" rather than 
conventional "explosion" in our prime movers, and the significance of concentric and excentric energy flow "spirall- 
ing" in connection with dipolarity. He vigorously disagreed with our current explosion/combustion technology and 
demonstrated that implosion and concentric spiral flowing were the way that nature effectively transferred energy, 
and was able to prove it to be so! 

Of major importance is his development of the amazing "implosion generator" which featured the direct applica- 
tion of his concentric spiralling water flow which attained "negative friction" and thus self-propulsion in the lower 
portion of his hyperbolic tubing configuration which was the key portion of the generator. Another way to consider 
"negative friction' in the lower tubing zone is that a point is reached where the water in this zone starts to "pull" on 
the water volume in the upper tubing zone of the spiral tubing, so that it is easy to see how self-propulsion is possible 
under this condition. 

The type of hyperbolic spiral is evident in nature by the honors of the Kuda antelope which presents this special 
spiral configuration with a uniformly diminishing cross-sectional area, which tends to increase the water flow velocity 
uniformly within the spiral tubing. The major problem with the implimentation of Schauberger's implosion generator 
techniques has been the difficulty in faithfuly reproducing this hyperbolic spiral path, with its difficult compound 
curves and diminishing cross-sectional area, as illustrated. Several attempts have been made abroad to successfully 
duplicate Schauberger's original implosion generator, but there are no reports of operating units or test performance 
data to date. 

A practical implosion generator can consist of utilizing two opposite hyperbolic spiral tubing sets on a horizontal 
axis and secured to a central vertical, hollow drive shaft. The input end of the spiral tubes descend into a water reser- 
vior within a sealed water tank, as illustrated. A motor drives the vertical shaft through a one-way clutch unit so that 
de-coupling takes place when the rotor/tubing assembly is at critical speed where self-propulsion occurs, and thus a 
load can be driven by such a self-propelled arrangement. 

Schauberger's invention of the "suction spiral" and the "suction turbine," is based on the same principle as the 
twisting action of rivers, which is caused by the movement and rotation of the earth. In the river, vacuums are formed, 
creating a negative pressure and thus suction pockets are evident. Schauberger maintained that centripetal, hyperbolic 
spiral movement is symptomatic of falling temperature, contraction and concentration. The centrifugal movement, on 
the other hand, is synomymous with rising temperature, heat, expansion and explosion. 

By ignoring the pioneering science of Viktor Schauberger, present-day establishment science behaves as if collective 
scientific stupidity has somehow become a virtue. 

Unique spiral of the Kuda 
antelope, tested at the Technical 
Coil, in Stuttgart. 



They called me deranged. The hope is that they are 
right. It is of no greater or lesser import for another fool 
to wander the earth. But if I am right and science is 
wrong - then may the Lord God have mercy on 

Viktor Schauberger 

The destructive and dissolving form of movement is 
centrifugal in Nature — it forces the moving medium 
from the centre outwards towards the periphery in 
straight lines. The particles of the medium appear to be 
forced out from the entre. The medium is first weaken- 
ed, then it dissolves and breaks up. Nature uses this ac- 
tion to disintegrate complexes which have lost their 
vivacity or have died. From the broken-down 
fragments, new co-ordinated forms, new identities can 
be created as a result of this concentrating form of 
movement. The centripetal, hyperbolic spiral movement 
is symptomatic of falling temperature, contraction, con- 
centration. The centrifugal movement, on the other 
hand, is synonymous with rising temperature, heat, ex- 
tension, expansion, explosion. In Nature, there is a con- 
tinuous switch from one movement to the other; but if 
development is to occur, then the movement of growth 
must be predominant." 



a) Institute of Ecological Technology (IET), Stockholm, Sweden (Box 9, S-942000 Elvsbyn, Sweden), 

Institute of Ecological Techniques (DIFOT), Copenhagen, Denmark (Ellebuen 21, DK-2950 Vedbek, Denmark). 

Two of the Scandinavian countries, Sweden and Denmark have formed development groups which are interested in 
the pioneering work of Viktor Schauberger and the prospects for reintroducing his advantageous environmental 

Towards the end of the 1950's, a Swedish science group was formed to carry out environmental improvement work 
and went through a series of evolutions to become the Institute for Ecological Technology, -established in 1979. Since 
that time their enrironmental improvement project effort has been centered on the past, historical work of Viktor 
Schauberger because of the tangible value of his series of environmental projects. Schauberger has constantly main- 
tained that all of our technology should be "going with the flow of nature" rather than attempting to force actions 
which are contrary to natural motions. 

Because of the growing problems of water pollution in all the industralized nations much of the current efforts are 
aimed at the various possible solutions to this problem, based on Viktor Schauberger's findings. In regard to clearing 
up polluted rivers, Viktor Schauberger maintained that by the simple addition of specially-shaped flutes carefully 
placed within the river bed, a beneficial spiralling flow would allow the rivers to clean themselves, naturally. Although 
he was usually rebuffed by the establishment in attempting to introduce this method, thankfully, his work is now be- 
ing continued today by these far-sighted European ecological groups. 

The development of the water-cleansing device mentioned in Proceedings from the First International Symnposium 
on Non-conventional Energy Technology held in Toronto, 1981, page 91 and shown in an early state of development 
has successfully been brought to an end in the Danish Institute of Ecological Techniques. It shall be put into manufac- 
ture in spring 1987 and will cost appr. US $100. Especially tests with seed-growing in the purified, cleansed and vitaliz- 
ed water have given surprising results. The device was originally given the research group in the final form from a 
medium claiming that UFO-intelligences had inspired her! 

b) Biotechnical Academy - Walter Schauberger (Son of Viktor) Austria 

The Biotechnical Academy was established, with direction by Walter Schauberger, with the purpose of furthering 
the pioneering work of Viktor Schauberger in both the theoretical and applied areas of the technology. 

The scientific team, under Walter Schauberger's direction, are working to match hardware environmental models 
with the corresponding attributes and motions of nature. They are attempting to validate each and every one of Viktor 
Schauberger's ecological findings and models to prove that our present technology direction is basically wrong! 

c) Energy Unlimited Albuquerque, New Mexico 

Walter P. Baumgartner, the director of Energy Unlimited is an advocate of Viktor Schauberger's technology and a 
believer in both natural vortex motion and implosion techniques. Energy Unlimited is now involved in developing an 
implosion motor to show the natural principle of vortex motion as a key to motion, propulsion and power. 

Designing, developing and testing are in progress at the present by an E.U. research team. 

In the case of the Implosion Motor there is no heat barrier, no sound barrier, because with friction at a minimum, 
no heat is generated. On the contrary, due to the sprial contraction of the water flow, there is cooling and this creates a 
vaccum which increases the suction pull. 

Schauberger’s models of ‘flying saucers’. 

A hyperbolic spiral with constantly changing curvature. 

A hyperbolic spiral is non-Euclidian in that it is formed of a 
continuous changing curve, in which the curvature becomes in- 
creasingly acute. It is an ‘open’ system rather than a closed 
system like a circle, which begins and ends at the same point, 
and which is therefore identically repetitious. Although existing 
technical terminology is at present inadequate, I believe the term 
‘hyperbolic centripetal spiral motion’ is more appropriate in this 
context. A hyperbolic spiral looks like this: 


University of LUND, Sweden, A very large energy converter by 
inventor Arno Werner. Opeational details are unknown at this 

!!What goes around, -comes around again!!! 

Death Technology or Biotechnology? 

How is this relevant to our present technology? Schauberger 
states as a central theme of his teaching that the whole of our 
modern technology is built upon the idea of breaking down, 
through the medium of heat, combustion, explosion, expansion. 
It occurred to Schauberger that the poor results found in 
modern technology come from Nature’s resistance to man’s 
single-minded pursuit of destruction and decomposiion. The 
overheating problem, air resistance, temperature and sound bar- 
riers, are evidence that man is on the wrong path. 

Viktor Schaugerger with a model of his domestic power station (1955) 

Graph of the tests in Stuttgart. The upper curve shows friction in 
a straight glass pipe; the middle curve, in a straight copper pipe; 
and the bottom curve, the spiral-wound copper pipe. The solid 
lines show measured value, and the broken lines the estimated 

litres per sec 
TO cm per sec. 



The recent scientific work of Joseph Newman has to be considered in the "Pathfinder" category since he has made 
not one, blit a number of significant new contributions to advanced electrical technology. While he has now received 
considerable publicity for his "motor-/thing," during early 1983 and later, the various theories and concept have been 
developed over the past fifteen years prior to these recent disclosures. 

Although the descriptions in the press refer to his unit as a "motor," the most desirable embodiment of his hard- 
ware is that of a low-speed motor-generator, as disclosed in his South African patent. In this desirable version of his 
motor/generator, the first key feature noted is the large field coil length and number of turns utilized. As Newman 
stated:-It is generally unrecognized by science that conventional copper conductors produce a useful magnetic field, 
and that the strength of this magnetic field within a field coil is directly proportional to the length/number of turns in 
these field coils. 

The second major contribution to electrical technology is the discovery by Newman that we should be considering 
other types of metallic conductors for their magnetic field strength levels, rather than by their conductivity levels 
alone, in regard to their use in motors and generators. This "Newman effect" has already lead to the discovery of 
plated types copper conductors such as tinned-copper buss wire which produce up to three times the magnetic field 
strengths, over plain copper conductors. 

Another major feature of his "pathfinding" motor/generator design is the introduction of an all-magnetic rotor as 
the rotor component which provides a very high level magnetic field interchange with the field coil, without any fer- 
rous drag present as in conventional electric motors/generators. Of significant importance to the generator portion of 
his technology is the application of a second identical, or nearly identical field coil which is inductively-coupled with 
the first, motor section field coil. It becomes readily apparent that this second field coil in close parallel proximity 
greatly benefits from being inductively-coupled to the first, motor field coil via the "Newman effect" or increased 
magnetic field level transferred from field coil to field coil. 

Obviously, such an astute combination of beneficial electrical functions can readily produce an "over-unity" out- 
put, which the U. S. Patent Office doesn't presently recognize as being possible. The worst point about this present 
situation with the Patent Office is that they have elected to "stonewall" the Newman patent application rather than 
consider it on its scientific merits, which are in numerous forms. 

As if his motor/generator, -operating on Faraday's principle is not enough, Joseph Newman has introduced two 
"solid state, "-or Maxwell Second Equation principle units which are noteworthy in their own right. The first of these 
units is known as the Gas Embodiment Unit, which consists of a series of permanent magnets which react with a gas 
within a sealed chamber environment. The gas within the inner sealed chamber reacts with the permanent magnets to 
produce an E.M.F. Since the gas contains an extremely large number of particles which are in continuous, random 
motion, and these are exposed to a varying magnetic field strength as they are in motion, and E.M.F. is produced, in 
compliance with Maxwell's Second Equation principles, although the expected E.M.F. output will be quite small. 

The second of the "solid state devices is known as the Static Emobidment which consists of a discrete combination 
of a horsewhoe type of permanent magnet and matched coil unit which interact to produce a small E.M.F. when a cor- 
rect alignment is obtained between them. This small device also apparently complies with Maxwell's Second Equation 
pinciples, although the expected E.M.F. output will be quite small. 

Joseph Newman has also made enlightening contributions towards the understanding of gyroscopic mechanical ac- 
tion within magnetic fields, ie: These particles consist of a gyroscopic mechanical action which can be operationally 
(mechanically) understood and predicted. Reference is made to his book: "The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman." 

a) The Newman Motor/Generator Principles 

Although the new motor/generator art of Joseph Newman has now been proven valid and workable, a considerable 
amount of practical development effort remains to be done before a practical and marketable machine will be 
available for private homes around the country. 

Since all the operating features are now basically established for Newman's machine, it remains for the individual 
components such as the magnetic rotor, field coils, commutator to be reduced in size and weight, while the E.M.F. 
output remains close to the original level. A number of companies have shown interest in producing Newman's 
motor/generator, but before any of these are selected, they must be prepared to convert Newman's present art to a 
practical and producable version, as described above. 

The present position of the Newman art reminds one of Chester Carlson's dry copier art, before the deal was made 
with Battelle Development Corp., to produce a marketable end product. After Battelle successfully developed a prac- 
tical dry copier, XEROX was formed, and the rest of the success story is history! 

There are some obvious design improvements which can convert the present Newman technology toward a practical 
end product, which are as follows: 

ljReplacement of the present ceramic (Ba-Fe) permanent magnets with the new N.I.B.-(neodynium-iron-boron) per- 
manent magnets to reduce both the size and weight of the magnetic rotor, while maintaining nearly the same magnetic 
field level for the rotor. 


2) The evolution of a new type of combined metallic conductor, which is either lighter (aluminum)/or produces a 
much higher magnetic field value than conventional copper conductors. 

3) The use of TWO inductively-coupled secondary coils, on either side of the main, motor field coil, so that TWICE 
the magnetic field strength is covnerted into a nearly DOUBLED E.M.F. to drive a larger load! ! Reference is made to 
FIG. 6, of the Newman South African Patent. 

A further close study of the various component relationship will probably reveal some other design improvements which can be 
adopted to bring this excellent, basic motor/generator art closer to practical realization. 

b) Electrodyne Corporation - Electromagnetic R & D for FIE Units 

The Electrodyne Corporation has been organized to carry out R & D effort in several design areas including dynamic Faraday 
systems, and solid state Maxwell-type devices. 

One of the projects is to design and build a conventional electromagnetic unit, generally similar to Dr. Kenyon's generator and 
combine this with a Searl effect section, as a hybrid system. 

Because of their basic belief in the value of Joseph Newman's new motor/generator art, these researchers are now actively 
seeking to improve combined metallic conductors, as a solution to Newman's design improvement needs, as per item 2, above. 

The project work in this area, to date, has already found that off-the-shelf -tinned-copper buss conductor wire produces approxi- 
mately three times the magnetic field level compared to plain copper conductor wire. 



May 26,1985 

1) Top coil of ferrous (steel) stranded picture wire, four (4) turns 
for an approximate length of fifteen (15) feet. 

2) Central coil of coppe r , s t r anded wire, -about fifty (50) turns, for 
a total length of 260 running feet. 

3) Lower coil of aluminum , stranded wire, -about twenty-two (22) turns 
total length of 116 running feet 

4) Replaced top coil of tinned copper solid conductor, 24 Gauge, -50 Ft. 

These conductor wire sizes and lengths were used from available 
stock on hand, which accounts for the random lengths. Although the wire 
sizes and lengths are not equal and not standard, the test results are 
never the less useful when general comparisons and interpolations are 
made . 

Input electrical source: 
One 12 volt automotive 
battery. - 

Load:- One small 12 VDC 
Permanent Magnet Motor 

Magnetic Test Devices:- 
Two Annis 5-0-5 
One Annis -20-0-20 
Medium Range 

One commom coil form, 

One ten gallon trash 
pail, plastic, as shown. 


1) The magnetic field strength of the copper coil was = 2-1/2 Gauss. 

2) The magnetic field strength of the aluminum coil was: 1 Gauss. 

3) The magnetic field strength of the ferrous coil was:- 1 Gauss. 

4) The magnetic field strength of the tinner/copper coil-1-1/2 Gauss. 

While these magnetic field strengths are very low, so are the number 
of coil turns, and total wire length, as noted. An important point est- 
ablished by these tests is that the magnetic field rating is directly 
proportional to the wire length, as indicated. 


These test results prove that Joseph Newman's contention that a 
magnetic field is produced around an electrical conductor carrying a 
small E.M.F. is correct, in all its implications. 



The following is a smaller unit (see photograph 15-C2 below) composed of 30-guage, insulated, copper wire 
weighing approximately 145 lbs. (atoms) and having a rotating magnet of 14 lbs. (atoms). This portable unit, with very 
little current input, clearly demonstates an energy output which is greater than the external energy input. With 300 
volts input of pressure, only 1 1/2 milliamps of current (volume of gyroscopic particles) went into the copper coil (of 
atoms), which is less than 1/2 watt input for an energy output in excess of 10 watts. 



Now, conduct another test with 5-gauge copper 
wire which has a resistance of .3133 Ohms for 1000 
feet. However, to equal the same resistance as in 15-A 
above, one must now use 3,348,000 feet of 5-gauge 
wire with a massive, total weight (of atoms composed 
of gyroscopic particles moving and traveling at the 
speed f light, i. e . , the mechanical essence of 
Einstein's Equation E = MC 2 ) of 335,469.6 lbs. or 
16.77 tons. Such wire is turned into a coil with a 
10-foot interior diameter and 8.32-foot height. This 
structure would have approximately a phenomenal 
90,000 turns of 5-gauge (copper atoms). If 100 volts 
were now connected to coil 15-B (see drawing 
below), then a current flow of approximately 95MA 
could occur with a total power input of 9.5 watts and 
a resulting, phenomenally larger magnetic field of 23.7 
Gauss, or 1,905 times larger for coil 15-B than for coil 
15-A, and 1 16 Joules of energy stored in the magnetic 
field of Figure 15-B below. This represents a phenom- 
enal 8 million times more energy than in the 
40-f’auge coil of 15-A above. 


not to scale — qualitative depictions only 


JOSEPH NEWMAN'S TECHNOLOGY - Multi Field Coil Concept 

Joseph Newman has something more to teach us with Figure 6, below, of his South African Patent!! 

Simply stated, he is showing us that we can use our input E.M.F. and apply it too! ! 

To clarify this above statement, Newman's S. A. patent art discloses that the initial E.M.F. can be used to run the 
motor portion of his unit (300) in the drawing, below, while the electrical field effect increases the magnetic field of the 
motor coils, (303), as was previously discussed and illustrated. 

The motor field coils (305) in turn, can be inductively coupled to one, two, or as an optimum of three induction 
coils, which then become E.M.F. generators, as (306) which will operate with no back-EMF involved. 

The multiple induction field coils (306) are illustrated below in schematic form. 

This is a very significant and momentus development in electrical engineering and specifically in electrical 
motor/generator design, which has not as yet had its full impact in the o/u/o field. 

A minimum of threefold electrical output over unity ratio can easily be expected with the maximum ratio yet to be 
determined. It is projected that the maximum output to input ratio could be as high as twenty-five to one, by the use of 
optimum field coil design, that is the use of at least three secondary field coils, as indicated, and the idealizing of all 
the functional components of the unit. 

From Bruney Research:- Any increased drain on the secondary coil windings will cause an increased current drain in 
the primary windings. However, the greater the current drain in the primary coils, the stronger the interaction between 
the primary coil and the permanent magnet (rotor). The result is that the increased current drain increases the output 
of the machine. The maximum output is, in turn, limited by the field strength of the permanent magnets. 

In summary, the addition of the multiple secondary coils should effectively increase both the output and efficiency 
of the machine. 


Statement of Roger Hastings, Ph.D. 

Before the Subcommittee on 

Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Government Processes 

Dated July 30,1986 


My name is Roger Hastings. Thank 
you for the opportunity to address this 
Committee. Before I discuss Dr. 
Newman's device, let me tell you 
something about my background, how 
long I've known Joe Newman, and 
then I'll make my observations about 
Newman's device, and repeat my 
criticisms of the recent N.S.B. tests of 
Newman's device. 


My education, through the Ph.D., is 
in physics. I have served as a Professor 
of physics for four years, and for the 
past five years I have worked as a 
physicist for the Sperry Corporation in 
St. Paul, Minnesota. My current title is 
Senior Staff Scientist, and I am the 
manager of Sperry's Superconductive 
Electronics Technology Center. 1 have 
known Mr. Joseph Newman for five 
years. During this time 1 have tested 
most of the many prototype motors 
which he has constructed, and I have 
witnessed testing by other technical 
people. I have become familiar with 
Mr. Newman's theories and attitudes. I 
represent myself in this matter, and 
have never represented Sperry Corp. 
regarding Mr. Newman or his 


Newman's motors all consist of a 
very powerful permanent- magnet 
which rotates or reciprocates within or 
near a coil consisting of a very large 
number of turns of copper wire. The 
coil is energized by a battery pack, and 
the magnetic field produced by the coil 
provides the torque or force required 
to rotate or reciprocate the permanent 
magnet. A mechanical commutator 
reverses the direction of current flow 
through the coil each half cycle, and in 
some models also chops the current in- 
put between current reversals. 
Technically, the motor may be describ- 
ed as a two pole, single phase, perma- 

nent magnet armature, d.c. motor. The 
difference between Newman's design 
and the prior art is one of scale: very 
large magnet and very large coil. 
Newman's large motors contain con- 
ventional ceramic magnets weighing up 
to 700 pounds. His smaller motors use 
powerful rare earth magnets. The coils 
typically are wound with more than 
100,000 turns of copper wire. Since the 
coil resistance is therefore high, the 
machines operate on battery voltage 
which is sufficiently high (hundreds to 
thousands of volts). 

The torque applied to the magnet in 
these motors is proportional to the pro- 
duct of the strength of the magnet, the 
number of turns of copper wire, and 
the current flowing through the wire. 
In Newman's machines extremely large 
torques can be developed with very 
small current inputs. If we scale up 
Newman's motor, it is theoretically 
possible to obtain infinite torques with 
infinitesimal current flow (and not 
violate any laws of physics). However, 
according to conventional thought, as 
soon as this magnet began to rotate, 
doing work against some load applied 
to its shaft, the back emf (elec- 
tromotive force) produced by the 
rotating magnet would produce a back 
current which nearly cancels the input 
current, and the torque would be 
reduced to nearly zero. The magnet 
could not rotate, or would rotate ex- 
tremely slow with the shaft power out- 
put less than the battery input. 

Consider what has happened to con- 
ventional thought in the past when 
people have experimented with the 
limits of very high speeds (relativity), 
very small dimensions (quantum 
mechanics), very low temperatures 
(superconductivity and superfluidity). 
Newman's motors probe the limits of 
very large torque with very small cur- 
rent input. And they do rotate at 
relatively high rates. For example, 
witness Newman's latest prototype (on 

demonstration following this hearing 
today in an auditorium in this 
building), which runs on 0.0008 amps 
at 3000 volts and turns a 16-inch fan 
blade at more than 500 r.p.m. How 
much torque can this motor produce? 
Try to stop the motor by holding the 
two-inch daimeter shaft. This will not 
be possible for a normal human, 
although the motor will never draw 
more than 0.003 amps or nine watts. 
This motor is a scale model of a motor 
which Newman intends to build to 
power an automobile. 

Newman's motors are unconven- 
tional in other ways. One notices the 
flourescent tubes which are placed 
across the motor coil. These tubes are 
lit by the coil's collapsing magnetic 
field occuring when the battery voltage 
is switched. They are used to protect 
the mechanical switch from damage 
due to arcing. The additional power 
produced in these tubes (and flowing 
through the system) occurs at very high 
frequencies, primarily in the range of 
ten to twenty million cycles per second. 
This r.f. (ratio frequency) current has 
been accurately measured, and exceeds 
the battery input current by factor of 
five to ten in the various motors. One 
of Newman's motors was monitored 
with a computerized high-speed data 
sampling system, with the following 

(1) The r.f. appears in bursts, with 
the repeat time between approximately 
equal to the length of the motor win- 
ding divided by the speed of light in 
copper. The r.f. bursts showed little at- 
tenuation during their travel through 
the coil, maintaining their shape and 

(2) The r.f. current and voltage were 
in phase, representing the real power. 

(3) The r.f. current and voltage 
wave-forms were offset from ground, 
indicating a net d.c. component. 


net d.c. component. 

(4) The net r.f. power at the battery pack 
represented a negative power which ex- 
ceeded the d.c. input power from the bat- 

The last statement may explain why 
Newman has been able to demonstrate the 
charging of dry cell batteries placed in his 
system. Battery failure has occurred through 
internal, shorts which develop within the 
batteries rather than by depletion of the 
energy stored within the batteries. When 
you witness the demonstration of New- 
man's latest prototype, if you attend the 
demonstration following his hearing, bear in 
mind that the batteries will last many times 
longer than expected for a drain of 0.0008 
amps. A prominent battery company is 
working with Newman to develop batteries 
which will stand up to the r.f. power levels, 
and perhaps last even longer. 

Newman's motor design is based on his 
theory of gyroscopic particles which he ex- 
plains in his book "The Energy Machine of 
Joseph Newman." Full utilization of his 
machine will require a detailed mathemati- 
cal representation of the phenomena based 
on a thorough understanding of the atomic 
processes at work. This will require a paral- 
lel program of experimentation using the 
finest resources available. Application pro- 
grams have already been conceived (for 
example, the car motor), and will require 
prototyping and manufacturing efforts. 
Newman should be immediately awarded a 
patent and become recognized in the scien- 
tific community for his accomplishments to 


I have been asked whether the recent 
N.B.S. tests alter the opinions I've expressed 
before and I'm repeating here today. The 
recent N.B.S. tests don't alter my opinion 
because N.B.S. failed to test Newman's 

I have read and evaluated the Newman 
motor test results reported by R. E. Hebner, 
G. N. Stenbakken, and D. L. Hillhouse in 
National Bureau of Standards Report 
#NBSIR 86-3405. [See "Report of Tests on 
Joseph Newman's Device," U.S. Dept, of 
Commerce, dated June 26, 1986, herein- 
after referred to as "the NBS Rpt. at ".] 

A. N.B.S.'s Energy "Output" 


While the reporters display fine creden- 
tials and demonstrate the use of precision 
equipment, they obviously did not test the 
Newman motor. Instead they measured the 
power consumed in resistors placed in par- 
allel with the Newman motor, and called 

this power the motor output. [See NBS Rpt. 
at 7. Fig. 4. "Schematic Drawing of New- 
man device and input and output power 
measurements circuits," reproduced with 
comments plainly referring to the "Resis- 
tors" as such in the accompanying chart.] 

In layman's terms, this is equivalent to 
stating that the output of an electric motor 
plugged into a wall socket is given by the 
power used by a lightbulb in the next room 
which is on the same circuit. The measure- 
ment of power consumed by these parallel 
resistors is clearly irrelevant to the efficiency 
of the Newman motor. 

The actual input power to the Newman 
Motor (battery input minus power con- 
sumed by their resistors) is referred to in the 
report as "internal losses." No attempt was 
made to measure the mechanical output of 
the Newman motor. Nor was any mea- 
surement made of heat generated in the 
motor windings. 

B. The Additional Energy N.B.S. 

Lost From The System 

It has been demonstrated by myself and 
others that much of the excess energy gener- 
ated in the Newman machine occurs at veiy 
high frequencies (in particular between 10 
and 20 MHz). It has also been demonstrated 
that the high frequency current will flow to 
the ground if given the opportunity. If New- 
man's machine is grounded through a high 
resistance, heat will be produced in the re- 
sistpr which represents an additional motor 
output. In the N.B.S. testing, the Newman 
motor was connected directly to ground, 
thus eliminating the excess r.f. power from 
the system [See NBS Rpt. at 7 (Fig. 4.) 
"Schematic Drawing of Newman device 
and input and output power measurement 
circuits," reproduced with comments plain- 
ly referring to the "Ground" as such in the 
accompanying chart.] The report states that 
"the power flow in the device is primarily a 
low frequency phenomena." This result was 
guaranteed by the test set up. Again, the 
oscillographs shown on page 3 of the report 
show clean low frequency waveforms. All 
oscilloscope waveforms which I have ob- 
served on Newman motors which are prop- 
erly connected, have by contrast been dom- 
inated by extremely large high frequency 

C. Conclusion 

In conclusion, the N.B.S. failed to mea- 
sure the output of the Newman motor, and 
instead measured the output of parallel re- 
sistors. hi addition, the primary r.f. energy 
generated by the machine was shunted to 
ground. Their measurements are therefore 
irrelevant to the actual functioning of the 
Newman device. These results reflect a total 

lack of communication between the N.B.S. 
and Newman or any other expert on New- 
man's technology. Considering the impor- 
tance of Newman's machine and its poten- 
tial applications, this waste of N.B.S. re- 
sources and misrepresentation of Newman's 
device is an insult to those seriously in- 
terested in the machine and to those who 
may benefit by its future applications. 


Preliminary Analysis of Newman Machines 


The essential efficiency mechanism within Newman 
Machines are the motions of flux lines either perpendicular 
or opposite to the rotation direction of a permanent 
magnet. Traditional equal and opposite CEMF (counter 
electromotive force) losses are circumvented, and the per- 
manent magnet is made to perform work via inductive in- 

General Description 

FIGURE 1 shows the basic components of a Newman 
Machine, consisting of a stationary conducting coil, a 
rotating permanent magnet, and a commutator which 
rotates with the magnet. 

About 24-28 times per 360° of magnet rotation, the com- 
mutator alternately switches drive current from a battery 
to the coil, then disconnects the drive current and series- 
connects the coil to an electrical load. The switching takes 
place rapidly, as a spark jumps across the commutator 
gaps for each switching event. The commutator also 
reverses the direction of the drive current to the coil every 
1 80° rotation. 

The sequence of events within the device are: 

1 . Energy, in the form of electric current from a battery, 
is supplied to the coil. As a result, one would expect: 

a. Part of the input energy is invested in a magnetic field 
which forms around the current flowing within the win- 
dings of the coil: and 

b. Part of the input energy is invested in the rotation of 
the magnet, as a result of the interaction between the 
permanent magnet and the field around the coil. 

2. Electric current from the battery to the coil ceases. The 
coil is immediately connected to a series electrical load. 
One result is that: 

a. Part of the input energy, stored in the coil magnet 
field, is delivered through the electrical load as the 
magnetic field collapses. 

If one considers only the induction action of flux lines 
rotating with the permanent magnet, one would expect 

b. The remaining part of the input energy, invested in 
magnet rotation, induces a current in the coil, which 
gives rise to an equal and opposite magnetic field 
around the coil that directly opposes the rotation of the 

The above results, however, do not reflect perpendicular 
or opposite motions of the permanent magnet flux lines 
relative to the coil windings. These flux motions are shown 
schematically in FIGURES 2-4. 

In FIGURE 2, a permanent magnet, 1, is free to rotate 
around pivot 2, under the influence of a coil of wire, 3. In 
these figures, a single conductor of the coil is shown for 
simplicity, but in practice many windings are used. The 
permanent magnet's lines of flux are shown in FIGURE 1 
by curved arrow-lines, 4. In FIGURE 1, no field is shown 
around winding 3, as no current is flowing in the winding. 

In FIGURE 3, the magnet is shown during the first 90° 
of rotation, with a drive current flowing through the win- 
ding that generates a magnetic field around the winding, as 
shown by arrow-lines 5. 

This winding field is of the same magnetic polarity as the 
magnet, and causes the magnet to rotate due to mutual 
magnetic repulsion. This mutual repulsion also causes the 
magnetic flux lines of the permanent magnet to be pushed 
inward and rotated forward of the magnet as shown. The 
forward displacement exists because the energy transfer 
between the drive current and the rotating magnet is im- 
peded by the moment of inertia of the magnet. The inertial 
mass cannot respond to instantaneous drive current 
changes, so not all the electrical input energy is effectively 
transformed and stored as kinetic energy of rotation. Con- 
trarily, the magnetic flux lines of the magnet are displaced 
instantly by instananeous changes of the same drive cur- 
rent, and therefore act as an energy storage means for that 
portion of the input energy which causes the deformation. 

If the drive current to the coil suddenly ceases (as it does 
in Newman Machines), the magnetic flux lines of perma- 
nent magnet expand outward and rearward to their 
original shape, releasing the energy stored during their 

The outward perpendicular expansion of the flux lines 
induces current in the winding as the flux lines cut across 
the conductors. The induced current is in a direction which 
magnetically opposes the advancing field of the permanent 
magnet; that is, the perpendicularly induced current is in 
the same direction as the original drive current. 

In FIGURE 4, the magnet is shown during the second 
90° of rotation, with a drive current as above passing 
through the winding. 

In this quadrant, the winding field is opposite to the 
polarity of the permanent magnet, and causes the magnet 
to rotate by magnetic attraction. This mutual attraction 
causes the magnetic flux lines of the permanent magnet to 
be pulled outward and rotated forward of the magnet, as 
shown by arrow-lines 6. This stretching of the field again 
acts as an energy storage means for that portion of the in- 
put energy which causes the stretching. 

If the drive current to the winding suddenly ceases (as in 
Newman Machines), the magnetic flux lines of the perma- 
nent magnet retract inward and rearward to their original 
shape, releasing the energy stored during their deforma- 

The inward perpendicular retraction of the flux lines in- 
duces current in the winding as the flux lines cut across the 
conductors. The induced current is in a direction which 
magnetically attracts the receeding field of the permanent 
magnet; that is, the perpendicularly induced current is 
again, in the same direction as the original drive current. 

The cycle is repeated for the third and fourth 90° 
quadrants of rotation, only with the drive current direction 


The switching rate of the commutator can be chosen to 
function in concert with the inertia of the rotating magnet 
so that potential CEMF's which could be created by 
magnet rotation are eliminated. If the drive current ceases 
while the magnet is still accelerating (i.e., while the 
magnetic field is still deformed), the magnetic flux lines 
retract across the winding in a direction opposite to the 
direction of magnet rotation. The switching rate can be 
made rapid enough so that induced currents in the positive 
direction diminish as the magnet rotation increases, but 
(oppoisng) CEMFs in the winding are never induced. 

Perpendicularly and oppositely induced currents only 
occur when the drive current to the winding ceases. Since 
the collapsing magnetic field around the winding (original- 
ly created by the drive current) also tends to induce a win- 
ding current in the same direction, the two induction ef- 
fect simultaneously add together. 

When the perpendicularly and oppositely induced cur- 
rents flow in directions to drive the magnet rotation, a dyn- 
amic interaction between these currents and the permanent 
magnet occurs. The deformity of the magnetic field 
reduces as the magnet rotates. The reducing deformity in- 
duces currents in the winding which increase the rotation 
rate of the magnet. Increasing the magnet rotation rate 
reduces the deformity more rapidly, which increases the 
rate of induction of current into the winding, further ac- 
celerating the magnet, etc. During this progressively in- 
creasing interaction, the permanent magnet performs work 
as it induces the complimentary current in the winding. 
This performance of work by the magnet is similar to the 
work performed by a magnet when attracting a piece of 
iron, although the mechanism for attraction is different. 

The mutual interaction tends to prolong the magnetic in- 
teraction times between the magnet and the winding until 
the drive current is again switched on at the beginning of 
the next pulse cycle. This prolonged and anomalously large 
current flow has been described in published tests of the 
Newman Machines. 

If the electrical load resistance in series with the coil is 
reduced in value (that is, if the electrical load increases), 
the effects of the perpendicular and opposite inductions in- 
crease as more current is allowed to flow through the coil. 
This in turn increases the complex interaction between the 
coil and the magnet; increasing the electrical load increases 
the rotation speed of the magnet and decreases the amount 
of input current required to drive the electrical output 
load. These traits have also been noted in reports on the 
Newman Machine. 

The energy source for the anomalously high output is 
the permanent magnet. The output trait of the machine to 
increase power output as the load increases is suggestive of 
a characteristic of the permanent magnet itself. 
As a heated permanent magnet material is cooled, it spon- 
taneously changes from a non-magnetic to a magnetic 
state. The effect is caused by the increasing alignment of 
unpaired elecrtron spins within the cooling material. As 
energy is removed from the material, a manifestation of 

progressively increasing energy (the magnetic field) occurs 
around the material. This trait of magnetic materials, in 
which the energy logic appears reversed, is termed a 
broken symmetry. It is this logic which is manifested by the 
energy output of the Newman Machines. 

The work must be performed either by the alignment of 
more election spins or by the spins themselves. (The work 
output cannot be performed by demagnetization, as 
demagnetization requires energy input.) 

If the work is performed by increasing spin alignment, 
thermal and flux strength measurements of the magnet 
should be undertaken. 

If the work is performed by the individual spins, other 
testing procedures may be necessary. Electron spin is a 
conserved quantity, now believed by physicists to be dic- 
tated by the higher dimensions of space-time structure as 
described in supersymmetry theories. These therories have 
evolved via high-energy (creation) schemes: low energy ef- 
fects have not been anticipated. If individual electron spins 
perform work in the Newman Machines, it is likely that a 
low-energy supersymmetric field connection exists in order 
to maintain the invariance of electron spins. 

In either circumstance, the efficiency of the device will 
diminish as the magnet loses its magnetism. Assuming no 
demagnetization effects created by alternating magnetic 
fields present during device operation, and assuming a 
good magnet is estimated to lose about 5% of its strength 
every 100 years due to ambient thermal effects, the device 
will be down to half its power output in about 1300 years. 




In the "preliminary analysis," the focal point was the unique inductive "backlash" effect which reverses the effect 
of Lenz's Law. Lenz's Law is the means by which energy is conserved during the "traditional" processes of induction. 
The induced field must act so as to oppose the change that is causing it, thus preventing the induced emf from ex- 
ceeding unity gain. Quoting, for example, from a freshman college text (Physics, A Discovery Approach, Edwards, 
S., 1971, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., NY, p. 205), "If the induced field should act so as to enhance (rather than oppose) 
the change in flux. ..(initial) change." (There are many similar statements in other textual material.) It is this exact 
"snowball" effect between the magnet and winding which causes the permanent magnet to perform work in Newman 
Devices, thus producing higher- than-unity energy output. 

This inductive blacklash effect must be optimized with respect to both the inertial moment of the permanent magnet 
and the inductive time constant of the coil in order to maximize efficiency. The time constant of the inductor must be 
faster than the angular acceleration of the magnet, but not so fast that the inertial mass of the magnet does not res- 
pond to the impulses created. This timing is, in turn, directly related to the "ideal matching." 

This "ideal matching" consideration requires a clear understanding of the associated engineering and physical 
parameters of the coil. 

The first parameter is the inductance of the coil. The formula for coil inductance is: 


R ' 


9 R + 1 0 .£ 

where R is the winding radius 

N is the number of turns 
X is the length of the coil 
L is the inductance. 

Assoc» ated with this inductance is the time constant of 
the coil (wherein the current flowing in the coil has reached 
63.2 percent of it’s Ohm's law value), given by the expression: 

where t is the time constant 

L is the inductance 
R is the resistance 

It is clear from this formula that increasing the 
inductance causes the current flow to rise more slowly to 
it's Ohm's law value (I = E ) , because more energy is being 
stored in Lhe magnetic R field as the current flow 
increases "to the Ohm's law value. 

The energy stored in the magnetic field around the 
coil, ignoring resistive losses, is given by: 

W = i LI 2 

where W is the energy stored in the magnetic field 

L is the coil inductance 
I is the current 

It should be clear from these three formulas that the increased magnetic field observed around larger coils comes 
from an increased time constant and increased inductance. Relating the magnetic field energy around the coil ex- 
clusively to a "steady state" Ohm's law current can be misleading for Newman type devices. 

In the third paragraph on page two of your October 6, 1986 presentation on Newman technology, a confirmation 
was mentioned that tinned copper produces a higher magnetic field than plain copper. Since no measurements or 
quantities were given on the degree of difference, it would be difficult to comment on other than saying that the dif- 
ference observed may be attributable to difference of inductances or differences in magnetic susceptabilities between 
the materials compared. 


The magnetic field of the coil will create a torque on the magnet. For example, if we assume that the magnet is in the 
center of the coil, if the magnet is assumed to be perpendicular to the axis of the coil, and if the magnetic field intensity 
is assumed to be uniform, the resulting torque on the magnet would be: 

L = miH 

where m is the pole strength of the magnet 

i is the length of the magnet 

H is the magnetic field intensity of the coil 
L is the torque on the magnet 

The product m£ is the magnetic moment of the magnet, 
sometimes represented by M. If the magnet subtends an angle 
H with the direction of the field, the torque acting upon the 
magnet is: 

L = MH sin £ 

If the noment of inertia of the magnet is A, then the 
angular acceleration^, of the magnet, ignoring frictional 
and flux leakage losses, is: 

By adjusting the above coil and magnet parameters, the 
efficiency of the Newman devices can be optimized. 

I hope that these additional details provide some extra 
"food for thought", and I look forward to corresponding fur- 
ther with y<bu on the subject. I am convinced that, once all 
of the factors of the device are satisfactorily expressed in 
established scientific terms, everyone will benefit. 

Sincerely , 

Paul Bruney 



Paramahanaa Tavari 
Department of Atomic Energy 
Nuclear Power Board 
Bombay, India 

Ab e t ra c t — Recent experimente perfor- 
med for generation of electric power through 
a machine operating on new basic principles 
have shown that an output power greater than 
input can be generated. It is shown in this 
paper that the origin of additional power is 
from absolute vacuum which can be rotated to 
produce electric charge. The computation of 
energy in the rotating vacuum has been done 
with the use of new fundamental relation- 
ships on electron's charge and electron's 
rest-mass derived from electron structure in 
authors works Cl) that discuss dynamics of 
vacuum and show interrelat ionships of space 
(absolute vacuum), energy and electron. 


It has been recently reported by Bruce 
De Palma C2[J that in a new machine (electri- 
cal generator) measured output exceeds input 
— ^ by a factor of 4.$^. As described In Fig. 1 A, 
De Palma trombly [|J"J machine i3 eosontially 
a conducting cylindrical magnet rotated at 
high speed around its axis with magnetic 
field parallel to the axis. Since there is 
no relative motion between the magnetic 
field and the conducting cylinder, the 
appearance of dc voltage betweon the shaft 
and the periphery, and consequent generation 
of power cannot be due to Faraday's law of 
electro-magnetic induction. 

In order to have an independent check 
on the above results, experiments have been 
carried out on a similar machine constructed 
by the author at Tarapore atomic Power 
Station. The test results have ahown an 
— * efficiency of the machine above 250ft . The 
experimental results in which the output is 
larger than the input by a factor more than 
unity are in violation of the 'law of conser- 
vation of energy' unless it ia chown theore- 
tically that the additional power ia genera- 
ted in the interatomic space of the rotating 
cylinder and without the requirement of an 
equivalent input to the drive motor. A 
theoretical -proof of gonerotion of power 
frem apace in the above experiments ia 
obtained in this paper with the use of new 
fundamental equations on eleotron'e charge 
and electron's rest-mass derived in £1] 


O.t INPUT — ^ uiyi* ■ 1 j 





( FIG - IA ) 


Tho oentrol concept introduced ir. [.T] 
is thst space, rather than being an espty 
sxtinsiOB, is s nonmaterial and mobile 
entity which generates, with its irrot&t ior.- 
al vortex motion, 'velocity field' (V7), 
defined as the most fundamental universal 
field from which charge, mass and the 
aeoociated electromagnetic and cr ovitaticnal 
fielda are produced. In Fig.2A, an irrota- 
tional vortex of apace and VF vector are 
ehown. The non-noterial properties of space 
are continuity, inc ompreseibility , nonvioco- 
eity and loro-iuso. 

The other postulate Cl] ie the limiting 
spin of apace, defined as the ratio of the 
limiting speed of light { c ) in absolute 
vacuus and the radius (r. ) of a spherial 
void created due to the breakdown of space 
(Fig. 2B) when spin reaches the limiting 
value (to) . The ophorical void ie a 'fieldlesa 
hole in apace at the centre of electron. 

The electron structure , rather than being a 
point-eharge , ia an irrotaticnal vortex of 
space around a central void. 

Fundamental Eouatione on Electron's Char-e 
and Mace ■ 

Following fundamental aquations derived 
from void-vortex structure of electron are 
relevant to the computation of rotational 
ohargs snorgy produced in the new machine. 


Refer Pic. 29 which ohow 0 opin of ooaco at 
void-epoce intorface. At the elemental 
surface* tangential velocity of space is 
u> r fi sin 0 , which increases to its limitinc 
value c at the dimetrical section of the 
interface. The basic definitions for 
electron's charge, reat-maes and dilectric 
constant for vacuum are: 

<J e - ( */4) (4 JIr # 2 c) ( 1 ) 


<J. # in the electron' e charge 
r # ie tho radius of apherical void 
o ie the lieht apeed in vacuum 

Hence, it follows that the dimensions of 

are * 


- l 3 /t 


m e 

■ ( 4 JT /3) c 





ia the electron's reet-mass. 

Hence, i 

t follows thnt the dimensions 


mass ro 





- l 4 /t 


WHEN r - r e , u c c. 


AND u = cr e /r 



FIG. - 2A 



dm s t»rr’ SIN*0 r, dS |ur e SIN8 




s /’’ cr « S,N ^ d9 * (4,f/ '3 |r J c 





dq * dA Wr ( SIN 8 I 



l2Hr f SIN8 r f d8l lJr,SlN8l 

q ( . (ir/A | (IffrJ Cl 



void-radius r t ss io‘" cm VOID CENTRE OF ELECTRON 



In CGS system, dilcctric constant for vacuum 
% taking as the unit of electric charge 

(in place of CGSE Unit) is given by: 

Cq ■ yf / 2 e (5) 

Substituting in ( 1) experimentally determined 
nlua, q„ - 4.S x 10'® CGSE units, and 
supposing C*] the valuo of void radiua 
r g - 1 . 5 x 1 0 ' n cm, 

om 3 /e - (7.2) COSE ( 6 ) 

of electrons (tl ) equivalent to choree q 
will be : e r 

- 2066.4 x 10 5 /4.8 x 10 * 10 ( 11 ) 

- 4.30 x 10 1 7 

Energy in the electrostatio field of II 
electrons is computed as below: 

Electrostatic energy (u) of a point-charge 
as per conventional physics is given by : 

The above supposition on the radius of 2 _ »«. 

electron io based on the following extract U - | T | °° ( 1 2 ) 

C4J • "If we proceed from modern theoretical 2 6 q) L r J 0 

electrodynamics, which has been established 

better than any other field theory, the where r, the radial distance from the charge 

conclusion seems to be that the electron has centre, varies from zero to infinity. Vith 

enormous dimensions, not 10' 13 cm, as expect- void-centre of electron, the minimum value ol 
ed from classical physics, but 1 0’ 11 cm is r is taken as r® ( and not zero) 6 ince void is 

the size of the region in which the vacuum field-less zone. (The present difficulty in 

about tho electron io polarizod", physics of infinito quantity of energy in the 

field of a point-charge io avoided with vo id - 
GENERATION OF SPACE POWER centre structure of electron) . 

As shown in Fig. 2B , for confutation of 
electron's charge on interface, tho product 
of speed of opinning opace at the elemental 
surface and its area dA io taken. This 
indicates that for all values of VF varying 
from zero to c, charge is produced. 

Therefore, rotation of cylindrical surface 
at A will generate in it 3 interatomic opace 
rotational charge (q rQ ) Given by similar 
relationship as for electronic charge. 
Neglecting the area occupied by atomic 
nuclei and orbital electrons at surface A, 

q ■ space surface x rotational speed 
1-0 « (2 n rL) (2 Jlrll) (7) 


r is the outer radiuo of rotor 
L is the rotor length 

N is revolution per sea. 

Rotational charge generated at the 
cylindrical surface A io : 

q ri - (2 Hr ± L) (a^H) (8) 


is tho radiua of the inner rotor. 

Since the direction of the magnetic field in 
the outer rotor at surface A is opposite to 
that in the inner rotor surface K , the net 
rotational charge (q ) generated in the 
rotor ie I 

q r - q ro - q rl - 4 R *LN( r 2 -r^ 2 ) (9) 

In eloctron structure (Fig. 23) , the V? 
distribution is axi-sycmetric , and consequen- 
tly the charge diotribution on the interface 
is also axi- symmetric rather than being 
spherically symmetrical as in case of a poirrb 
charge. The co-efficient, JT /4 , appears in 
( 1 ) because of axi-symmetr ic charge distribu- 
tion, and will be dropped for a spherically 
symmetric charge distribution. Equation I 1 ) 
for spherically symmetric charge will 
thereforo become: 

9 e - 4Jlr # 2 c (13) 

Substituting the value of 6 0 from (5) in 
( 12 ) and from ( 13 ) expressing q = in terms 
of r # and c . 

U - (4J1r # 2 c) 2 /2 (4H 2 /2c) r^ 

- (3/n ) (4lr e 5 c) /3. 

which from (3) becomes: 

U - (3/n ]m # c 2 - (3/n )l0' 6 erge. (14) 

Net energy produced from rotational charge 
from ( 11 ) and ( 14 

E - (4.30 x 10 17 ) (3/n )10 -6 ergs. 

= 41kWs ( 15 ) 

which is close to the maximum 45-6 k*.*7 power 
drawn from the machine. 

In CGS system, substituting the values in 
(9), L - 23.495 cm. N - 120 r/s, r -17.78 cm, 
tv - 7.62 cm, 

q r - 287 x 10 5 cm 3 /s. 

Converting cm 3 /# to CGSE units from ( 6 ) , 

q r « 2066.4 x 10 5 CGSE units (10) 

Sines q^ • 4.8 x 1 0 -1 0 CGSE unit, numbers 

Generation of Pres Electrons 

Rotational charge i 3 added to the neutrd 
system of atoms at surface A and A thus 
causing release of orbital electrons from the 
atoms. Tho free electrons are oriented by 
the magnetic field B such that the angular 
momentum of the electron is parallel tc 3 
vector (Fig.3A). Tho VT produced due to 
rotation of oylindcr interacts with the VF in 
ths vortex structure of eloctron (Fig. 33) 
pushing electrons to on. eid., thus creatine 


> : * t>: irm, the resulting torque cm 

positive ftnl negative polarities (Fig, 1 A) 
bstwsen ths shaft and tha surface A* • 
Oopooito polarities develop between the shaft 
and the surface A, due to oppooite diroction 
of B and conseauently opposite orientation 
ox free electrons. 

Constancy of Space Power Generation . 

The property of nonviecosity of space 
maintains the rotational charge energy in 
the rotor without any dissipation. The 
energy from VF is taken for the releaeo of 
orbital electrons from the atoms. When the 
load circuit is closed, the electrons return 
through the load circuit to the positive 
pole, unite with positively charged atoms 
and give off energy to VF which again 
releases orbital electrons, thus completing 
the cycle. Tho VF in the rotor is superpos- 
ed with oppooite VF when the machine is 
brought to rest due to retardation of tho 
rotor and space power generation reduces to 

Output to Input Ratio Higher than Unity . 

In conventional generators, the direct- 
ion of the load current through the armature 
(Fig. 4A) is such that the interaction oi 
its magnetic field with the main exciter 
field results in tho generator rotor being 
rotated against the magnetic force , and for 
1 00£ efficiency, output equals input. As 
shown in Fig. 3B, the eleotron drifts 
'sideways' in the rotor of tho Space Power 
Generator (SPG) such that the piano of its 
magnetic field is at right angles to B, thus 
causing no interaction with B. The flow of 
electrons in ths rotor of SPG due to 
external load current, thus, does not cause 
any drag on the rotor. The conventional 
principle of equality of electrical output 
with input will not be violated if the 
generation of continuous power due to the 
rotation of interatomic space is taken into 
account. (Further tests on SPG that arc 
bsing conducted by the author at Taraporo 
Atomic Power Station will provide additional 
informations for fuller underotanding of 
this unique power generating system.) 

Space-Energy Relation . 

Consider the case when power is tapped 
from surfaco A, and magnetic field is 
supposed to be. in tho whole volume of ths 
rotor, in the samo direction. From (9) and 
further calculations for power generation as 
per (15)* it can be shown that, 

P - (1.8) * IN r 2 10~ 5 kW, (16) 

where, P is pow.r In kW. 

It 1. ...n from (16) that pow.r produ- 
ced 1. independent of magnetic field atrenc- 
th. The magnetic field B, however deter- 
mines the voltage developed, ae shown below. 
The force developed on electrons due to 
equivalent charge, q r , la given by Lorenti 1 

P - q r B(2 HU r). 

►•ACNr* ficio 







(FIGURE - 3A) 








FIG. - 3B 







FIG. - U A 


2 r.ergy required to create electric potential 
between the shaft and surface A will bo. 

Energy ■ B(2/IN r) r/ 2, 

anl voltage, V, which is, Energy/q r , 
given by 

V . B (2tK) r 2 /2 


The Generation of eloctrio choree by 
high speed rotation of absolute vacuum, in a 
magnetic conducting cylinder and sustaining 
the charge without any appreciable loss, 
provides a viable means o^ power production 
from the limitless source of space substra- 
tum. The higher output of space power 
generator over the input to its drive-motor 
pinpoints the fact that the absolute vacuum 
in a dynamic state, is the basic source of 
power. The new fundamental equations on 
electron's reet-mass and charge, which 
enable computation of rotational charge 
generated from the absolute vacuum, the non- 
material properties of vacuum, and void- 
centre structure of electron (rather than 
point-oharge ) are vindicated. The sphore of 
void at electron's centre should have radius 
of about 1.5 x 10" 11 era. is the prediction 
that follows from the experimental test 
discussed in this paper. 

The numerous experiments carried out by 
Bruce De Palma since 1 970, as given in his v 
reports sent regularly to author and author's 
own more recent experiments confirm the fact 
that electric power can be generated from 
space at efficiency greater than unity. 


i) Paramahamsa Tewari- 'Beyond Matter", 
Printwell Publications, Aligarh, 
India (19C4). 

ii) Paramahamsa Tewari- "Space is the 
absolute reality". Proceedings of 
International Conference on Space 
Time Absoluteness , Genoa (1982). 
Stefan Marinov, James Paul Wesley, 
Eds., International Publishers, 
East-West, Italy, via Puggia 47, 
16131 Genova, pp . 1 52 - 163. 

iii) Paramahamsa Tewari -"The Origin of 
Electron's Maes, Charge, Gravita- 
tional and Electromagnetic Fields 
from the 'Empty' Space", Aligarh, 
India (1982). Printwell Publica- 

iv) Param&hamoa Tewari - "Space Vorti- 
ces of Energy and Matter", Bharat 
Prakaohan Mandir, Aligarh, India 

(1 978). 

▼ ) Faramohan.a lowon -"Th, Substan- 
tial Space and Void Natur. of 
Clemantary Material Particles", 
Biiarat Prakaohan Mandir, Alioarh, 
India (1977). 

"Critique of the '/-machine constructed 
by Trombly and Kahn. Bruce De PoXr.a, 
B.Sc. Electrical Engg. # £ Lecturer, 
M.I.T., Director, De Palma Institute, 
Santa Barbara, California, USA. 

Report dated 11,10.65. 

3. Adam Trombly, M.Sc. Astrophysics, 
Research Physic iot , ACME Research, 

San Rafael, California, USA. 

Closed path Homopolar Machine - Adan 
Trombly and Kahn. Patent co-operation 
Treaty, Publication No* W0G2/0212C, 

24th June 1982. 

4. D.I. Blokhintsev, "Problems of the 
Structure of Elementary Particles". 
Philosophical Problems of Elementary 
Particle Physics, Procrens Publishers. 
Moscow, pp. 56-63. 

5- Bruce De Palma - "Extraction of 

Electrical Energy directly fren space - 
The "N" Machine. Report No.13» 

9.3.1979, "Rotation of a magnetised 
Gyroscope - the "N" Machine. P.eport 
N 0.21 , 16.7.1979; "The Secret of the 
Faraday Disc". Report No. 55, 

2.2.1 984. 


The author is grateful to Mr. Bruce De 
Palma for sonding the recults of many experi- 
ments done by him. 

Paramahamsa Tewari was born on January 6, 
1937. He received B . Sc . Enginee rir.g 
(Electrical) decree from Banarae Engineering 
College, Banaras Hindu University, India, 
in 1958. 

After working initially in Bhilai Steel 
Project on electrical installations, he 
joined Department of Atomic Energy and 
worked at Plutonium Plant on electrical 
works. For one year he was deputed to 
Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station 
( 1964 - 65 ) for training in field engineering 
and installation of electrical equipment in 
Nuclear Power Projects. He worked as 
Erection Superintendent (Electrical) at 
Rajaothan Atomic Power Projoct, Deputy Chief 
Engineer at War ora Atomic Po^er Project, 
Chief of Transmission, in National Thermal 
Power Corporation, India, and presently ia 
Head, Quality Assurance, 500 KWe Group, 
Nuclear Power Board, Department of Atonic 

He has authored works on electron structure 
with space dynamics. 




» » • • 4 »*Ti i ■ 1 ; 

rStos - * 

Figure 1 (a) - Sunburst Homopolar Generator (side view 

Figure 1 (b) - Output end detail 


Homopolar "Free-Energy" Generator 

Robert Kincheloe 

Professor of Electrical Engineering (Emeritus) 
Stanford University 

Paper presented at the 1986 meeting 
of the 

Society for Scientific Exploration 
San Francisco 

June 21, 1986 


Known for over 150 years, the Faraday homopolar generator 
has been claimed to provide a basis for so-called "free-energy" 
generation, in that under certain conditions the extraction of elec- 
trical output energy is not reflected as a corresponding mechanical 
load to the driving source. 

During 1985 the author was invited to test such a machine. 
While it did not perform as claimed, repeatable data showed 
anomalous results that did not seem to conform to traditional 
theory. In particular, under certain assumptions about internally 
generated output voltage the increase in input power when power 
was extracted from the generator over that measured due to fric- 
tional losses with the generator unexcited seemed to be about 26% 
of the maximum computed output power. 

The paper briefly reviews the homopolar generator, describes 
the tests on this particular machine and summarizes the resulting 

The Sunburst Homopolar Generator 

In July, 1985, the author was invited to examine and test a 
so-called free-energy generator known as the Sunburst N 
Machine. This device was designed by Bruce DePalma and con- 
structed with the support of the Sunburst Community in Santa 
Barbara, CA, about 1969. The term "free-energy" refers to the 
claim by DePalma 1 (and others 2 ) that it was capable of producing 
electrical output power that was not reflected as a mechanical load 
to the driving mechanism but derived from presumed latent energy 
of a spatial magnetic field. 

Apart from mechanical frictional and electrical losses inherent 
in the particular construction, the technique employed was 
claimed to provide a basis for constructing a generator which 
could supply the energy to provide not only its own motive power 
but also additional energy for external use. From August 1985 to 
April 1986 a series of measurements were made by the author to 
test these claims. 

Generator Description 

Details of the generator construction are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. 
It consists essentially of an electromagnet fomied by a coil of 3605 
urns of #10 copper wire around a soft iron core which can be 
rotated with (he magnetic field parallel to and symmetrical around 
the axis of rotation. At each end of the magnet are conducting 
bronze cylindrical plates, on one of which are arranged one set of 
graphite brushes for extracting output current between the shaft 
and the outer circumference, and a second set of metering brushes 

Figure I - Sunburst Homopolar Generator - side view 


The generator may be recognized as a so-called homopolar, or 
acyclic machine, a device first investigated and described by 
Michael Faraday 3 in 1831 and shown schematically in Fig. 3. It 
consists of a cylindrical conducting disk immersed in an axial 
magnetic field, and can be operated as a generator with sliding 
brushes extracting current resulting from the voltage induced 
between the inner and outer regions of the disk when the rotational 
energy is supplied by an external driving source. The magnitude of 
the incremental radial generated voltage is proportional to both 
the strength of the magnetic field and the tangential velocity, so 
that in a uniform magnetic field the total voltage is proportional to 
the product of speed times the difference between the squares of 
the inner and outer brash radii. The device may also be used as a 
motor when an external voltage produces a radial current between 
the sliding brushes. 

There have been a number of commercial applications of 
homopolar motors and generators, particularly early in this cen- 
tury 4 , and their operating principles are described in a number of 
texts. 5 . The usual technique is to use a stationary magnet to 
produce the magnetic field in which the conducting disk (or 
cylinder) is rotated. Faraday found, however, that it does not 
matter whether the magnet itself is stationary or rotating with the 
disk as long as the conductor is moving in the field, but that 
rotating the magnet with the conducting disk stationary did not 
produce an induced voltage. He concluded that a magnetic field is 
a property of space itself, not attached to the magnet which serves 
to induce the field. 6 

DePalma claimed 7 that when the conducting disk is attached to 
a rotating magnet, the interaction of the primary magnetic field 
with that produced by the radial output current results in torque 
between the disk and the magnet structure which is not reflected 
back to the mechanical driving source. Lenz's law therefore does 
not apply, and the extraction of output energy does not require 
additional driving power. This is the claimed basis for extracting 
"free" energy. Discussions of the torque experienced by a rotating 
magnet are also discussed in the literature, 
for independently measuring the induced voltage between these 
locations. A third pair of brushes and slip rings supply the current 
for the electromagnet. A thick sheath of epoxy-impregnated fiber- 
glass windings allow the magnet to be rotated at high speed. 

Because the simple form shown in Fig. 3 has essentially one 
conducting path, such a homopolar device is characterized by low 
voltage and high current requiring a large magnetic field for useful 
operation. Various homopolar devices have been used for special- 
ized applications 9 (such as generators for developing large currents 
for welding, ship degaussing, liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic 
pumps for nuclear reactor cooling, torquemotors for propulsion, 
etc.), some involving quite high power. These have been exten- 
sively discussed in the literature, dealing with such problems as 
developing the high magnetic fields required (sometimes using 
superconducting magnets in air to avoid iron saturation effects), 
the development of brushes that can handle the very high currents 
and have low voltage drop because of the low output voltage 
generated, and with counteracting armature reaction which oth- 
erwise would reduce the output voltage because of the magnetic 
field distortion resulting from the high currents. 

From the standpoint of prior art. DcPalma's design of the 
sunburst generator is inefficient and not suitable for power 

1 . The magnetic field is concentrated near the axis where 

the tangential velocity is low, reducing the generated voltage. 

2. Approximately 4 kilowatts is required to energize the 
magnet, developing enough heat so that the device can only be 
operated for limited periods of time. 

3. The graphite brushes used have a voltage drop almost 
equal to the total induced voltage, so that almost all of the 
generated power is consumed in heating the brushes. 

4. The large contacting area (over 30 square inches) of the 
brushes needed for the high output current creates considerable 
friction loss. 

However, this machine was not intended as a practical genera- 
tor but as a means for testing the free energy principle, so that from 
this point of view efficiency was not required. 

DePalma's Results with the 
Sunburst Homopolar Generator 

In 1980 DePalma conducted tests with the Sunburst generator, 
describing his measurement technique and results in an unpub- 
lished report 10 . The generator was driven by a 3 phase a-c 40 
horsepower motor by a belt coupling sufficiently long that mag- 
netic fields of the motor and generator would not interact. A table 
from this report giving his data and results is shown in Fig. 4. For a 
rotational speed of 6000 rpm an output power of 7560 watts was 
claimed to require an increase of 268 watts of drive power over 
that required to supply losses due to friction, windage, etc. as 
measured with the output switch open. If valid, this would mean 
that the output power was 28.2 times the incremental input power 
needed to produce it. 


Several assumptions were made in this analysis: 


machine speed: 
drive motor current no load 
drive motor current Increase 
when N machine is loaded 

Voltage output of N generator no load 
Voltage output of N generator loaded 
Current output of N generator 

(225 m.v. across shunt 3 50 m.v./l600 amp.) 

6000 r.p.m. 

15 amperes 

1/2 ampere max. 

1.5 volt3 d.e. 

1.05 v.d.c. 
7200 amperes 

Bruce DePalma 

Power output of N machine 

Incremental power ratio = 7560 


Internal resistance of generator 

7560 watts = 10.03 H.p. 

28^2 watts out 
watts in 

62.5 micro-ohms 

Reduction of the above data gives as the equivalent circuit for the 
machine : o. , 

c.2. S p-o- 

1. The drive motor input power was assumed to be the 
product of the line voltage and current times the appropriate 
factor for a three-phase machine and an assumed constant 80% 
power factor. There was apparently no consideration of phase 
angle change as the motor load increased. This is clearly incor- 
rect, since inclusion of phase angle is essential in calculating 
power in an a-c circuit, particularly with induction motors. It 
might also be noted that the measured incremental line current 
increase of 0.5 ampere (3.3%) was of limited accuracy 

obtained with the analog clamp-on a-c ammeter that was used. 

2. The output power of the generator was taken to be the 
product of the measured output current and the internally 
generated voltage in the disk less the voltage drop due only to 
internal disk resistance. Armature reaction was thus neglected 
or assumed not to be significant. 

3. The generated voltage which produced the current in 
the main output brushes was assumed to be the same as that 
measured at the metering brushes, and the decrease in metered 
voltage from 1.5 to 1.05 volts when the output switch is closed 
is assumed to be due to the internal voltage drop resulting from 
the output current tlowing through the internal disk resistance 
that is common to both sets of brushes and calculated to be 62.5 

Of these, the first assumption seems most serious, and it is the 
opinion of this author that some of DcPalma's numerical 
results are questionable. A similar conclusion was reached by 
Tim Wilhelm of the Stelle Community in Illinois" who 
witnessed tests by DePalma in 1981. 

Recent Tests of the Sunburst Generator 
by the Author 

Being intrigued by DcPalma's claims, the author accepted the 
offer by Mi'. Norman Paulsen, founder of the Sunburst Commun- 
ity, to conduct tests on the generator which had not been used since 
the tests by DePalma. 

Experimental Setup 

A schematic diagram of the test arrangement is shown in Fig. 5. 
The generator is coupled by a belt to the drive motor behind it, 
together with the power supplies and metering both contained 
within and external to the Sunburst power and metering cabinet. 
The panel of the test cabinet provided power for the generator 
magnet and motor field. Meters on the panel were not functional 
and were not used; external meters were supplied. 
It was decided to use a d-c drive motor, primarily to facilitate 
load tests at different speeds and to simplify accurate motor input 
power measurements. The actual motor used was a surplus d-c 
generator from a DC-6 aircraft, rated at 400 amperes at 30 volts 
output from 3000 to 8000 rpm and capable of over 40 hp when 
used as a motor with appropriate forced air cooling. Half of the 
motor brushes were removed to reduce friction losses. Referring to 
Figure 9. variable d-c supplies for the motor armature and field 
and the homopolar generator magnet were provided by variacs 
and full-wave bridge rectifiers. Voltages and currents were mea- 

Continued on page 26 


Continued from page 23 

' ured with Micronta model 11-191 3 Vi digit meters calibrated to 
better than 0.1% against a Hewlett Packard 740B Voltage Stand- 
ard that was accurate to better than .005%. Standard meter shunts 
together with the digital voltmeters were used to measure the 
various currents. With this arrangement the generator speed could 
be varied smoothly from 0 to 7000 rpm, with accurate measure- 
ment of motor input power, metered generator output voltage Vg 
and generator output current Ig. Speed was measured with a 
General Radio model 1531 Strobotac which was accurate to 
better than 2%. 

Sunburst Homopolar Generator Test 

Generator Tests 

Various tests were conducted with the output switch open to 
confirm that generated voltage at both the output brushes ( Vp r ) 
and metering brushes were proportional to speed and magnetic 
field, with the polarity reversing when magnetic field or direction 
of rotation were reversed. Tracking of Vg and Vbr with variation 
of magnetic field is shown in Fig. 6, in which it is seen that the 
output voltages are not quite linearly related to magnet current, 
probably due to core saturation. The more rapid departure of Vg 
from linearity may be due to the different brush locations as seen 
on Fig. 3. differences in the magnetic field at the different brush 
locations, or other causes not evident. An expanded plot of this 
voltage difference is shown in Fig. 7, and is seen to considerably 
exceed meter error tolerances. 

Figure 6 also shows an approximate 300 watt increase in drive 
motor armature power as the magnet field is increased from 0 to 
19 amperes. (The scatter of input power measurements shown in 
the upper curve of Fig. 6 resulted from the great sensitivity of the 
motor armature current to small fluctuations in power line voltage, 
since the large rotary inertia of the 400 pound generator does not 
allow speed to rapidly follow line voltage changes). At first it was 
thought that this power loss might be due to the fact that the outer 
output brushes were arranged in a rectangular array as shown in 
Fig. I. Since they were connected in parallel but not equidistant 
from the axis the different generated voltages would presumably 
result in circulating currents and additional power dissipation. 
Measurement of the generated voltage as a function of radial 
distance from the axis as shown in Fig. 8. however, showed that 
almost all of the voltage differential occurred between 5 and 1 2 
cm, presumably because this was the region of greatest magnetic 
field due to the centralized iron core. The voltage in the region of 
the outer brushes was almost constant, with a measured variation 
of only 3.7% between the extremes, so that this did not seem to 

Continued on Page 30 







Figure 6 - Input power and generated voltage vs magnet current 

Figure 7 - Metering and output brush voltage difference vs magnet current 




explain the increase in input power. The other likely explanation 
seems to be that there are internal losses in the core and other parts 
of the metal structure due to eddy currents, since these are also 
moving conductors in the field. In any event, the increase in drive 
power was only about 10% for the maximum magnet current of 19 

Figure 9 typifies a number of measurements of input power and 
generator performance as a function of speed and various genera- 
tor conditions. The upper curve (a) shows the motor armature 
input power for a constant motor field current of 6 amperes as the 
speed is varied with no generator magnet excitation and is seen to 
reach a maximum of 4782 watts as the speed is increased to 6500 
rpm. This presumably represents the power required to overcome 
friction and windage losses in the motor, generator, and drive belt, 
and could be expected to remain essentially constant whether the 
generator is producing power or not. 

Curve 14b shows the increase of motor armature power that 
results from energizing the generator magnet with a current of 16 
amperes but with the generator output switch open so that there is 
no output current and hence no output power dissipation. This 
component of power (which is related to the increase of drive 
motor power with increased magnet current as shown in Fig. 6 as 
discussed above) might also be present whether or not the genera- 
tor is producing output current and power, although this is not so 
evident since the output current may affect the magnetic field 

Curve 14c shows the further increase of motor armature input 
power over that of curves 14a and 14b that results when the output 
switch is closed, the generator magnet is energized and output 
current is produced. It is certainly not zero or negligible as pre- 
dicted by DePalma, but rises to a maximum of 802 watts at 6500 
rpm. The total motor armature input power under these condi- 
tions is thus the sum of (a), (b). and (c) and reaches a maximum of 
6028 watts at 6500 rpm. 

The big question has to do with the generated output power. 
The measured output current 6500 rpm was 4776 amperes; the 
voltage at the metering brushes was 1.07 volts. Using a correction 
factor derived from Fig. 7 and assuming a common internal 
voltage drop due to a calculated disk resistance of 38 microohms, a 
computed internal generated potential of 1.28 volts is obtained 
which if multiplied by the measured output current results in an 
output power of 61 13 watts. All of this power is dissipated in the 
internal and external circuit resistances, the brush loss due both to 
the brush resistance and the voltage drops at the contact surfaces 
between the brushes and the disk (essentially an arc discharge), 
and the power dissipated in the 31.25 microohm meter shunt. It 
still represents power generated by the machine, however, and 
certainly exceeds the 802 watts of increased motor drive power by 
a factor of 7.6 to 1. It even exceeds the input motor armature 
power of 6028 watts, although the total system efficiency is still 
less than 100% because of the generator magnet power of approx- 
imately 2300 watts and motor field power of about 144 watts 
which must be added to the motor armature power to obtain total 
system input power. It would thus seem that if the above assump- 
tions are valid, DePalma correctly predicted much of the output 
power with this kind of machine is not reflected back to the motive 
source. Figure 10 summarizes the data discussed above. 




HACjirr rowu 





or lx 








hacxtt cuuixt 











444 M2 













1 .240 








Figure 10 - Summary of test results at 6500 rpm 
Homopolar Generator Test - Big Springs Ranch April 26,1986 

To further examine the question of the equivalence between the 
internally generated voltage at the main output brushes and that 
measured at the metering brushes, a test was made of the metered 
voltage as a function of speed with the generator magnet energized 
with a current of 20 amperes both with the output switch open and 
closed. The resulting data is shown in Fig. 11. The voltage rises to 
about 1.32 volts at 6000 rpm with the switch open (which is close 
to that obtained by DePalma) and drops 0.14 volts when the 
switch is closed and the measured output current is 3755 amperes, 
corresponding to an effective internal resistance of 37 microohms. 
Even if this were due to other causes, such as armature reaction, it 
does not seem likely that there would be a large potential drop 
between the output and metering brushes because of the small 
distance, low magnetic field (and radial differential voltage), ana 
large mass of conducting disk material. Internal currents many 
times the measured output current of almost 4000 amperes would 
be required for the voltage difference between the outer metering 
and output brushes to be significant and invalidate the conclusions 
reached above. 

A further method of testing the validity of the assumed gener- 
ated output potential involved an examination of the voltage drop 
across the graphite brushes themselves. Many texts on electrical 
machinery discuss the brush drop in machines with commutators 
or slip rings. All of those examined agree that graphite brushes 



Figure 1 1 - Metering brush voltage vs speed 

typically have a voltage drop that is essentially constant at approx- 
imately one volt per brush contact when the current density rises 
above 10-15 amperes per square centimeter. To compare this with 
the Sunburst machine the total brush voltage was calculated by 
subtracting the IR drop due to the output current in the known 
(meter shunt) and calculated (disk, shaft, and brush lead) resistan- 
ces from the assumed internally generated output voltage. The 
result in Fig. 12 shows that the brush drop obtained in this way is 
even less than that usually assumed, as typified by the superim- 
posed curve taken from one text. It thus seems probable that the 
generated voltage is not significantly less than that obtained from 
the metering brushes, and hence the appropriateness of the com- 
puted output power is supported. 

We are therefore faced with the apparent result that the output 
power obtained when the generator magnet is energized greatly 
exceeds the increase in drive motor power over that required to 
supply friction losses with the magnet not energized, which is 
certainly anomalous in terms of conventional theory. Several 
possible explanations for this occur to the author: 

1. There could be a large error in the measurements, such 
as some factor such as noise which caused the digital meters to 
read incorrectly or grossly incorrect current shunt resistances, 
although in the opinion of the author this seems unlikely. 

2. There could be a large difference between the measured 
voltage at the metering brushes and the actual generated vol- 
tage in the output brush circuit due to armature reaction, 
differences in the external metering and output circuit geome- 
try, or other unexplained cause, although again as discussed 
above the various data suggest that this is not likely. 

3. DePalma may have been right in that there is indeed a 
situation here whereby energy is being obtained from a pre- 
viously unknown and unexplained source. This is a conclusion 
that most scientists and engineers would reject out of hand as 
being a violation of known laws of physics, and if true would 
have incredible implications. 

Perhaps other possibilities will occur to the reader. 

The data obtained so far seems to have shown that while 
DePalma's measurement technique was flawed and his numbers 
overly optimistic, his basic premise has not been disproved. While 
the Sunburst generator does not produce useful output power 
because of the internal losses inherent in the design, a number of 
techniques could be used to reduce the friction losses, increase the 
total generated voltage and the fraction of generated power that 
can be delivered to an external load. DePalma's claim of free 
energy generation could perhaps then be examined. 

It should be mentioned, however that the obvious application of 
using the output of a "free-energy" generator to provide its own 
motive power, and thus truly produce a source of free energy, has 
occurred to a number of people and several such machines have 
been built. At least one of these known to the author 1 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 , using some 
excellent design techniques, was unsuccessful. 

1. DePalma, 1979 a,b,c, 1981, 1983, 1984, etc. 

2. For example, satellite News, 1981, Marinov, 1984, etc. 

3. Martin, 1932, vol 1 , p. 381. 

4 Das Gupta, 1961, 1962; Lamme, 1912, etc. 

5. See, for example, Bumby, 1983; Bewley, 1952; Kosow. 
Nasar, 1970. 

6. There has been much discussion on this point in the literati;-: 
and about interpretation of flux lines. Bewley, 1949; 

1949a, b; Crooks, 1978; Cullwick, 1957; Savage, 1949. 

7. DePalma, op. cit. 

8. Kimball, 1926;Zeleny, 1924. 

9. Bumby, Das Gupta, op. cit. 

10. DePalma, 1980 

11. Wilhelm, 1980, 1981 and personal communication. 

12 Wilhelm, 1981 



d) Trombly-/Kahn-"N"Machine 

The Trombly/-Kahn "N" Machine represents a new and improved version of classic "N" machine types. It is a 
departure from the past machines since it utilizes rotating electromagnets along with the central-"disc" rotating com- 

The improved operation of the Trombly/-Kahn "N" Machine is achieved by providing a low reluctance magnetic 
return path for the magnetic flux that passes through the central rotor-(disc) component. This low reluctance return 
path permits the electromagnets to produce a high electrical field with a relatively small input current. Since the input 
current is low, overheating is avoided and the full potential of the homopolar generator is achieved. 

The low reluctance magnetic return path is preferrably produced by providing a relatively high permeability co- 
rotating enclosure (having enclosure halves) of sufficient radial and axial dimensions to enclose the electromagnets 
and disc conductor of the rotor. The disc conductor is preferrably constructed from a high permeability, low resistivi- 
ty material such as iron, and can be integral with the electromagnetic cores. 

An International Patent has been issued on this present art which is listed as:-X02K31/00, and fully describes the 
details and specifics of the new type of "N" machine. 

In the summary of this Patent, it is stated that this present invention provides a co-rotating homopolar generator 
that avoids the heating problems of prior machines and renders possible and convenient the generation of electricity at 
extremely high efficiency. The generator has a rotor comprising a disk conductor and co-rotating co-axial elec- 
tromagnets on either side. The present invention achieves the improved operation by providing a low reluctance 
magnetic return path for the magnetic flux that passes through the disk conductor. 

The low reluctance path permits the electromagnets to produce a high field-(limited to 2.2 Teslas by the saturation 
of iron) with a relatively low value of coil excitation current. Thus overheating is avoided and the full potential of the 
homopolar generator is achieved. 

In the preferred embodiment, the low reluctance magnetic return path is provided by a relatively high permeability 
co-rotating enclosure,-(designated a "flux return enclosure") of sufficient radial and axial size to enclose the magnets 
and disk conductor of the rotor. Additionally, the disk conductor itself is preferrably constructed from a high 
permeability low resistivity material such as silicon iron, and can indeed be integral with the electromagnet cores. 

Output power is drawn between the periphery of the disk conductor (within the flux return enclosure) and the rotor 
shaft through fixed disk and shaft brushes. The disk brush protrudes through an annular slot in the flux return 
enclosure, and is geometrically configured so as not to add a large amount of reluctance to the flux return path. To 
this end, the disk brash is formed with a relatively thin web portion that passes through the enclosure gap. The web 
portion still has sufficient thickness so that the mechanical strength of the brash is not compromised. Moreover, the 
web portion has sufficient thickness, and hence conductance, that the saving in magnet power is not offset by ex- 
cessive ohmic heating in the web portion. 

A quote from Bruce DePalma about this latest Trombly/-Kahn "N" Machine, :-"Trombly and Kahn are two of the 
brightest young physicists in America today." "Their work is of the very highest quality and is described in the subject 
Patent and report." 

Brace DePalma believes that this new "N" Machine can be enlarged to handle more current by the application of a 
liquid metal brush system, such as he employs in his "N" Machine project work. 

e) Brace DePalma DePalma Institute, Santa Barbara, California 

Although the concept of the "N" machine is not new, having been based on Faraday's disc of 1831, various resear- 
chers, including Bruce DePalma have made continuous performance improvements on these machines. 

It was Michael Faraday who first rotated a copper disc between poles of a horseshoe permanent magnet and 
discovered that a voltage is produced between the central shaft and the outer edge of the disc. The disc has become 
known as the Faraday Homopolar-Disc generator, and the EMF is drawn off by brashes in contact with the shaft and 
outer disc edge. 

The "N" machine basiclly consists of a high speed cylindrical permanent magnet from which electrical current 
(positive charge) with the circuit connection with brashes made in the same manner as the Homopolar Disc generators. 
These electrical generating units have been the first and simpliest machines which exhibit an over-unity output, but on- 
ly at very high speed levels of approximately 7000 rpm, and higher. 

The "N" machines produce a uniform wattage flow at low voltage high current, which is a useful feature for many 
power applications. The requirement for the peripherial brash contacts has been, and to some extent remains a pro- 
blem for these units due to the extremely high surface contact velocities. 

Brace DePalma has been active in evolving solutions to the various problems of the "N" machines, including the 
safeguarding against bursting of the rotating magnet at high speeds. One of his machines is essentailly a hybrid design. 



12 -Rotor 

17&18-Bearing Assemblies 

20- Casing 

21- Shaft Seal Assembly 
27-Shaft End Bearing 
30-Central Disk Conductor 
32, A, B-Electromagnet Coils 

35,A,B-Iron Cores 
37,A,B-Flux Return Enclosure 
40-Electrically Isolated Shaft Portion 
42-Magnet Excitation Power Supply 
45 -Magnet Brushes 

47- Shaft Brnshes 

48- Shaft Brnshes 

49- Disk Biush 


VI. The "N" Machines 

which features a Faraday copper disc combined with central ring magnets as the negative pole component. This 
machine ran at 7000 rpm, and above, producing an over-unity output. 

One of the earlier problems with "N" machines has been the 1 w-friction transfer of the high current from the high 
speed rotor through blushes of some special type. Liquid metals, such as Mercury have been used as the stationary 
current transfer means, but since Mercury is both costly and toxic in use, some "N" machine researchers prefer not to 
use it. 

f) Tom Valone Integrity Electronics & Research, Buffalo, N.Y., 14221 

Tom Valone has been actively involved in the continuing research and development of "N" Machines for many 
years, and has contributed to their improvement and acceptance. Like Bruce DePalma, Tom Valone believes in the 
value and advantages of the liquid brush system, and is currently using liquid solder for this prototype units. 

From Tom Valone, June, 1985:-"In the field of non-conventional energy generators, the one-piece Homopolar of 
Faraday Generator has kindled a lot of attention. Ever since 1831, the rotating magnet and disc combination has 
defied complete analysis because of its operation totally within a non-inertial reference frame. 

Conventional physics has attempted to come to terms with its operation, but anomalies still seem to remain. 

A few physicists have recognized that its basis is relativistic, as can be seen by analyzing the polarization (electrical) 
set up by a moving body in a magnetic field. (Special Relativity). However without restrictions on mass and rotational 
speed, the only valid physical treatment seems to lie in the generally-covariant form of Maxwell's equations which can 
be applied in a non-inertial reference frame, (General Relativity). Einstein comes the closest to answering the ques- 
tions about Faraday's Generator, by some still remain..." T.V., 6/85. 

Tom Valone's book, "The One-Piece Faraday Generator: Theory and Experiment" is available from:- Integrity 
Electronics & Research,-558 Breckenridge Street, Buffalo, New York 14222. 17.00 p.p. 

a) Raymond Kromrey - Switzerland (1968) 

The electric generator (U.S. Pat. No. 3,374,376) has been designed to negate the effects of back-EMF within the 
field windings of generators by the application of special arrangement of field permanent magnets and an armature 
consisting of two series-connected coils. 

The unit operates as a conventional, but opposed, two pole generator since the permanent magnetspoles are revers- 
ed at either end of the stator. The armature is thus demagnetized and remagnetized successively as it is revolved within 
framework bearings, with resulting reversal of polarity-and an A.C. output. 

When the output circuit is open, the mechanical energy applied to the rotor/armature is converted into the work of 
magnetization, and when the circuit is closed, part of this work is converted into electrical energy as the current flow- 
ing through the windings opposes the magnetizing action of the field and increases the magnetic reluctance of the ar- 

This above action, when joined with the flywheel effect provided by a coupled flywheel explains why the speed of 
this generator remains substantially unchanged when the output circuit is either opened or closed. As the armature ap- 
proaches its position of alignment with the gap, the constant magnetic field exisitng there -across tends to accelerate 
the rotation of the armature relative to the pole pieces, thereby aiding the applied driving torque; the opposite action, 
ie: a retarding effect occurs after the armature passes through its aligned position. As the rotor attains a certain speed, 
however, the flywheel effect of its mass overcomes these fluctuations in the total applied torque so that a smooth rota- 
tion ensues. 

The magnetic flux path includes two axially spaced magnetic fields traversing the rotor axis sustantially at right 
angles, these fields being generated by respective pole pairs co-operating with two axially spaced armatures of the 
character described. It will be generally convenient to arrange the two armatures in a common axial plane, the two 
field producing pole pairs being similarly co-planar. 

The armatures are preferably of the laminated type to minimize the flow of eddy currents therein, thus, they may 
consist, in essence, of highly permeable (eg: soft iron)) sheets whose principal dimension is perpendicular to the rotor 
axis. If the ferromagnetic elements are part of the rotor, the output circuit will include the usual current-collecting 
means, such as slip rings or commutator segments, according to whether alternating or direct current is desired. The 
source of coercive force in the stator includes, advantageously, a pair of oppositely disposed yoke-shaped magnets, of 
the permanent or the electrically energized type, whose extremities constitute the aforementioned pole pieces. If elec- 
tromagnets are used in the magnetic circuit, they may be energerized by an external source or by direct current from 
the output circuit of the generator itself. 

In summation, the converter consists of an input drive motor which is directly coupled to this special type of 
generator which continues to run under load when the generator is short circuited. In general, the converter can be 
described as a single-phase motor-generator with a powerful permanent magnet stator and a rotor core of soft iron. 


The “N” Effect 

Voltage appears 
between center 

Rotating Permanent Magnet (Alnico) 

FIG. 22-B 


Bronze Shaft 

Two Ferrite 
Ring Magnets 

Two Ferrite 
Ring Magnets 



Tom Valone’s Prototype Work 


The Kromrey electromagnetic converter has reportedly reached an efficiency of about 120%. An increase in current 
flow occurs under short-circuit conditions with no overheating evident. One Kromrey prototype delivered about 700 
watts at a speed range of between 600 to 1200 lpm, which is generally slow for these types of m/g units. Larger units 
had been planned for five to twenty-five KW range which would have been ideal for home power applications. 

One prominent researcher states that the original Kromrey specs-have been altered so that the unit in inoperative, as 

March 19, 19GS 

Filed Jan. ?. 10€4 



5 Sheets -She* l I 





b) Lawrence Jamison Jamison Energizer System (Verona, Mississippi) 

The Jamison Energizer System of 1980-84, is one of several prominent examples of applied tachyon field energy 
systems, of the several motor-generator arrangements described in this Section. 

Although the frill details of this high speed motor-generator system were never disclosed, it is known that it is in the 
motor-generator-battery class, with a very large diode necessary to control the high wattage being generated by the 
generator. There is no question about this system being valid and operational since a video tape demonstration was 
provided at the Energy Symposium at Atlanta in 1982. This operating demonstration disclosed the high noise level 
produced by such a high speed motor/generator system, but clearly showed a fully functional power source. 

While this m/g system depends on using a standard automotive battery input, they run at over 100% efficiency with 
the battery being recharged as they operate under normal load conditions. The striking similarities between the 
Jamison Energizer System, the Gulley, Stoneburg and Watson systems leaves no doubt as to the basic operability of 
them, making them all active candidates for further development effort. While Mr. Jamison, (now deceased) claimed 
that his system was unique at the time, we now know that this was not completely true, although some of his specific 
components may have been custom made and proprietary, the basic principle of it is now well understood and con- 

The Jamison Energizer System was installed and operated in a vehicle (1977 Ford Courier pickup truck), but no 
operational data is available on its performance. 

c) John Gulley - Motor/Generators Gratz, Kentucky 

The motor/generator work of John Gulley became the subject of newspaper items in the local Louisville-Courier 
during the late 1950's and 1960's. During this period he produced a number of operating motor-generator sets which 
were installed in various type of vehicles. 

As a motor/generator specialist while in the U.S. Army, Mr. Gulley carried this knowledge into civilian life, where 
he developed various types and configurations of motor-generator combinations. These were of the basic battery- 
recharge type, similar to that of Jamison and Stoneburg. 



The exact details of his components were never disclosed, but it is known that he did rewind the fields and armatures 
of both D.D. motors and generators. It is known that over-unity output operation can usually be achieved by splitting 
higher-than-normal voltages to satisfy both the load and battery-recharge requirements. 

In personal interviews, Gulley did state that his motors were based on the solenoid principle, similar to that of Bob 
Teal's unit, 7d. 

John Gulley demonstrated his various automotive power systems and it was reported that some commercial interest 
was shown for his efforts, but no further information has been revealed on his present status. There have been some 
comments made that Gulley was handicapped by not being able to explain the scientific theory and basis for the opera- 
tion of his motor-generators, which is often the case for the hand-on type of garage-based researcher. Another unfor- 
tunate situation, was Mr. Gulley's tendency to choose exotic and sometimes outlandish names for the vehicles equip- 
ped with his special m/g sets, which did not help his cause with prospective investors. Researchers should keep this 
point in mind: always maintain a conservative and explainable scientific position when providing demonstration of 
new energy devices! Once scientific interviewer of Gulley's prototype became skeptical of the work after a demonstra- 
tion, because of these deficiencies. 

d) Bob Teal St. Cloud, Florida (1976) 

The "Magnepulsion" Motor of 1976, is a unique type of pulsed E/M motor unit which consists of multiple 
solenoids which are crank connected to a central drive shaft and flywheel arrangement. 

The combined electromagnetic design is described in U. S. patents 4,093,880 and 4,024,421, as a magnetically 
operated power plant comprised of a rotary crankshaft which is rotated by means of connecting rods, pivoted to the 
sliding cores of electromagnets-(solenoids), as the key actuating component(s) of the unit. 

Electrical current is provided to the electromagnet windings by distributor switches which are successively actuated 
by multiple cams on a timed camshaft. The switches receive pulses of current in timed relationship, so that solenoid 
thrusts are continuously and uniformly applied to the central crankshaft. 

Although this type of energy conservation unit is not a tme:-"free energy" unit, it does represent one of the better 
and basically simple energy-saving motor (such as the EvGray type) due to the aid of a high positive inertial factor pro- 
vided by the main flywheel(s) on the crankshaft. As was stated elsewhere in this Manual, flywheel mass is a basically 
cheap means to support over-unity or energy conservation operation for any of these motor units. 

Because of its simplicity, the "Magnepulsion" motor has the possibility to become an effective "over-unity" or 
free-energy motor when combined with some other type of solid state amplifier device, -or permanent magnet motor 
(Muller type Unit). 


(Magnetically Operable Engine/-or Power Plant) 
U.S. Pat. No. 4,024, 471 


VII. MOTOR-GENERATOR - Candadian Unit of unknown origin 

(Visual evidence of External Field Activity adjacent 
to an operating M/G system.) 

While the exact nature and details of this Canadian motor/generator system are not known, it must be included 
within this category (7) M/G's because of a unique event that occurred during its operation, during testing. 

The inventor(s) of this system are not known, but it is known that he or they, lived in the vicinity of Montreal, and it 
is known that they were harassed by parties, also unknown. The only clear evidence to the credibility for this project 
were two Polaroid photos that were taken while the system was in operation. 

The party who held these photos was a Mr. Leo Harvey of Montreal, and he did not wish to release these photos for 

The following drawing shows the overall arrangement of the system, with the drive motor belt connected to the 
drive generator. The generator is known to have utilized samarium-cobalt permanent magnets with its field which ac- 
counts for the very high field strength of this component. 



External symmetrical 
Vortex Field, as 
shown in two 
Polaroid photos 

The two Polaroid photos clearly showed an external symmetrical vortex field at an angle to one end of the 
generator, as indicated in the drawing. The symmetrical pattern was clear, but there was a misty texture to the field. 

This most unusual visual evidence of external field activity was made evident (to the camera, but not to the naked 
eye) when water spray was dispersed over the operating system. All the components were covered to protect them from 
direct water spray contact. 

Why it was decided to try this experiment is not known, but someone had a hunch about field activity, and the 
results are striking and worthy of further study. To the best of our knowledge this is the first (visual) evidence of exter- 
nal field activity associated with an operating motor-generator system, and it may be surmised that this is tachyon 
field activity, although the exact physical nature is still uncertain at this point. 

No further information has been received from anyone in Canada, and it must be presumed that this is one more, of 
many projects, that have gone into limbo! 

It has long been suspected that permanent magnets act as "special energy attractors," and this project appears to 
give support for this contention, and should spur other experiments and tests to further expand on these findings. 

e) Jim Watson - Colorado Springs, Colorado 

Jim Watson's several operating converter prototypes are generally similar to these other motor-generator systems, 
but he has also included some useful solid-state control circuitry into his systems, which improve their overall perfor- 
mance and reliability. 

One large version of his prototype work is claimed to produce up to twelve KW of useable power output, from an 
input source of two twelve volt batteries. Because of the electronic circuitry involved in Jim Watson's prototypes, they 
are generally related to the project work of John Bedini whose work is covered in another section of this Manual. 

One small, and one large Watson Converter was demonstrated at the Tesla Centennial Symposium in Colorado Spr- 
ings in 1984. 

His smaller unit has proven to be successful by continuous extended runs, and its operation is consistant with John 
Bedini's rotating mass conversion method. It is now becoming obvious that a number of these combined rotation and 



solid state machines operate in generally the same way and convert tachyon field energy due to their rotation-speed 

As in the case of the other motor-generators described in this Section, Jim Watson's converter continously recharg- 
ed its batteries (2) as the system operated under its normally rated load. 

The larger Watson converter featured a fairly large flywheel (mass) which is consistant with both the Kromrey and 
Bedini technology, to smooth out the slight irregularities/ie: pulsing which is inherent to these systems, in some cases. 
It has been reported that the Watson flywheel in the larger machine approached 1000 pounds, but there is no confir- 
mation on this point, and it should be noted that MASS is cheap in these systems, and/or is a most advantageous com- 

A big 12-KV Bedini-type converter built by Jim Watson, presented at the Colo-Tesla 
Centennial Symposium. 


The seven machines described in this motor/generator category are enough by themselves to prove the validity of 
the over-unity-output concept. Of particular significance: -the outstanding Swiss M-L Converter which is a prime ex- 
ample of combined scientific principles and effects to produce self-contained o/u/o operation, with no input/starting 
power supply! 

f) Z. T. Lindsey — M/G Unit - U. S. Pat. No. 2,279,690 (April 1942) 

The electric motor art of Z. T. Lindsey relates to a combined motor-generator consisting of permanent magnets 
secured on a rotor and battery energized coils on the stator (field) component. 

This specific motor/generator design should be considered as an inverted permanent magnet D. C. motor which 
usually arrays the magnets as the field (stator) magnetic component. 

In this M/G arrangement timing breaker points are associated with the field coils so that the polarity of the coils are 
changed to produce a predetermined travel of the P.M.'s on the rotor, the coils will repel the permanent magnets, and 
for a like distance the coils will attract the magnet to rotate the rotor. 

The present patent art indicates eight rotor P.M's and field coil set which should be considered a minimum number, 
with a probable maximum of about sixteen depending on the diameter of the M/G set. 

Since the permanent magnets are the basic rotor component, the field coil and other wiring requirements are greatly 
simplified and reliability improved, with no added complexity necessary. 


A, ”*cn 










VII. GENERATOR UNIT (Self-sustaining Type) 

h) Swiss M-L Converter 

The Swiss M-L converter is a fully symmetrical, influence-type energy converter, which is essentially based on the 
Wimhurst electrostatic generator with its twin, matched counter-rotating discs. 

It is apparent that this unit design has been substantially upgraded over the old Wimhurst electrostatic generators, 
but still has the characteristic metallic foil sectors which both generate and carry small charges of electricity to be 
stored in matched capacitors. Each sector accumulates the charges derived by influence with the other sectors. 

In the old Wimhurst units diagonal neutralizing brushes on each opposite disc distribute the correct charges to the 
sectors as they revolve, but in this new M-L converter this function is accomplished by a crystal diode at higher effi- 
ciencies than the older design. 

Two collection brashes collect the accumulating charges and conduct them to the storage capacitor, located at the 
top of this new design. Unlike the old Wimhurst design, this new converter utilizes several new and improved features 
such as two horseshoe magnets with matched coils, and a hollow cylindrical magnet as a part of the diode function, 
and two Leyden jars or flasks, which apparently serve as the final capacitor function for the converter. 

It becomes apparent that this new converter susbtantially increases the current (amperage) flow with the addition of 
the coil and magnets combination, as in the Coler solid-state devices. The use of top grade components, such as gold- 
plated contacts, control electrodes and dual capacitor stages insure much higher conversion efficiences than was possi- 
ble with the old Wimhurst machines. 

The general specification for the operating prototype are: 

1) Efficiency: 1:106, due to self-sustained operation. The unit is started by hand revolving, with no other input 
power source required! ! 

2) Constant Power Output: 300 volts @ 10 Amperes = 3KW. 

3) Dimensions: 43.31" wide, 17.72" deep, 23.62" high 

4) Weight: 44 Lbs. Operating speed 60rpm. 





VII. GENERATOR UNIT (Self-sustaining Type) 

Analysis of the Swiss M-L Converter, with multiple electrical circuits. 

It is evident that this excellent o/u/o Converter unit is based on the Winshurst electrostatic generator which utilizes 

It is evident that this excellent o/u/o Converter unit is based on the Wimshurst electrostatic generator which utilizes 
multiple steel segments. These Wimshurst E/S generators are made with either steel or aluminum segements, with 
the aluminum segments being true electrostatic elements. 

When steel segments are used on the twin discs of this unit, the Searl Effect is in evidence, with E/M conversion 
made at the rim/periphery of the discs through passive electromagnets. 

This unique o/u/o unit becomes an ideal converter since both high voltage A.C. and moderate A.C. amperage can 
be simultaneously generated through two separate electrical circuits from the discs. The twin disc's conventional 
conductive brushes pick-off the high voltage A.C, while the rim electromagnet's coils produce a useful E.M.F. (useful 
amperage level). When permanent horseshoe magnets with coils are utilized, as in this present Swiss unit, then the 
E.M.F. output is enhanced to a considerable extent, as is evident in the specs, for this M-L unit. 

The self-propulsion, after hand starting, is achieved through the adaptation of the Poggendorff principle (a German 
scientist of the 1870's) in which slanted conductive brushes produce self-rotation in electrostatic motors, (not 

In regard to the special crystal diode module, this component most probably provides the dual functions of fre- 
quency regulation and capacitance amplifier — to the two Leyden jars. This special diode-capacitor provides 
frequency output regulation and capacitance amplification as part of the electrical resonance circuit, since it is 
connected with the horseshoe magnet coils. 

This unit is essentially comprised of three separate electrical circuits, which are: 

1) The high voltage A.C. output from the twin discs as a conventional Wimshurst electrostatic generator. 

2) A moderate A.C. amperage circuit produced by the dual horseshow magnet coils (Searl Effect) as the plus and 
minus discs pass by them. (Pulsed D.C. output at 50 Hz.) 

3) A rsonance circuit in which the horseshoe magnet coils are connected to the diode capacitor so that frequency 
regulation is assured. The diode capacitor is then connected to the Leyden jar, transmitter unit. 

The major physical principles involved in this outstanding composite unit are: 

1) Electrostatic conversion using twin discs for positive output from one, and negative output from the other. 

2) The evidence of the "Searl Effect" from the use of multiple, identical steel segments inducing an E.M.F. electro- 
magnets at the discs periphery (rim). 

3) The Ecklin principle is also in evidence, since the steel segments pass by permanent horseshow magnets, as in 
Ecklin's S.A.G. units. 

4) The Poggendorff self-rotating electrostatic motor principle, as described above. 

5) The crystal capacitance function of the crystal diode module. The full operation of this unique component, with 
its hollow cylindrical permanent magnet, is a composite component with the dual functions, as described above. 

The Swiss M-L Converter, — "A Masterpiece of Craftsmanship and Electronic Engineering". 

Members of the G. A.G.F.E. have inspected this Swiss system on five different occasions from 1984 to the present. 
There are two small units and this presently described larger unit located in a commune near Bern, Switzerland. 
This machine and the two smaller units have been running on and off since 1982. 

The larger machine produces 3 to 4 KW at 230 volts D.C, and apparently extracts energy from the gravity stressing 
field, and there is no primary propulsion of any kind. 

This type of gravity energy field converter confirms perfectly the Bearden and Nieper model of the tachyon field. 
This is especially true for the considering of charge and mass of the electron to be separate. The converter runs 
continuously by itself, with only rotating wear parts being the two ball bearings at the center of the two discs. 

The M-L Converter is functionally constructed, completely symmetrical with the two discs made of acrylic plastic, 
a light metal lattice, insulated copper wires, a secret crystal-diode rectifier, and gold-plated electrical connections. 
Everything is hand-made with the finest craftmanship, with an elegant beauty. The operating principle has been 
known for a long time, and these machines have been developed over a twenty year time span. 

In electrostatic generators, the air molecules between the two acrylic discs which closely counterrotate, side by side, 
become electrically activated by friction. This causes the discs to be continually charged, until a flashover equalizes 
them. To limit the electrical voltage to a desired amount, the positive charged particles on one of the counterrotating 
discs and the negative charged particles on the other disc are each extracted by means of separately adjustable lattice- 
electrodes, and are fed into a Leyden jar which collects the energy. The speed of the discs, on which a fan-like structure 
of 50 lattice electrodes are etched out, is 60 lpm. (It is obvious that this discrete ratio of lattice/segments and speed 
will produce a 50 Hertz, pulsed D.C. output.) This speed is synchronized by magnetic impulses. 


The unit is hand started by revolving the two discs in opposite directions, until the converter was charged up to 
such a degree that it synchronized itself and continued to rotate smoothly and noiselessly, without any input source 
of power. A centrally mounted disc of about 4 inches in diameter was glimmering in all the colors of the rainbow. After 
only a few seconds the Leyden jars were ready for operation, so that 300 volts D.C., with a current of 10 amperes could 
be extracted at the terminals, and this could be done continuously for hours, or for years, without any wear! 

To demonstrate the power available, connections were made to both, alternately, a high power incandescent lamp 
or a heating element, each of which was rated at 380 volt service. The brilliant light from the lamp was blinding, and 
completely illuminated the hall to the furthest corner. The heating element became so hot, after a few seconds, that 
it could not be touched. 

This experience was certainly a look into the future for all of us, and the start of a new era! It became evident for 
everybody who saw this converter functioning, that the teachings of orthodox science must undergo a complete 
revision in order to be taken seriously. 

(The fundamental law of physics, according to Robert Mayer of 1842, is "The sum of all energy forms is constant.") 
Today there are already dozens of known violations of the orthodox energy laws. 

This project work represents international science at work, in it finest form, which will become the wave of the 


Note: The two Leyden Jars are also a part of the resonant circuit, since one is a transmitter (Sir Oliver Lodge's experiment) and the other is a 
receiver and function at the same resonant frequency. 



Edwin Gray - Capacitive-Discharge Units U.S. patent No. 3,890,548 (Northridge, Calif.) 1975 

The Ed Gray capacitive-discharge type of electric motor is a unique arrangement of both rotating and field elec- 
tromagnets, which are energized by the discharge of capacitors and precisely timed intervals and at relatively high 

The electromagnetic coils are wound so that both the fixed and rotating electromagnets are in offset repulsion 
mode, with multiple stator groups (nine or more) and rotor stations - (six or more) assuring continuous smooth rota- 
tion of the rotor. The motor requires a D. C. battery in-put source which is transformed into high voltage for storage 
in the capacitor component(s). 

This type of over-unity electrical machines falls into the compound class of unit, since it is both an electrical conser- 
vation type of unit due to the capicitance feature (storage and H.V. discharge and tachyon field converter due to the 
high voltage, high speed mode of operation. 

The timing of the high voltage discharges into the electromagnetic coils is achieved through spark gaps at the op- 
timum offset position, (juxtaposition) between the rotor and stator electromagnets. 

Although fairly complex in construction due to dove-tail grooving required to securely lock in both the field and 
rotor electromagnets, and several auxiliary components, the motor operates at high efficiency and is quite unique in 
the compound class of battery-motor systems. 

The capacitive/-discharge concept is a very desirable feature for any type of compound electromagnetic 
motor/generator, as an energy conversion method, and it can be shown how such a concept produces an over-unity 
output for the unit/ system. It is possible that Ed Gray's basic capacitive-discharge concept and motor construction 
can be made in a simplified form, without the complexity of the dove-tail construction, as indicated in the accompany- 
ing drawings. One, or two piece rotor/stator construction is probably not feasible, but some other type of multi-piece 
construction may be evolved into a practical arrangement, which would also save construction costs. 

Edwin Gray, and his former company EV-Gray, Inc, is a prime example of excellent scientific and engineering ef- 
fort falling by the wayside because of his work running counter to the commercial establishment's status-quo. If 
economic apple-carts are not to be upset, it is necessary for the vested interests to squelch such work as "c" Gray's, 
just as was done in the earlier cases of Tesla, Moray, Schauberger, Searl, and many others in this field. 

Ev Gray's work is now in obsurity, but its basic value is evident and should again be reintroduced as a viable con- 
tender among the various new emerging energy sources. 

There is no known engine or motor operating on the principle of this present invention, that of a capacitor charged 
to a relatively high voltage from a low-voltage D.C. source. The spark discharges across a spark gap to provide current 
through the motor drive coils in the discharge path these being solenoids which generate motion by magnetic repulsion 
of juxtaposed pairs of cores. The solenoids are preferably configured in motor stator assemboles to affect motion of 
the rotor element with respect to the stator. 

This unique motor utilizes this principle to provide a rotary motion machine which can develop considerable torque 
through the magnetic repulsion action of the rotor and stator cores wound with coils through which capacitors are 
discharged synchronously with the positioning of the rotor coils opposite particular stator coils. 

It is stated this present invention operates on the principle conservation of energy, and therefore cannot be con- 
sidered a true "free-energy" unit. 

IX Motor/Generator/Transformer - Robert Alexander U. S. Pa. 3,913,004 1975 

The U. S. Patent of Robert W. Alexander (No. 3,913,004), is unique in the motor/generator class of units, since it 
combines the basic motor/generator scheme with transformer action within the field windings. The following patent 
abstract description provides a concise understanding of this unit:- 

"A form of rotating machine arranged in such a way as to convert a substantially constant input-voltage into a 
substantially constant output voltage; involving generally a rotor that revolves at substantially constant speed within a 
stator and which comprises a transformer core subjected to and having a primary motor-transformer winding and a 
secondary transformer-generator winding; whereby transformed and generated power are synchronously combined as 
increased power output." 

The summary of this combined motor/generator/transformer per U. S. Patent 3,913,004, is as follows:- This 
method involves the placement of a primary winding in a field to both motor, to have a transformer effect with respect 
to a secondary winding, and in the field to have a generator effect. This dynamo-electric converter is comprised of 
primary and secondary windings combined in a rotor commutated to alternate a D.C. energy source in and thereby 
motivate the rotor within a stator field. 

The primary winding is advantageously of fewer turns than the secondary and by means of electromotive force 
drives the secondary windings of more turns to cut the magnetic lines of force for the generation of electrical energy at 
a higher voltage level than the D.C. supply. 


United States Patent [ 19! 


mi 3,890,548 

[45| June 17, 1975 


(751 Inventor: Edwin V. Gray, Northridge. Calif. 

1 73 1 Assignee: Evgray Enterprises, Inc.. Van Nuys. 

[22] Filed: Nov. 2. 1973 

(21 1 Appl. No.: 412,415 

[52 1 U.S. Cl 318/139: 318/254; 318/439; 


[51 1 Ini. Cl H02p 5/00 

[58 1 Field ol Search 310/46. 5.6; 318/194. 

318/439. 254. 139; 320/1; 307/1 10 

[ 56 1 References Cited 


2.085.708 6/1957 Spencer 318/194 

2.800.619 7/1957 Brunt 318/194 

3.579.074 5/1971 Roberts 320/1 

3.619.638 11/1971 Phinney 307/110 


Frungel. High Speed Teclmologv, Academic 
Press Inc.. 1965. pp 140-148. 

Primary Examiner — Robert K. Schaefer 
Asustanl Examiner — John J. Feldhaus 
Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Gerald L. Price 


There is disclosed herein an electric machine or en- 
gine in which a rotor cage having an array of electro- 
magnets is rotatable in an array of electromagnets, or 
fixed electromagnets arc juxtaposed against movable 
ones. The coils of the electromagnets arc connected in 
the discharge path of capacitors charged to relatively 
high voltage and discharged through the electromag- 
netic coils when selected rotor and stator elements are 
in alignment, or when the fixed electromagnets and 
movable electromagnets are juxtaposed. The dis- 
charge occurs across spark gaps disclosed in alignment 
with respect to the desired juxtaposition of the se- 
lected movable and stationary electromagnets. The ca- 
pacitor discharges occur simultaneously through juxta- 
posed stationary movable electromagnets wound so 
that their respective cores are in magnetic repulsion 
polarity, thus resulting in the forced motion of mov- 
able electromagnetic elements away from the juxta- 
posed stationary electromagnetic elements at the dis- 
charge. thereby achieving motion In an engine, the 
discharges occur successively across selected ones of 
the gaps to maintain continuous rotation. Capacitors 
arc recharged between successive alignment positions 
of particular rotor and stator electromagnets of the 

18 Claims, 19 Drawing Figures 


United States Patent im mi 3,913,004 

Alexander US] Qct. 14, 1975 


This D.C. operated motor is shunt wound with the stator field coils fully energized by the D.C. energy source, or is 
provided with permanent field poles, to effectively motivate the rotor and efficiently generate electrical energy in the 
secondary windings. 

The A.C. output of the secondary windings is inherently synchronized with the transformer function of the primary 
windings, combined in the common slots of the single rotor, and by adding the transformer and generator voltages 
and amperages, the wattage is correspondingly increased at the output. 


Electrical power is frequently changed in voltage, phase, frequency, and the current from alternating to direct, or 
from direct to alternating. Voltage conversion in A.C. circuits is usually by means of transformers, and in D.C. cir- 
cuits is usually by motor-generators. Phase conversion is also accomplished by either transformers or motor- 
generators, and frequency conversion is most simply done by motor-generators. Motor-generators have various 
classifications of use, as follows:- 1)D.C. to D.C. -used to charge batteries and to boost voltage, 2) A.C. -used 
for frequency and phase conversion, 3)A.C. to D.C. used for all types of service, as battery charging, generator and 
motor field excitation, railways, electrolysis, and speed control, etc. and 4)D.C. to A.C. used to limited extent for 
special applications. 

To these ends combination motor generators have been built, such as dynamotors stepping up D.C. voltage for 
radio equipment and amplidynes for reproducing a weak signal at a higher power level. When a particular variable fre- 
quency A.C. is required of a motor-generator set and the power sypply is D.C, the equipment will include a D.C. 
motor for variable speed and a separate alternator driven thereby. Such equipment is special in nature and characteriz- 
ed by separation of the motor and generator and by polyphase) (usually three phase) generator windings and with 
auto-transformers having suitable taps for obtaining the required voltages, and a D.C. speed controller for the motor. 


G. Srinivasan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (01-12-87) 

Presently all electric motors need an inductive or magnetic field to produce torque when current flows through it. 

The charge impulse motor does not need a magnetic field or inductive field. Hence the motor does not produce a 
back-EMF and its speed is limited only by its mechanical friction, at no load condition. 

Its principle of operation is based on the phenomena that when a high density electric charge or current is "expand- 
ed" the charge potential drops and there is an increase in the velocity, imparting impulse, momentum or thrust. The 
process is similar to an impulse steam turbine operation. 

The torque produced by the motor depends on the material and its internal geometrical configuration but needs no 
coils or magnets or any type inductive elements. There is no restriction on size. Its maximum efficiency is at D.C. or 
undirectional current conditions. 

Two working models of different sizes have been made and operated successfully. The smaller unit drops 1.8 volts 
at 24 amperes and no load speed of 2000 lpm, and the larger drops 2.1 volts at 46 amperes and no load rpm of 1200 
rpm. The voltage drop depends on the mechanical configuration and resistance characteristics. These models are for 
proving the principle only. 

The efficiency of this motor is difficult to calculate for the simple reason that the torque produced is not accounted 
for in terms of energy loss or usage, when an energy balance study is carried out. It has no EMF or electrical reaction. 
The motor has no internal ohmic resistance, (from terminal to terminal) of .075 ohms and .046 ohms, for the smaller 
and larger motors respectively. The RI loss is dissipated as heat. Heat loss in watts = .075 x 24 = 43.2 watts. Power 
absorbed in watts = 24x1.8 = 43.2 watts for the smaller unit. Similarly the large unit dissipates 96.6 watts as RI losses, 
and the power absorbed is also 96.6 watts. The torque produced by the motors in spinning its rotors at 2000 and 1200 
rpm respectively, do not seem to absorb any power that can be accounted for explicitly by voltage measurements, 
which seem to violate energy conservation laws; but scientifically this cannot be accepted. Hence the only conclusion is 
that our present concept and understanding of energy is not adequate to explain this phenomena. I have a reasonable 
and consistent explanation to show that it does not violate conservation laws and also at the same time prove that 
energy above unity or 100% efficiency level is real and possible. 

The contention that energy above 100% efficiency is impossible is due to our present misunderstanding of the basic 
behaviour of matter at its fundamental level and the method of interaction of matter with matter in producing energy. 
The 100% efficiency levels depend on the base line we choose to measure energy levels from. 



Small Motor 

1.8 Volts, 24 Amps, 2000 rpm 
.075 A 

Large Motor 

27 Volts, 46 Amps, 1200 rpm 

C. Wanlass - Energy Conservation Motors 

The energy saving electric motor developed by C laris Wanlass improves the operating economy of motors in several 

a) Conventional electric motors lose efficiency by being unable to regulate the volume of iron laminations which 
become magnetized. In the Wanlass motor design the volume of the iron laminations and windings closely match the 
required pulling torque on the motor, with no unnecessary iron volume being magnetized. 

The coil winding configuration around the laminations is also critical to this balanced EMF-to-magnetization ef- 

b) By adding a second set of coils adjacent to each of the normal field coils this new type of motor avoids back-EMF 
(per Lenz's Law). The addition of these second coils allows the normal current flow to be unrestricted by the back- 
EMF and thus improve efficiency. 

In the Wanlass motor the amount of copper wire in the second coil windings is much different than in the first coil 
windings. Both sets of windings, in conjunction with a capacitor, produce two different magnetic fields that compli- 
ment each other, rather than the usual conflict between the input current and the back-EMF. 

The back-EMF is shunted into the second coils as current, thereby causing less electricity to be required from the 
original source. The transfer of electrical flow from the first winding(s) to the second set smooths out the energy flow 
within the motor to generally increase efficiency and produce lower heat losses. 

The addition of the capacitor in each of the second coil windings provides a current storage factor for higher star- 
ting torque plus producing the difference in the magnetic fields between the two field coil sets, as previously mention- 

Experts who have examined the Wanlass motor design feel that it is extremely complex and involves an alteration of 
some basic motor design concepts. One engineer who examined the motor design said that "I wish I'd thought of it." 

The Wanlass motor design has offered to a number of major motor manufacturers in the U. S. but negotiations 
have been halted due to some unreasonable demands made on Mr. Wanlass on licensing arrangements. 

run k 


ms k 



a) John Ecklin Alexandria, Virginia & FLUX SWITCH ALTERNATOR 

John Ecklin's "stationary armature generator" (S.A.G.) concept has inspired and produced a variety of spin-off 
designs, based on the principle of circumventing back E.M.F. as established by Lenz's Law. 

The 1975 Ecklin U.S. Patent No. 3,879,622, spurred interest in his concept which essentially comprised of spinning 
a soft iron sheild or shutter between two permanent magnets thereby interrupting the magnetic lines of force. The 
shields serve to reverse the magnetic within stationary central coil, and thereby circumvent the back-EMF per Lenz's 
Law, to produce an increased electrical output yield from the coil. 

These units, known as SAG's or stationary armature generators led to the design and construction of larger and 
more effective types of unit and eventually the V.R.G.'s or variable reluctance generators/alternators. 

The Patent Abstract to the original Stationary Armature Generator outlined as follows: "A permanent magnet 
motor in one embodiment utilize a spring-biased reciprocating magnetizable member positioned between two perma- 
nent magnets. Magnetic shields in the form of rotatable shutters located between each permanent magnet and the 
reciprocating member to alternately shield and expose the member to the magnetic field thereby producing 
reciprocating motion. A second embodiment utilizes a pair of reciprocating spring-biased permanent magnets with ad- 
jacent like magnetic poles separated by a magnetic shield which alternately exposes and shields the like poles from the 
repelling forces of their magnetic fields." 

The V.R.G. generally consists of alternate A.C. and D.C. field windings, with the smaller D.C. input producing a 
large A.C. output which can be utilized for a variety of load devices. These units have reached an input to output ratio 
of approximately 3:1, with further development work continuing. Both here and abroad (Denmark) and R & D effort 
is moving ahead on these V.R.G. units. 

United States Patent n«i 



(H) Inventor: Jofta W. ErkJIn. 6I43K Edsall Rd . 
Alexandria, Va 22304 

[21) Appl No.: 392,102 

(22) Filed Jm. 29. IM2 

(31) I at. CL* H02P 7/66; H02K 47/04 

(32] U9. CL 311/140; 31*/ 1 38; 

311/149; 311/133; 310/113, 310/135 

(31) Field of Scare* 318/140, 141. 142, 144. 

318/148. 149, 151. 132. 133. 138; 310/139, 102 
K 103. 1 13. 138. 139. 152. 134, 136. 168, 171. 
177. 179. 46. 181. 155; 322/39. 9a 100. 13 


A unitized (single unit) motor and flux switch alternator 
having stationary field, armature and motor windings 
which provides a magnetic path for some of the motor 
input power to feed through and increase the alternat- 
ing current (AC) generator output A rotor formed 
from a material having a high magnetic permeability 
(solid or laminated soft steel) is controlled in speed by 
controlling the magnitude and liming of the pulsed 
direct current (DC) supplied to the motor windings 
which may be wound on the stationary legs or the rotor. 
The current flow in the motor windings can be con- 
trolled by a mechanical commutator if the motor wind- 
ings are on the rotor or by a solid-state converter if the 
motor windings are on the legs in a manner normally 
associated with brushless DC motors The DC windings 
of the flux switch alternator can be replaced by perma- 
nent magnets since the reversing field in the AC output 
windings are predominantly time stationary. 



John Ecklin - Flux Switch Alternator U. S. Pat. No. 4,567,407 

The patent number for the bottom of the previous page is 4,567,407 and it was granted on Jan. 28, 1986. Fig. 3A 

and 3B depicts how the magnetic fields are reversed in both AC output coils simultaneously. The preferred embodi- 

ment for Fig. 4 is to have no windings on the rotor (5). The rotor is then made up of steel laminations. This is what in 
the 1890's was called a flux switch alternator. It had no brushes in this century old technology. 

Patent 4,567,407 combines this old technology with the newer electronically commutated motor controllers. Sensors 
determine the position of the rotor and increse the saturation of the stator from 80% to 98% to pull the rotor in faster 

than normal. This gives a motor action and since the saturation of the stator is increased the required power is 

automatically captured by the AC output coils. Fig. 1 demonstrates the principle. 19 is a 3/8ths inch diameter ball 
bearing on top of a 1/2" diameter by 1/4" thick ceramic button magnet resting on a horizontal steel surface 23. When 
the ball is pulled to the edge of the magnet and is released you will see a highly damped oscillatory motion. Turn the 
magnet over and you see the same thing. The ball is equivalent to either rotor pole and the magnet is equivalent to any 
stator pole. In other words the patent pulls the rotor to the stator and you no longer have to use input torque to force 
the rotor to the stator. This is how you skirt Lenz's Law compared to all of today's Faraday generators. 

If you tie a very springly (high steel content) paper clip to a 6" thread you can actually see the source of the energy 
which is unpaired electron spin in iron atoms. With practice clip can lift ball from magnet in less than 1/1 0th of a se- 
cond and will hang there for 50 years and more. How can we store enough energy in the clip in 1/1 Oth second to keep 
the ball from falling for 50 years? We can't. The energy is already in the iron atoms of the crystal or clip. The magnet 
merely sets the direction of spin of most of the 4 unpaired electrons in most of the atoms in the clip. As long as the clip 
and ball stay together these electrons keep spinning in the same direction. If you ever separate the clip and ball you will 
have to use the magnet again before clip will lift ball. 

Since all electrons in all atoms spin on their axis with the same angular momentum each one is an infinite source of 
energy. 1 call this God's perfect flywheel. Something about his atoms always keep the electrons spinning at the same 
rate. This patent is an over-unity device from the standpoint of torque but it is way, way under unity when we consider 
the energy in electron spin. This atomic energy as we do not change the atom eternally by splitting or joining atoms as 
in fission and fusion which are nuclear energy and very polluting. 

b)Paul Brown, Bliss, Idaho (June, 1982) 

Paul Brown, as an independent researcher, has accomplished some significant project work in the area of John 
Ecklin's original S.A.G. concept, by expanding on the basic principles involved in the functioning of the S.A.G.'s. 

His Magnetic distributor Generator, which is also known as a Variable Reluctance Alternator, consists of utilizing 
both D.C. input coils and A.C. output coils wound on 90 degree crossed laminations. The iron laminations are in the 

form of an exact ninety degree cross-over so that exactly opposite North-South magnetic poles are established, as in 

normal two-pole D.C. motor design. 

A split iron and aluminum rotor provides the alternating make and break magnetic circuits between the D.C. and 
A.C. iron laminations, and their corresponding D.C. and A.C. coils, respectively. When the matching arms of the 

rotor close the gap between the stator laminations, a magnetic flux flows through the closed circuit, which causes 

E.M.F. flow within one set of (A.C.) of coils, which are opposite to each other. 

As the rotor is turned through ninety degrees, this magnetic gap opened and the magnetic flux and corresponding 
E.M.F. in the coil cease. Since the iron laminations with their D.C. coils are energized by a D.C. input, this D.C. input 
is converted (through basic transformer action) to an A.C. flow by the uniform making and breaking of the A.C. iron 
laminations and their associated A.C. coils. 

The characteristics of the Variable Reluctance Alternator are as follows: 

1) Voltage increase with an increase in R.P.M. 

2) Voltage increases with the number of turns of wire on the output coil (per transformer theory). (The project work 
of R. Alexander teaches us that it is advantageous to increase the turns, and hence voltage, in the output coil. Section 
VI, (c). 

3) Power increases with an increase in magnetic field strength. (A function of the wattage of the D.C. input E.M.F.) 

4) When compared with conventional generators/alternators, there is no counter-torque on the rotor. 

5) Very high efficiency, when compared with conventional generators. The recorded efficiency is: 125%. 

For more information see Paul Brown's article titled — The Moray Device and Hubbard Coil were Nuclear Batteries on page 121. 


Paul Brown’s Project Work 



Note solid core in D.C, 
field coils. 


Variable Reluctance Generator 

c) BYRON PECK —Seattle, Washington, 98121 

Byron Peck, chairman of the All Source Group has been active in reviewing, publicizing and developing "fuelless 
power" units for many years. Presently he is conducting research and development on mechanical and solid state 
devices which utilize Variable Reluctance and Over Unity Output. 

He is now at the bench testing stage on two models and states that important factors on the design of coils and how 
they are parametrically coupled in a device are now being evolved. Tuning a device to resonance is very critical. 

The coils for the devices under development are custom, hand-wound which is a very time consuming process but is 
necessary to provide the required E.M.F./magnetic field matching. The project work is continuing along the lines as 
described in 2), above. Paul Brown has provided technical support for this project, in the area of procedures for coil 
testing and their placement in the device. 

One of the units presently under development began as a mechanical device having two rotors. During one of the 
bench tests, the rotors were stationaiy and power was fed to the input coils. The result was an output that was 300% 
higher than when rotors were spinning. The rotors were then removed and the device is now being developed as a 
solid-state model. 

You can obtain a free catalog and journal by writing to: Byron Peck, 2318 2nd Ave # 12, Seattle, WA 98121. 


a) Kure-Tekko Co. (Japan) 

The Kure-Tekko compound permanent magnet/-electromagnetic motor is a most unique and ideal combination of 
E/M and P/M functioning in an evenly matched, high speed motor hybrid arrangement. 

It now seems to be apparent that the basic value and unique matching of these E/M and P/M functions has escaped 
the attention of most free-energy engineers and scientists, and such an approach should be reconsidered as worthy of 
further study. 

The combined unit consists of a high induction permanent magnet (samarium-cobalt P/M) is located within a plain 
rotor component which is given an initial rotating impulse by a precisely timed electromagnetic given an initial 
rotating impulse by a precisely timed electromagnetic station which may be slightly offset from top-dead center of the 

The most unique feature of this design (P/M section) is the novel uniformly opening spiral path of permanent 
magnets arrayed as the stator of the unit. This uniformly diminishing repulsive magnetic path directily interacts with 
the SAM P/M segment, causing a rotational "squeeze" on the rotor, so that it revolves rapidly. Another way to con- 
sider the reaction is that rotor's P/M segment is forced to revolved from a higher, magnetic repulsive potential to a 
lower one, by natural magnetic potentials. 

This specific permanent magnet motor application overcomes one of the serious deficiencies in all previous perma- 
nent magnet motor designs, bar none! The usual permanent magnet motor design, such as the Johnson P.M.M. (U.S. 
Pat. No. 4,151,431) are very much handicapped by low speed operation, which is a natural result of opposite 
stator/rotor, P/M station to station rotation which cannot be improved upon. 

Most free-energy researchers who venture into this permanent magnet motor R & D area fail to fully appreciate this 
negative point about these permanent magnet motors and are usually very disappointed at the poor operating results. 

Although the magnetic reaction or force differential of the Kure-Tekko unit is exceedingly small, the net effect over 
the full operating arc of approximately 290 degrees is quite significant, and this full arcuate motion translates directly 
into high speed, as a desirable feature in this compound or hybrid E/M/-P/M unit. 


Modified Kure-Tekko Unit, With Top Magnetic Spinner 

T he Japanese Kure Tekko 
permanent magnet motor 
is based on utilizing a uni- 
form spiral magnetic sta- 
tor which forces a magnetic 


or rotor to revolve from a high re- 
pulsion potential to a lower mag- 
netic repulsion potential, as indi- 
cated in the photos below. 

From a minimum entrance (start- 
ing) gap of about 1/4", the rotor 
magnets seek to revolve the rotor 
from the high repulsion zone to a 
far lower repulsion zone at the 
1-1/4" exit gap, as indicated in the 

The original Kure Tekko unit 
called for an electromagnet at the 
top of the unit to force the (single) 
rotor magnet into the small air gap, 
but there are operational problems 
involved in this method. The iron 
core of the electromagnet is 
attracted to the rotor magnet, so 
that the electromagnet must pro- 
duce a higher-than-normal repul- 
sion force to overcome this magnet- 
to-iron attraction. 

In this present design, an attrac- 
tion spinner, at the top of the unit 
revolves independently of the main 
rotor to attract each of the rotor 
magnets and drives them into small 
air gap to start each rotational 

The attraction magnetic spinner is 
revolved by a small 12 volt D.C. 
motor, which is powered by a 12 
volt NiCad battery pack, and re- 
volves at its own natural speed rate, 
as indicated in the photos below. 

The Kure Tekko design presents 
an attractive configuration which 
offers several possibilities for opera- 
tional improvements, including 
multi-function and over-unity out- 
put performance. 

To the best of our knowledge, this 
present magnetic motor prototype 
is the first operational Kure Tekko 
type unit, outside of Japan. 

E-Z Easy Rotor Loading Arrangement 
with (Hinged Trunnion-Half) 

Although this prototype unit does 
operate continuously at about 60 
rpm for the main rotor, it cannot be 
considered as a totally successful 
application of the K-T magnetic sta- 
tor spiral, since the major portion of 
the rotor's torque is provided by the 
top attraction spinner which "pulls" 
the rotor magnets successively into 
the small air gap to start each of the 
rotor's rotational cycles. 

While not being a fully successful 
application of the original Kure 

Tekko magnetic motor concept, the 
smooth and continuous rotation of 
the rotor does indicate that such an 
arrangement can be considerably 
improved, especially when the pres- 
ent ceramic, Ba-Fe permanent mag- 
nets are replaced with NIB (neody- 
mium-iron-boron) permanent 

Another design feature in this 
present prototype is the succes- 
sively increasing spacing (gap) be- 
tween each of the permanent mag- 
nets in the K-T spiral which reduces 
the natural coercivity factor be- 
tween each of the adjacent mag- 
nets. This uniformly increasing 
space between each of the K-T spi- 
ral magnets also contributes to the 
magnet repulsion differential which 
the rotor magnets are exposed to. 

The original concept behind the 
Kure Tekko magnetic motor, some- 
times referred to as the "Magnetic 
Wankel" is well founded since it was 
based on attempting to improve the 
drive motor to make electric cars 
successful rather than to wait for 
improvements in electric batteries. 
Improvements in electric batteries 
have become somewhat like the 
weather, battery engineers talk a lot 
about it, but nothing ever changes, 
probably due to the negative eco- 
nomics of such improvements. 

In the original Kure Tekko mag- 
netic motor design, a single rotor 
samarium-cobalt magnet was util- 
ized which was a basic design defi- 
ciency. There is no valid reason why 
multiple, and an equal number of 
rotor magnets, cannot be employed 
to provide rotational balance plus 
improved output torque for this type 
of unit, as in this present design 

Although at a first review, the use 
of a free-running attraction spinner 
may not appear to be efficient, it 
should be pointed out that this min- 
imizes friction to two rotational 
points alone, with no interconnect- 
ing belt or gear drives between the 
two rotating components. Attempts 
have been made to use magnetic 
ram and crank drives to force the 
rotor magnets into the small air gap, 
without any success, so have been 
abandoned. These mechanical 
drives entailed some friction which 
handicapped this method. 



b) Bill Muller PRAN Technologies, Penticton, Canada 

Bill Muller and his group have evolved a unique and very promising PM/EM unit. The design is based on using an 
even number of rotor segments and uneven number of iron stator segments, unlike conventional generators which 
have matched, even sets of segments. 

The even number of rotor segments are permanent magnets, while the fixed, uneven number of iron stator segments 
provide an overlapping unbalanced alternate attraction and repulsion between the opposite interacting segments. 
Since the electrical coils are directly associated with each iron stator segments, this portion of the design is conven- 
tional, but the timed capacitive discharge into the coils makes this design arrangment unconventional. The capacitive 
discharge principle has been proven by Ed Gray, with his EvGray unit, as described in Group 8. 

In addition to the natural advantage of utilizing the odd-even numbers of interacting rotor-stator segments, this 
design avoids the disadvantages of conventional generators by the elimination of back-EMF, ie: Lenz's Law, with the 
capacitive-discharge input into the multiple stator coils. 

There are some key design points which must be strictly followed in order for these types of units to work properly:- 

a) The permanent magnets used must be of the SAMCO-(samarium/cobalt or NIB magnets. 

b) The iron segment - (rotor component) must be of equal width to the width of the P/M's used (stator component). 

c) The spacing between the stator/field permanent magnets must not exceed 1.2 times the permanent magnet's 
width, at the rotating line. 

d) The air gap between the rotor iron segments and the stationary field P/M's must be quite close at .010 and no 
greater than .020 in order to maximize the magnetic instability between the stator/rotor components. 

It must be noted that Bill Muller's unique and practical motor is not just theory, there is at least one operating pro- 
totype which has been validated by a local Engineering Test Laboratory and witnessed by Drs. Petermannn and Schaf- 
franke, who endorsed this new type P.M.M. 

These types of permanent magnet motors are not self-starting and require some type of capacitive-discharge of in- 
put - (Ev-Gray) or an electromagnetic repulse similar to the Japanese Kure-Tekko design. Bill Muller states that this 
electromagnetic repulsing, or capacitive-discharge type of starting input can be made continuous as a running/timed 
function which would probably increase the effectiveness of these P.M.M's. As a continuous/running function this 
Muller design would then become a hybrid PM/EM unit, as described in Section 10(PM/EM motor). 

Heat Pump Concept:- 

Bill Muller has also developed a very useful heat pump arrangement which is a spinoff from the P.M.M. unit. In 
this unique concept, the permanent magnets are uniformly placed within the rotor in a multiple concentric pattern. 
The same "odd'V'even" method is used, with iron or "Metglass" segments placed within a similar multiple concen- 
tric pattern. Spiral piping passes through each of the iron or "Metglass" discs. 


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c)Professor Paul Monus Cleveland State University 

Professor Monus has become involved in the development of permanent magnet motors, some of which are based 
on the first entry of this section, 1) Kure Tekko of Japan. Since he was already involved in this research area he felt 
that the Kure Tekko unit principles could be tied into his own model building efforts. 

He built three experimental models based on the circular/spiral magnetic path concept, with variations in the 
magnetic field arrangement. He is impressed with the possibilities of producing a very light weight motor with high 
operating efficiency, compared to the conventional electric motors in use today. 

The summary of his research results on these models is as follows:- 

1. The efficiency of the units could be very high, approaching unity in some cases. 

2. They can be built of any available material, even from wood. 

3. The only iron material used is a small piece of electromagnet core, which can be replaced by a ferrite core if 



d)J.W. Putt PM/EM Motor-U.S. Patent No. 3,992,132 (Nov. 1976) 

The permanent magnet/-electromagnetic motor of J. W. Putt is based on converting primary motion in a given path 
to produce secondary motion in a transverse direction to the given path, as illustrated. 

This ununual type of PM/EM energy conversion unit which utilizes radial displacement of permanent magnets to 
drive pistons for a pumping device should be considered as a hybrid type of arrangement, as noted. 

The radial pistons are used as a hydraulic pumping means and are connected together to provide an output of 
pressurized fluid which may be stored under pressure for convenient usage. The fluid may be used to drive a hydraulic 
motor and then recirculated through a reservoir to the individual pump means for each of the secondary magnets. 

The basic invention involves the balancing of the magnetic forces of attraction and repulsion. This is achieved by 
having a plurality of interconnected primary magnets with polarities which coact with the polarities of the transversely 
movable secondary magnets so that the force of magnetic attraction in one direction parallel to the given path of 
relative movement are substantially equal to the forces of magnetic repulsion in the opposite direction parallel to the 
given path. This arrangement results in a minimization of th energy required to produce relative movement in the 
given path between the primary and secondary magnets. 


e)Dr. Keith Kenyon - "Kenyon Alternator, " in Wheel Form (1972) Glendale, California 

The Kenyon alternator resembles a bicycle wheel with multiple permanent magnets secured to the rim of the wheel. 
This wheel alternator is revolved by a five horsepower electric motor and the electrical output produced was used to il- 
luminate a panel of 100 watt lighbulbs. (144) 

As an electrical alternator the multiple permanent magnets must be arranged with alternating North and South 
poles exposed, so that a full sine wave scope pattern is produced, to power the load at an appropriate frequency/rotor 
speed. The frequency of the electrical output is determined by the wheel rpm and the number of magnets on the wheel, 
ie: 16 magnets on Kenyon's wheel revolving at 225 rpm will produce the normal 60 Hertz output/U.S. Since the 
lightbulbs used were 100 watts @60Hz., this is the speed (225 rpm + /-1 0), at which Kenyon's wheel must resolve. 

The multiple field coils produce a continuous 60HZ, EMF, through conventional Faraday's induction, with no iron 
laminations present, which would cause magnetic drag, and is generally similar to past electrical magneto design prac- 
tice. In addition to the use of conventional ceramic permanent magnets and copper wire/insulated coils, aluminum is 
said to play an active, key role in the alternator operation. A 3/4" thick aluminum band rums around the alternator 
wheel rim, as stated in the press release. 

Some researchers believe that the aluminum band may have served in a capacitance function, but this point is uncer- 
tain due to polarity switching, via AC induction. 

Dr. Kenyon submitted his test data to the federal government, ugh!! agencies, various ugh!! universities, and ugh!! 
General Motors, and their response was the usual: "Don't call us, we'll call you!" A Kenyon quotations, "They say 
that my instruments are wrong, but they can't tell me why??" 

Even a cursory review of the basic numbers of the Kenyon Alternator should have caused eyebrows to be raised! ! 

I. Input EMF,— Five (5) H.P. x 746 watts/HP, = 3.73 KW. 

II. Output EMF, — 144@ 100 watt Lightbulbs = 14.4 KW, assuming each lightbulb was absorbing full 100 watts for 
full illuminating intensity. 

These basic numbers show an o/u/o rating of 386%, (Nominal) at full illuminating intensity. Since there is no way of 
determing the actual output wattage of the Kenyon Alternator, no quality evaluation can be adjudged! 

f) Electrodyne Corporation Disc Alternator (12 x 12) 1986 

The Disc Alternator is generally similar in operation to the Kenyon Wheel Alternator, except that as a disc, the win- 
dage factor is somewhat reduced, and the N.I.B. permanent magents pole faces are laterally exposed. 

The N.I.B. permanent magnets on the disc are grouped in patterns of twelve, with twelve pole faces exposed on each 
disc side (6 North, and 6 South poles). Each N.I.B. magnet is .5 x .5 x .15 thick, and an approximate 5/16" spacing 
gap is provided between them to minimize cross-coersion. 

The N.I.B. P/M's are roughly 10K induction x 10K coercivity rated, and - in these twelve clusters, provide a very 
high magnetic field influence via Faraday's induction, on the multiple flat field coils. 

The basic design of the disc alternator is generally similar to past electric magneto design practice. In these 
magnetos, alternate N-S poles passed by fixed flat-wound field coils, usually about ten to twelve in number. In the 
magnetos, all the coils were connected in series to build up the voltage to fairly high levels for spark plug firing in 

While the Kenyon Wheel Alternator employed conventional single conductor field coils in elongated form, the Disc 
Alternator utilizes multiple fixed field coils in magneto-type flat coil form. 



Because the exposed pole faces of the twelve cluster N.I.B. magnets are relatively large for this disc, -3-72" x 2-1/4", 
it is possible to match these large areas with multiple flat field coils (up to four), so that flexibility in series/parallel cir- 
cuit connections can be obtained. Unlike the older magnetos where only a voltage buildup could be possible (or 
amperage, if this were required) the Disc Alternator can provide both an amperage and voltage buildup, as required. 

In the normal field coil connection mode, the four coils per cluster exposure, would be connected in series for a 
voltage buildup, while each of the (12) coils, minimum, would be connected in parallel to provide a useful amperage 
output level. 

Tests are now being started to obtain the best coil configurations and to determine the optimum width of the field 
coils since the area has now been fixed (3-1/2" x 3-1/4 "), as determined by the area of the N.I. B. magnet clusters. 

Tests are also being done with conductors other than copper wire to determine if superior characteristics can be ob- 
tained in this direction. 

a) Joseph R. Zubris (1969) Dorchester, Mass. U.S. pat. No. 3,809,978 

The Zubris electric automotive power system represents a basic improvement in the electric vehicle field, by pro- 
viding electric battery conservation, unlike conventional auto-battery arrangements. 

The battery/electric motor circuitry and design consists essentially of splitting the motor stator windings into two 
groups, with the use of multiple diodes to separate electric flow within the motor windings. His U.S. patent No. 
3,809,978 provides the full details on his unique circuitry and method of operation. 

Mr. Zubris became fed up with his troubled conventional gasoline powered vehicle in 1969, and decided to convert 
it into an electric vehicle which he felt would be more dependable. He salvaged an old ten horsepower electric motor 
and designed a special energy conservation electrical circuit around it. The system was fabricated, wired and con- 
tinuous operational tests indicated that his unique electrical-converted vehicle (1961 Mercury) cost him less than TOO 
per year to operate. 

Although his economical automotive system has been proven practical, Mr. Zubris was disappointed at the poor 
response to his unique automotive power arrangement. The electric motor is series wound, but with split field win- 
dings, as previously described. The reason for the electric battery conservation is that relays are used to cut the battery 
drain by about 60% of maximum, at a point where acceleration from starting is leveling off. 

Abstract of U. S. patent No. 3,809,978:- 

A D.C. motor circuit powered by two banks of automobile storage batteries includes an armature, a pair of field 
windings which are essentially connected in parallel with each other, and in series with the armature of the motor; an 
excitation circuit coupled to the pair of field windings for establishing a potential thereacross and its own D.C. power 
source, a switch for operating the D.C. motor in either the forward or reverse direction and circuit means including a 
full wave rectifier bridge for recharging the two banks of batteries wherein maximum current is available for starting 
and low speed operation, to a series connection for full voltage high speed operation. With the circuit of this invention 
greater efficiency of the motor is obtained primarily by means of the field excitation circuit, and where limited 
operating range is acceptable the circuitry enables a vehicle to be powered by readily available automotive batteries 
and still have exceptionally good performance. 


Present Electrical Vehicle Status: 

Power circuits in present electric vehicles generally require a relatively large electric motor for powering the vehicle, 
and this motor in turn requires an excessive number of storage batteries for properly powering the vehicle, over a 
resonable period of operation. These known circuits generally do not provide for efficiently operating the motor with 
the least amount of drainage from the storage batteries. In particular, known circuits require excess surge currents 
during starting and low speed operations. 

In addition, these electric vehicles have either been overly complex and too costly to be manufactured for general 
public usage, or alternatively, are too small and limited in the period of use obtained between charging. 

In this present electric/automotive system the use of field excitation is of particular importance, as the use of this 
circuit primarily enables one to operate lower surge currents. In one embodiment the starting and acceleration power 
drain were reduced by approximately 50%. The normal running power drain is also reduced by the use of the excita- 
tion circuit. However, it is noted that even if the excitation circuit should malfunction. -vehicle operation will con- 
tinue, at a reduced efficiency. 

PATENTED KAT 7 1974 3.809.978 

Battery Bank-^ 

Input Line 




Hans Coler, a German energy researcher from the period from 1936 to 1945 evolved several promising solid state 
electrical energy sources using permanent magnets, various shaped coils, copper plates and condensers (capacitors). 

Two significant devices were produced from this war-time research, the first being the " Stromerzeuer, " or Current 
Flow Device, which consisted of a central transformer comprised of two flat coils, with the ends of the secondary flat 
coil connected in series with the South poles of two permanent magnets. The North poles of the two permanent 
magnets are linearly connected to two flat copper plates. 

The output leads were connected to the ends of the copper plates, all in accordance with the accompanying diagram. 

The input to the primary flat coil was at the wattage level provided by a standard dry cell battery, presumed to be 
the 1 1/2 volt size. It was claimed that when the battery energized the primary circuit, a separation of charge takes place, 
influenced by the two magnet polarities, within the linear circuitry. When the battery source was switched off, a rever- 
sing current is supposed to flow, in the secondary circuit, but the magnets are not supposed to influence a polarization 
effect on this reversing. 

Several size versions of the "Stromerzeuger" were built, one small ten watt unit, a larger seventy (70) watt unit and 
finally a large unit built in 1937 reportedly produced 6 KW output. 

CURRENT FLO W DE VICE ( Stromerzeuger ”) 


‘Magnetstromapparat ”) 



Although this device has been fully documented, the specifications appear to be sketchy, with some key size and 
winding information missing. Such a device, as illustrated, seems to have little likelihood of producing a useful level of 
output, but does serve to stimulate thinking along these lines of solid state devices. 

"Magnetstomapparat" or Magnet Current Flow Apparatus 

The second energy device built by Coler is the Magnet Current Flow Apparatus, which was comprised of a 
geometric/hexagonal pattern of six permanent magnets, each in corner-contact with adjacent P/M units. 

Identical conductive coils were wound over each permanent magnet, but insulated from them. The magnet/coil 
combinations were connected in series with matched polarity. North to North pole, South to South pole connections, 
with two small condensers, a switch and a pair of sliding solenoid/rheostat coils required to tune the circuit. 

With the switch in the open position, the magnet coils are uniformly separated while the sliding coil is set in various 
positions, with a pause between adjustments. The magnet-coils are separated further and the sliding coil moved again. 
The procedure is repeated until an optimum separation of the magnet-coils is shown on the voltmeter. The switch is 
then closed, and the procedure repeated more slowly. The voltage increases further to a maximum, and is supposed to 
remain at this maximum of about twelve (12) volts. 

The project work of Hans Coler has considerable significance for the Free energy field since it represents several 
firsts, as follow: 

1) The first documented evidence of electrical coils wound directly over permanent magnets. 

2) The first recorded device where the major functional components are permanent magnets used in conjunction 
with matched coil, as a unified item. 

These solid state, amplifying transformer type units need to be reintroduced and improved upon. 

b) Alpha/Theta 

The solid state project work of Alpha/Theta in West Germany appears to be an extension of the work of Hans Col- 
er (1937-45) with his prior solid state devices, 1) Current Flow Device, and 2) Magnetic Current Flow Apparatus. This 
recent researcher's projects on several variations of s/s devices plus dynamic-rotating units are both soundly based 
and worthy of continuing effort, as will be noted form the folowing descriptions. Since this project work is pro- 
prietary and in the early stages of R & D effort, these descriptions are provided in an overall, outline basis, with some 
specific details unknown and therefore excluded. 

Unit - Type I 

This solid state unit is a basic amplifying transformer arrangement, since permanent magnets are applied in direct 
contact with the inside surfaces of transformer laminations, in a "U" shaped form. One open "U" end of the iron 
laminations provides an air gap, with one straight laminated iron end piece in close proximity of the open"U" end to 
provide the variable air gap between the two laminated non components. This end peice essentially closes the magnetic 
flow path around the iron laminations, between the primary and secondary coils. 

The primary coil is located at one end of the iron laminations, adjacent to the air gap and iton end piece, and an 
unusual feature of this coil is that it is double wound, R.H. and L.H., with a common negative connection. It is 
presumed that the purpose of the combined LH and RH coils is to match electrical polarity with the magnetic polarity 
of the permanent magnet(s), to increase the E.M.F. output. 

A conventional secondary coil is wound around one leg of the iorn laminations at the opposite end of the lamina- 
tions, at the base of the "U" shaped laminations form. The illustration shows a continuous magnetic flow path loop 
around the iron laminations and the air gap must provide the means for tachyon fded energy entrance into the unit. 
This unit design presents some interesting new features within amplifying transformers, beyond Hans Coler's work, 
and opens the way toward expanding on these basic concepts. 

Unit - Type VII 

This circular form of solid-state amplifying transformer is generally similar to the Type I Unit, but has both primary 
coil (3) and secondary coil (1) encased in permanent magnet halves, as a container form, per (5). 

In addition, a permanent magnet (4) is centrally positioned within the primary coil (3). An air gap (2) separates the 
primary coil (3) from the secondary coil (1). The polarities of the cylindrical magnet halves are unknown, and also that 
of the core magnet (4). 

The output leads from the primary and secondary coils are connected to an external electronic circuitry, as indicated 
in the drawings. This circuitry contains two control diodes, on plain diode, three capacitors a bridge rectifier and 
transformer, as indicated. From the magnetized coil transformer configuration and the external circuitry it is evident 
that the transformer coils are the EMF source, which is stepped-up in circuitry. 



SOLID STA TE - PA TENTS - Research and Development 

Inouloi.-m- ImpulS' - 
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Kenridaten fur 1 kVA-Kcnvcrt?r 
D, = SO ram ; H - 20 mm 


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h j = 1 ; R| = MO uO ; C s = 20 flF 

U S = 660 V; I lnax =(20U A'. 

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w 9 = 10 ; Ro = 5 mfi , . 

2 2 -(|,IK»v) 

U 2N = 270 V ; U, = 5 A v — 

Richtwerte fur Tycer'CiOo 
mit fj= 5 ni7. l 2 z °' 5 PH - 
Pn-309- Ferrllkcrn 

P N 






















XIV. SOLID STATE Patents, — Research and Development 

Unit - Type III 

The transistorized coil (ignition) unit, is another solid state device which is generally similar to Hans Coler's "Cur- 
rent Flow Device" or "Stromerzeuer" since it consists of connecting a group of electronic components in a sym- 
metrical, dual series circuit pattern, as indicated. In the case of this Type III Unit, the components are four tran- 
sistorized coils, two per identical circuits, (which apparently substitute fro Coler's central flat coils). The outer por- 
tions of the circuit contain twin sets of blocking diodes, which must serve to enhance electrical polarity magnitudes, 
and therefore the E.M.F. yield from the unit. 

c) Frank Richardson Las Vagas, NV (1978) 

The Richardson magnetic converter suggests a means of increasing electrical output yields in a generally similar way 
as Hans Coler's earlier solid state devices of 1936-45. 

In his U.S. Patent No. 4,077,001, titled; "Electromagnetic converter with stationary variable reluctance members", 
he embodies a unique array of permanent magnets with electrical connection stages, which are influenced by the 
various magnetic field stages. 

As described in the patent, the unit is a D.C/-D.C. converter comprising a permanent magnet having spaced apart 
poles and a permanent magnetic field extending between the poles of the magnet. A variable reluctance core is despos- 
ed in the field in fixed relation to the magnet and the reluctance of the core is varied to cause the pattern of the lines of 
force of the magnetic field to shift. An output conductor is disposed in the field in fixed relation to the magnet and is 
positioned to be cut by the shifting lines of permanent magnetic force, so that a voltage is induced in the conductor. 

Several experimental tests along these genarl lines have been carried out by researchers, with the reults limited to 
small output power levels not exceeding several hundred watts. 

In one experiment an attempt was made to match electrical polarity with permanent magnet polarity, with the hope 
of boosting the output, as shown in the accompanying sketch, but the test was generally negative, with no appreciable 
output level attained. 

d) E. V. deRivas - Electromagnetic Generator Los Angeles, Calif. (1977) 

This electromagnetic generator is fully described in U.S. Patent No. 4,006,401, (1977) and is essentially an array of 
electromagnets with associated iron laminated cores in a multi-disposed grouping, as shown in the various patent 

According to the patent abstract, it is described as an electromagnetic generator including a permanent magnet and 
a core member wherein the direction of magnetic flux flowing from the permanent magnet in the core member is 
rapidly alternated by switching to generate an alternating current in the winding on the core member. 

As stated in the patent text, "Permanent magnets have long been recognized and used as sources of magnetic flux 
both separately and in combination with electromagnets as means of intensifying current flow. In such instances, as 
the frequency of the control signal to the electromagnet has increased, so has the coil inductance of the magnetic flux 
path to limit the magnitude of the generated current." 

It is an object of this invention to provide an electromagnetic generator including a permanent magnet as flux 
source wherein the magnitude of the generated current increases as a function of the frequency of the signals applied 
to control the direction of flux flow from the permanent magnet. 

This patent is in Alt Class - 323/92; 307/104; 336/110, and the assignee is a family member, Rene Villasenor de 

The solid state electromagnetic art of de Rivas appears to be an extension of Han Coler's basic art, except for the 
addition of convention electromagnetic to permanent and conductive means, as taught by Coler. 

One reference patent is cited in this patent: Pat. No. 2,725,520, by Woodworth, 1 1/1955, Art Class 323/92x. 

This solid state electromagnetic generator art offers promise for further development and improvements. 

e) Parametric Transformers 

The parametric transformer is a passive power conversion device which utilizes a novel parametric oscillator to 
achieve the parametric transfer of electrical energy. The transfer method is quite different than the usual mutual 
inductance or flux coupling electrical energy transfer means. Some of the unusual characteristics involved in the 
parametric transformer include: 1) line voltage regulation, 2) mutual filtering, 3) unilateral operation, 4) phase- 
locked output voltage; and 5) basic overload protection. Various forms of these parametric transformers are finding 
wide use in industry. 

A basic transformer consists of two coils, a primary and a secondary wound on a single laminated iron core. The 
core provides a low reluctance path for the mutual magnetic fields, and strong flux coupling takes place between the 


two coils with a resulting high efficiency transfer of E.M.F. 

The newer parametric transformers utilize two component not found in ordinary transformers which are: a 
shunted magnetic core and, b) a resonant output circuit. This newer type transformer provides a useful operating 
feature which is voltage regulation under varying input voltages. The major advantage in this feature is the transfer 
of minimum distortion output voltages. Since there is no mutual induction between the two windings of the parametric 
transformers the output voltage does not reproduce any of the input voltage irregularities. 

The Wanlass U.S. patent No. 3,403,323 describes such parametric transformers in more detail, as noted. 

3b. Parametric Motors 

The parametric motor is described in the U.S. Patent of W.Z. Fam, U.S. Patent No. 3,716,734, (1973), as a single 
phase alternating current motor that operates as a balanced two-phase motor with a single-phase supply input. The 
patent abstract describes the parametric motor as an alternating current electric motor having a rotor, a first magnetic 
structure defining a first magnetic circuit. 

A second magnetic structure defining a second magnetic circuit, said first and second magnetic circuits including 
the said rotor in their magnetic paths, said first and second magnetic structures each having portions generally at 
right angles to each other, a first winding on said first structure and connected for energization from an alternating 
current single phase supply, a second winding on the said second structure connected to a capacitor to form a closed 
electrical circuit, said first and second windings excited parametrically from the first winding producing a flux in the 
second structure ninety degrees out of phase with the first. 

3 c. Core Construction for Parametric Devices 

U.S. Patent No. 3,648,205, describes the core construction for variable inductors and parametric devices, issued 
toC.L. Wanlass (Mar. 1972). 

The patent-abstract is as follows: Various core constructions are disclosed for use with variable inductors and 
parametric devices, the cores having supplemental core pieces acting in some cases as magnetic shunts, — and in 
other cases as return paths, or both, for the input and/or output portions of the magnetic core such as that disclosed 
in U.S. Pat. No. 3,403,323, as noted above. 

Applications to "free energy" devices and systems: 

These parametric transformers and motors are included in this solid state, R & D Section to possibly spur interest 
in the possibilities for utilizing some of their features into such f/e devices or systems. As noted, parametric motors 
offer improved starting torques due to multi-phase operation from a single phase supply input. The stabilized resonant 
output suggests that these parametric methods may have some useful transfer to Tesla/Flubbard type amplifying 
transformers, and similar solid state units. 



a) Howard Johnson — U.S. Patent No. 4,151,431 

The Johnson permanent magnet motor as described in U.S. Patent No. 4,151,431 stirred considerable interest 
in the prospects for the direct application of permanent magnets as a no-power input energy source, which is a most 
desirable feature for any prospective free-energy source. 

The Johnson art was divided into two types of distinct units, one linear and one rotary, with the most interest 
directed toward the rotary version due to the possibility of it leading to a no-power-input electrical generator. The 
linear version was demonstrated before the PAtent Office and was the basis for the issuance of the Johnson patent, 
since it proved to be practical in the demonstration given. No rotary unit was demonstrated before the patent ex- 

Considerable development effort has been expended over the years on the rotary version, but no tangible evidence 
has been reported, and spcifically on a cost/effective version of this rotary unit. The early reports of high output 
yields and practical operation are believed to be public relations hype, and exaggerations of basic performance data. 

It has now been well established that none of thes permanent magnet motors has been able to effectively overcome 
the serrious deficiency of natural low-speed operation, which naturally lowers the horsepower output equation, for a 
given torque level. 

The Johnson rotary P.M.M. consists of multiple, equally spaced rectangular permanent magnets secured to a rotor 
component, with mutiple arcuate, or banana-shaped (special) permanent magnets evenly spaced as the stator P/M's 
causes a positive preponderence of magnetic force vectors to advantageously act on the rotor P/M's, thus causing 
rotation in one direction. The main problem with these special types of P/M's is that it is impossible to get a major 
preponderence of magnetic force vectors to act the rotor magnets, so that a severe operational tradeoff must be made 
in order to achieve some degree of positive rotation. 

A magnetic force preponderance of around 25% is about all that can be expected as an optimum value for this type 
of design, and there is very little that can be done to improve on this basic geometric configuration. Some performance 
improvement and slight cost-reduction can be expected by switching from the high cost samarium-cobalt P/M's to the 
latest NIB's (neodynium-iron-boron) P/M's but this factor will not overcome the basic deficiencies of this P.M.M. 

As was previously stated, the natural low operating speed of these P.M.M. 's due to slow station-to-station reaction 
speed is a severe negative factor for these units, and when this is coupled to the low magnetic force preponderence an- 
dhigh magnet cost, it is sufficient to make these P.M.M. projects highly questionable, at best. 

Without an appreciable operating speed available, the H.P. output must be borne by the magnetic reactive torque 
hich has proven to be on the lean side for the Johnson P.M.M. 

There has been a considerable amount of R & D work performed in the permanent magnet motor field, as witnessed 
by the relatively large number of U.S. patents issued in this field. Inspite of all this theory and practical hardware ef- 
fort, there remains very little in tangivle value to show for this effort, and it is very unlikely that future efforts will 
change this outlook for them. 

Even if some major improvement in the P.M.M. area was forthcoming, it is highly unlikely that it could compete 
competitively against some of more promising units and systems described elsewhere in this Manual, specifically on a 
true cost/effectiveness basis. 



b)Peregrinus (1269 A.D.) to Lee Bowman in 1954. 

Peter Peregrinus is credited with the developement of the first known and recorded permanent magnet motor in 
1269. His original work has been translated from Latin and the work is on file at the New York City Public Library. 

The Peregrinus P.M.M. work remained dormant over the centuries until it was revived by Mr. Lee Bowman of 
California in 1954, who evolved a small scale working model. 

The device consisted of three parallel shafts supported in bearings within end plates secured to a solid base plate. 
Three gears were secured at one end of each of the three shafts, at a two-to-one ratio, with one larger gear on the cen- 
tral shaft, as shown. 

At the opposite end, three discs were secured to the shaft ends with one larger disc on the central shaft, and the two 
equal size smaller discs on the two, outer shafts. The discs were also fixed at a two-to-one ratio, the same as the gear 
ratios at the opposite shaft ends. 

Eight Alnico rod permanent magnets were equally spaced on the one large disc, and four magnets each on the two 
smaller discs, so that they would coincide in position when the three discs were revolved. The elongated Alnico perma- 
nent magnets were placed on each of the discs so that they revolved parallel to the shafts, and their ends passed each 
other with a close air gap of about .005". 

When the discs were moved by hand, the magnets passing each other were so phased as to be synchronized at each 
passing position, as shown in the sketches. 

The operation of the magnetic device required the positioning of a single cylindrical permanent magnet which was 
placed at an angle relative to the lower quadrant of the end discs, as shown. This single magnet acted as the actuator 
magnet which caused the rotation of the disc by unbalancing the magnetic forces of the three magnetic discs. 

The Bowman magnetic motor was witnessed by several people including an electrical engineer who was impressed 
with its operation at the time of the demonstration. Although the Bowman device ahd received some exposure it never 
received any development interest and was eventually dismantled and destroyed, with no records made of its develop- 
ment potential. 

The Bowman Permanent Magnet Motor 



c)D.A. Kelly Magnetic Wheel Drive, U.S. Pat. No. 4,179,633 (Dec. 1979) 

From the Patent Abstract: The permanent magnet wheel drive consists of two basic magnetic components, one large 
driven wheel containing a uniform series of identical permanent magnet segments, and a second magnetic driving 
means comprising multiple oscillating magnetic couples of opposite identical magnet segments. 

The magnetic mechanism simulates the action of a mechanical clock escapement mechanism in that the oscillating 
magnet couples uniformly oscillage between the wheel magnet segments to induce continuous wheel rotation. 

All of the multiple oscillating magnet couples are oscillated by a motor(s) driven eccentric through a suitable gear 
reduction unit. The small D.C. motor(s) are powered by multiple arrays of silicon solar photovotaic cells at some con- 
venient rooftop location. 

Continuous testing of this device showed that it consistantly produced a (no-load) step-up ratio of 2:1, that is the 
large wheel rim force was double that of the input actuating force on the oscillating couple. A repetitive, identical test 
procedure was used to establish an average value of input and output readings, under a no-load condition. 

While these test results were encouraging, a disadvantage for this type of unit is that the wheel is locked-in with a 
low, fixed speed out-put which is dependant on the natural magnetic field interaction between the opposite, interac- 
ting magnet segments. 

The magnetic wheel drive was originally designed to be self-actuating by means of a multi-lobe cam and push rod ar- 
rangement, but this approach has not proven to be successful to date. 

The device indicates the basic value in utilizing interacting magnet components, but has no commercial value as the 
full test results have shown. 





While no major advances have been made in any type of permanent magnet motor due to their low natural speed of 
operating, there is a useful application in the shielded magnet principle. It has been found that using shield magnets in 
the repulsion mode of operation can result in a useful magnetic flywheel, of "ENERGY WHEEL" unit. 

As was evident in the Johnson P.M.M. design, there is no real advantage in trading off attractive and repulsive 
magnetic forces when the reaction speed, ie: rotor output speed is far too low. Most subsequent permanent magnet 
motors have suffered from this basic tradeoff problem which also limits any useful torque yeild that can be derived 
from these experimental units. 

Various types of magnetic shielding techniques have been developed over the years, which either shield magnetic at- 
traction or repulsion, with only a limited degree due to the inability to totally shield magnetic fields by any element, or 
practical and economic means. 

Combination shielding using hollow Mu-metal shell filled with Bismuth granules has proven to be marginally effec- 
tive (approximately 20) in providing magnetic shielding of opposite attraction magnetic forces, so that the repulsion 
mode can be utilized for an "Energy Wheel". 

Subsequent testing has shown that multiple layers of Mu-metal strips with plastic spacers of about equal thickness 
to the strips is quite effective in providing adequate shielding. Mu metal strips in up to five layers on both rotor and 
stator magnets. 

Due to this marginally effective magnetic shielding, the Energy Wheel concept can become a useful dynamic compo- 
nent when used in conjunction with other dynamic alternator or generator units. Such "Energy Wheels" revolved 
with increased rotational endurance/time and can therefore serve as an intermediate energy storage unit or dynamic 
flywheel between a small input drive motor and an output electrical alternator or generator, for a degree of over-unity 
output operation. 

O. D. Jefimenko - West Virginia University 

O.D. Jefimenko and a group of graduate students at West Virginia University have become involved in the research 
and development of various type of electrostatic motors. 

While the various types of electrostatic disc motors are not true "free-energy" machines, they are worth of con- 
sideration since they may serve as "trigger" /excitation devices for the input of electrical energy for other types of true 
"free-energy" units such as the Moray, Hendershot, Coler and similar types of units. 

The Jefimenko electrostatic motor is based on the classic Benjamin Franklin electrostatic motor or "electric wheel" 
machine. The Franklin motor is similar to the old Wimhurst electrostatic generator consisting of many conductive 
wheel stations or segments located at the wheel's periphery. As the wheel revolves at high speed minute opposite static 
charges are accumulated and transferred to polarized collective chambers, at opposite sides of the wheel, at about 
2000 volts and sometimes higher. 

As dynamic converters, these various disc machines tap the earth's electric field and although the electric power 
(wattage) produced never exceeded about one hundred watts, they are of interest in possibly serving as the primary in- 
put stage for other, high wattage output machines. 

In the Jefimenko electrostatic motor, a rimless wheel turns in a horizontal plane (corona-type) on ball bearings. The 
elongate rotor consists of two identical end plates with multiple, equally spaced flat strip electrodes secured to each of 
these end plates. 

A variety of corona motors have been constructed by the Jefimenko group. They have discovered the performance 
of these machines can be greatly improved by correctly shaping the electrodes which produce the corona. The working 
surface of the rotor should be made of thin plastic strips, such as Plexiglas or Mylar. The inner surface of the cylinder 
should be lined with conductive foil to enhance the corona. 

The Jefimenko group reconstructed a Poggendorff type of electrostatic generator which produced an output of ap- 
proximately .1 horsepower, at about 12,000 r.p.m. and efficiency of more than 50% 


By definition, a crystal is a mineral crystalline solid in which the constituent atoms are arranged with a degree of 
geometric polarity which is a key factor to their electronic usefulness. 

Certain types of crystals act as electrical capacitors and also produce a piezoelectric effect when subjected to 
pressure and/or heat. The quartz crystal is of particular interest since it exhibits a change in structure when exposed to 
elevated temperatures of high voltage currents. 

The crystalline quartz component has the unique characteristic of absorbing electromagnetic waves and converting 
them into charge flow generally the same way as the T. T. Brown dual-plate capacitor, with its anti-gravity effect. 
Conversely, the crystalline quartz component has the ability to convert charge flow into electromagnetic waves 
(piezoelectric transducer) function. 


Various experiments with quartz crystals have shown that when they are exposed to a potential source in a fixed 
direction they will stretch and contract, and in a rapidly changing potential, the crystal will convert electrical waves in- 
to mechanical oscillations. The piezoelectric effect, as displayed by Rochelle salt crystals in several devices such as 
loud speakers, or conversely in the case of microphones are a direct application of a scientific effect. 

While these piezo effect oscillations are quite small they can be held at a discrete frequency and are thus ideal in 
maintaining a constant wavelength in radio transmitting equipment. 

Testing has disclosed that by using special equipment to retain these crystals, they may be increased in size by an ap- 
plied potential in different directions (axes) and will not return to their original size, when the potential source is stop- 
ped. This phenomena seems to indicate that the internal electron motion from a molecule causes an irreversible change 
of the entire crystal structure. 

The project work of Dr. Kowsky and Frost established the anti-gravity effect of the quartz crystal, with an ex- 
perimental device which they called gravity nullifier. 

The experiments of Kowsky and Frost showed that when a quartz crystal was retained on a scale and a high voltage 
potential applied, the crystal lost a percentage of its weight. Further investigation was directed at increasing the 
voltage level input up to several kilovolts and for longer durations. The testing disclosed that a quartz crystal of about 
two inches by one inch by 3/4 inch increased about twenty times in all directions! Not only did this crystal become 
weightless, but it also lifted up the scale apparatus with it (approx. 55 lbs.) and all elements became free-floating in 
the air within the laboratory! 

The testing showed that the specific gravity of the test quartz crystal was reduced to a far greater extent than the 
change in its volume would indicate. The test quartz crystal had assumed a negative specific gravity under the in- 
fluence of the high voltage input and thus began to levitate under weight-load conditions. 

The quartz crystal is a hexagonal (six-sided) crystalline solid, usually with a point at one end, with the strongest 
energy points at the ends. In a double ended quartz crystal, there are two pointed ends, boch having strong energy 
focus points. 

Quartz crystals usually "grow" deep within the earth strata, since they are best formed, with the clearest structure, 
in the absence of water, light or air. They usually "grow" in clusters similar to plants and trees. A natural quartz 
crystal about three inches long and one inch in diameter may take up to fifteen years to "grow", and it has been 
estimated that about one-third of the earth's mineral struture is in one form of quartz, or another. 


Unified Particle Theory 

(Editor s note: Inventor Joe Newman has caused a major ruckus with his "magnetic particle "machine, and many people 
have read the inventor's theories as presented by Sam Taliaferro in MAGNETS (May 1986) as well as in his self- 
published book. Essentially, Joe Newman theorizes that magnetic particles are gyroscopic in nature. Now comes John 
Griggs of Prineville, Oregon with an interesting version of the Unified Particle Theory (UPT) and we are delighted to 
present it to you in full. Mr. Griggs first developed his theory in 1954, and has been allowing it to grow and improve over 
time. We share a portion of his letter to this editor as a preface to his updated, 1985 version.) 

T his paper was condensed nine 
years ago from one small, though 
important, aspect of the unified 
particle theory which I began an 
entanglement with (in September or October 
of 1954) due, first, to my doubts on the 
explanation offered by special relativity on 
the constancy of the velocity of light for all 
observers (regardless of states of motions, 
etc.); and, secondly, to my further skepticism 
on the gravitational explanation of general 
relativity, i.e., on the so-called curvature of 
space-time. How much better an attenuation 
shadow works! For thirty years I was 
laughed to scorn. 

But now — during the last year and a half 
— most particle physicists are screaming 
that, at least, general relativity will have to be 
drastically revised if their new "superstring 
theories" are to work. Friends and acquain- 
tances are now pointing out that 1 have had a 
"superstring theory" for thirty years. Even 
so, I have never called the UPT a "super- 
string theory." Nevertheless "superstring- 
ers " have copied many aspects of my theory, 
including non-pointlike properties of ele- 
mentary particles. They now say that charge 
is smeared out, while with our basics this has 
always been a requirement. And behold! 
They now say that "curvature of space-time" 
must be drastically changed If one could 
only cry! And they have even copied the 
torus for the internal constituents of nucleii 
— but not of the electron, they suppose. I'll 
be so bold as to say it again: These internal 
constituents are electrons (±). It is no fault 
of my own that they are groping in the dark 
yet, for I sent extracts of the UPT to the 
theoretical physics departments of all major 
universities in the United Stales twenty-five 
years ago (I have some of these returned, 
unopened). And at many other times I gave 
excerpts of the UPT to renowned physicists 
and astronomers in academia. 

Many places in the enclosed paper I use 
the terns "basics of space," "basic photon 
flux, " "magneticflux, "and "flux wind, "etc. 
They are all the same. On page two I call 
these "photons." This is also true, but a 
further explanation should be given: These 
basics are photons which have split up or 
which have never joined to an oppositely 

spinning partner. 

Now that I have said this, I must say 
further that the electromagnetic radiation 
which we can sense or measure: light, 
whistlers, gamma radiation, etc., is made up 
of nutating, oppositely spinning pairs of 
our basics of space which sense and affect 
the basic flux. This spinning double basic 
photon gives a perfect picture of Maxwell's 
sine-waved orthogonal electromagnetic 

The spinning photons trace out "waves." 
Also see FN 10. Moreover, this double spin- 
ning photon concept explains refraction, 
defraction (without "waves"), polarization 
without ad hoc assumptions (e.g., here, 
"spheroidal waves" — as if there could be 
any such thing), and all the other known 
properties of electromagnetic radiation fit 
beautifully. This is explained in the unified 
particle theory, from which this paper is 

But it is not proper that I should bring in 
all the ramifications of the statements made 
or ideas touched upon, or this explanatory 
note must be much bigger than the paper. 
The paper is on "elementary"particles. 

A Two Component 
Particle Hypothesis 

(Taken from the 
Unified Particle Theory) 

If particles are assumed to be com- 
posite structures whose compo- 
nents were at one time photons one 
can build up a two component par- 
ticle hypothesis which not only fits 
the phenomena of charge, spin, etc., 
including a new conserved quantity 
in all particle reactions, but also he 
can, by assigning a mass (when 
bound) to each of these two com- 
ponents, have a pretty near fit with 
the masses which are known from 
experiment. Others are predicted. 
This hypothesis is much simpler 
than the quark ones. And its predic- 
tions are more exact. 

I make these assumptions about a 
photon: (1) it is cylindrical and perhaps 
hollow (or, depending on spin diameter, 
disc like or annular) in shape. (2) It spins 
always at c while moving linearly at c, and 
these two movements are retained once the 
photon becomes part of a particle (any point 
on surface traces a helix of 45°, so the trace 
speed is 1.4142c). 

To become a particle of mass this photon 
must curl upon itself fomiing a torus. There 
are two generic types: closed and open. The 
effectiveness of the former spin(the spin 1 of 
the photon) is now "cancelled", though the 
spin is retained; the tori of charged leptons 
are closed: 




The four arrows symbolize the annulcd 
spin of the former photon; the single outside 
arrow, the new particle spin. The spin 
shown by the 4 arrows is critically necessary 
for encrgy-to-mass formation; I call this 
movement the "flow" of the torus. If a 
photon describing left hand helicity curls 
and forms into a particle it remains forever 
distinct from a toms which is fonned from a 
photon of right hand helicity because of the 
two movements (one cannot be changed to 
the other). These are tmly elementary. One 
is an e"; the other an e + . Either might now, in 
translatory motion, show left or right helic- 
ity (have spins parallel or antiparallel); 
however, one helicity would be preferred, as 
will be shown directly. 


Charge is assumed — in this scheme — 
not to inhere, per se, in the torus, but rather 
to be a manifestation of the electro-magnetic 
radiation of space 1 (flowing through the 
hole of the doughnut. 

I assume that space is penneated with 
photons of various "wavelengths". These 
ordinarily do not mutually interact while 
traversing space together any more than, 
say, two searchlight beams interact or, a 
microwave beam and photons from the sun 
interact. These photons collectively I call the 
basics of space (since they are the basic stuff 
from which not only matter, but charge, as 
well, is made). 2 

Although the photon may possibily be 
hollow, have a cylindrical shell structure, as 
a charged particle I presume that, in any 
case, it squeezes down to a structure filled 
(with the "fire fluid" of the photon). 3 Elec- 
trons should be very small (and no photon 
less energetic or shorter than P times its 
diameter can ever become an electron). 

The torus contributes a mass of about 
68.6 meV when bound in nucleii. When 

aside from the usual vector definition, of 
“parallel” or “antiparallel” spin. 

Neutrinos Antineutrinos 

One can have four distinct particles, two 
of left helicity, and two of right, fitting the 
requirements of V e , V r , V e , V r . This quad- 
rality obtains because, with the permanent 
helicity, we have also the locked in photon 
spin, analagous to flow in the electron’s 
torus. We have no V r . 

Further, since some force must hold the 
helices unchanging I assume this is the dis- 
turbance in the basics (an electro-magnetic 
‘field’) caused by the two spins, and the two 
(hollow) faces. The V is electromagnetically 
neutral overall for the reason that the mag- 
netic polarity and strength of one face (at 

where the tori are split) would just oppose 
that of the other, neutralizing the V as a 

This uncharged, apparently massless 
(when free) lepton contributes a mass of 
1 8.53 MeV when bound inside the compo- 
site particle. 

Using multiples of the two energies and 
adding them together we come near the 
experimentally determined values. 4 Stable 
and metastable particles. 

All 1/2 integer spin particles have odd 
numbers of components when summed; 
even integer spin ones have even numbers of 

Note that the above scheme works rea- 
sonably well in calculating the masses of 
composite particles irregardless of whether 
they are leptons, mesons, or baryons. 

The masses derived are not exact; there is 
an error of about 1 MeV out of 500 MeV in 
some. Binding energies are not uniform; and 
are unexplained. It is noteworthy that no 
other scheme comes nearly so close. 


If all particles are composed of these two 
types of tori then there should be some con- 
served quantity — akin to the tori — com- 
mon to all composites (other than charge). 7 
Call this quantity 2-torincss (2- -ness); 

2- -ness) = Q - A, where Q is charge and 
A the baryon no. 

Add algebraically. In evvery reaction 2- 

-ness is conserved. The e+ and its Ve are 
together given a 2- -ness of +; the e-Ve, -I , 
except in inverse beta-decay, where the elec- 
tron alone has 2- -ness of -1 (+ 1 ). 



T T 


(•>) (Qi 

'?r* + P 

e i 


TT + 






— r * 

— W 

— y 


A m 

(O) to} 


(0) l-t) 
r n 

K ~? P 






P ♦ n 














Now, above I said one helicity of the e-, 
e+ would be preferred. If wc section one of 
these tori and make flow lines 

basics of space 

in the fire fluid around a center we may see 
why. We assume that the tori can have a 
maximum velocity relative to the basics of 
space of 2c (in the same sense that acceler- 
ated electrons encounter the 2°7 blackbody 
radiation at near 2c). But now we imist 
differ, for I assume that not only is this 
important but that it is all that is important 
to inertia and mass: As the electron's veloc- 
ity increases into the basic flux the fluid .stuff 
ncjr outside of torus must meet the basics at 
an increasingly higher rate than does the 
fluid near the hole. I am assuming a torus 
which flics forward face on. So the center of 
the flow must move ever inward to keep the 
fluid flowing at c. If enough energy were 
available (an infinite amount?) this center 

would reach the “skin” (at which time the 
torus would lose all mass and likely reverse 
directions). I assume mass is this movement 
about the center; the assymetry of the flow 
as seen in section is a measure of the mass. If 
the flow center is moved, say 90% of the 
distance to inside edge, this represents a 
certain inertia of mass, as when we throw a 
ball (fast ball!), and until an opposite 
“force” acts upon the ball — and so changes 
the center of movement — it will continue 
on. 5 The mass of, say, a proton at “rest” on 
the earth is about 938 MeV due to the 
repression of the flow centers of the three 
component particles within the proton. 
Inertia and mass are the same. 

Accelerated mass is added on, therefore, 
without permanently changing the particle. 

dimensional affairs; whereas, we need 
arrows showing movement in three dimen- 
sions (arrows pointing with the direction tell 
little more). It is small wonder that in view- 
ing the beta decay of Co 60 in terms of the 
conventional arrows we should ascribe to 
the mirror an impossible event. 10 , 11 Conve- 
nient mathematical fictions can cause trou- 
ble. In terms of the traced movements and 
helices of our tori there are not only no 
“impossible" mirrored events but the events 
as mirrored are the requisite antiparticles. 
(When we have no translatory movement 
we must yet picture spin and flow — but not 

Let us use mirrors. 

Sectioned Components 



C L* 


The tori would prefer one helicity for the 
reason that, in sectional view the hatched, 
the outer portion contains a greater volumn. 
And least action would prefer that the 
greater and slower flow impact the basics; 
the lesser flow makes up for this in speed up 
to near 2c*. 

A final question should be this: do large 
multiples of these components exist inside 
the more massive elementary particles as 
separate entities? 

It appears unnecessary in all cases since 
the repression of the center flow in the 
closed tori - by accelerating into the basic 
flux — and the increase in D, decrease in d, 
of the broken tori is the equivalent of having 




(GD > 

C L" 


Consider the unbroken tori, which I 
assume arc the electrons: If a torus of one 
flow and spin (with a preferred direction of 
translation) constitutes an e' then its mirror 
view with all the opposed movement, of 
opposite helicity, is the e + . The mirror view 
of the e _ is not still an e‘ (“since we can have 
left and right electrons,” as it is usually s-iid), 
for wc must consider flow also. The torus 
can show left and right helicity, but to be an 
c with left helicity wc must have outside to 
forward flow. 

diameters of a torus as used conventionally. 

n ° w *P\ 

. spin 

By this the scattering cross section of neu- 

*> H 

* - 

trino interactions should increase as energy 



goes up. that of the electron, decrease. 

1 have said above that one could con- 

struct “elementary” particles with only 


“two” torus-like components, of specified 

e R M 



internal spins and flows. 


Therein I made statements to effect that 
one could see the experimentally-confirmed 
properties of the particles by picturing these 
as made of the tori components. I menti- 
oned a few. 7 ,*, 9 

Now I should like to show that parity 
violation was no violation at all, but a misin- 
terpretation, a confused view. The confu- 
sion was partially, at least, caused by one’s 
having pictured the particle's spin as either 
"pointing forward," right hand, or, "back- 
ward," left hand. Arrow's pointing opposite 
to the direction of the particle’s linear move- 
ment are not only misleading but are one 

and an cr‘ must show opposite, i.e.. inside 
to forward flow. 

The mirror views of these two are the two 
helices of the e + . The How center configura- 
tion should prohibit the c from remaining 
right handed. If it is started out from a com- 
posite as right handed it should flip imme- 
diately. reacting against the basics of space, 
and conversely, the e + . 

Images of Ihe above 
*L"’ C R' become e^, e| = 

Real Mirror linages 

netic basic flux hitting the components of 
Co 60 will tend to cause the outside flow of 
the unbroken tori (within the Co 60 ) to face 
into a helically aligned flux “wind” (electro- 
magnetic Held) — exactly as when the tori 
are accelerated. This aligning of the tori 
(since they do not flip except under special 
conditions of breakup of composite) is that 
which aligns the whole: 10 

If we show the more complex proton, its 
mirror-image will likewise be its anti- 

Because of the flow — and impingement 
of basics of space against this flow (maxi- 
mum relative of 2c) — there is a preferred 
helieity of the electron. If, therefore the elec- 
tron is treated with a magnetic field 10 , " the 
electrons will assume orientations which 
will preferentially, at unstable particle de- 
cay, fly off in predetermined directions, con- 
sider a mirror view of it and /r decays: 

— '■■2 — (2-Q . — Magnetically 
•4 — Q.J &. — 12-— aligned hade flu« 

+ Q Q j 2 - 

Spin alignment 

When these electrons are “shot" out they are 
shot out so that the outside flow heads into 
the flux. This repression of the flow center is 
inertia; when any weak spot (or hole) in the 
impinging flux passes by, the component, 

All internal movements are reversed by the 
mirror; therefore the images are the anlipar- 
ticlcs. Since rr has spin 0 and the pr has spin 
1/2 we must assume that when the tt 
breaks up into a pr and an V p the e' flips 
over from a state of left spin to one of right 
spin; this allows the Vp and p~ to fly apart 
with the right hand helieity. The flip takes 
time, slowing the reaction. Nevertheless, ex- 
cept to preserve angular momentum when 
the need arises, the flow pattern of the e" 
should make it left handed. 

Finally, if we align a composite particle 
by using an electro-magnetic “field” (our 
helically aligned space basics) as Mrs. Wu 
and associates did with the Co 60 nucleii 12 we 
thereby align the composite in a preferential 
way since the individual components are all 
that offers a resistance to our spin aligned 
basics, indeed, all that there is to any par- 
ticle. All should pretty much agree with that. 
Now, the important thing is this: the mag- 

thc c, must shoot out — the steam is up, and 
throttle is open. The chuck is removed. 13 

What of charge, of the so-called TCP 
theorem? We have treated it above, already; 
for when we treat spin, flow, and helieity 
(through the basics) we have simultaneously 
treated charge. Charge is the twist given the 
basics by spin and flow. It is then small 
wonder that "weak interactions always 
obey charge-conjugation invariance and 
parity invariance taken together”. They arc 
inseparable. The parity (true parity) deter- 
mines the charge. 14 

And we treat not just charge-conjugation 
invariance and space-inversion invariance, 
or parity, but, at once, time-reversal in- 
variance. For when we allow that any parity 
experiment must see all internal constituents 
and their several movements — and with- 
out this allowance we are hobbled, have 
blinders on — we at once see that no experi- 
ment, including "thought" experiments, can 

claim (hat the principle of time reversal is 
anything but invalid: we can start at the 
macro level, using the illustration of a 
swimmer moving backward in time (a fav- 
orite of the time-reversal-m principle- 
crowd). As the swimmer moves forward in 
time we see, by close scrutiny, that there is a 
reaction between the water and the swim- 
mer's feet and hands. But in the backwards 
view - - and we must see all — the water 
molecules rush up aginst the swimmer’s 
hands and feet, stop dead, causing no reac- 
tion; instead the swimmer moves back along 
the path from which the water came. Ac- 
tion-reaction is violated, Newton’s third law 
of motion. 

Let’s go to the very small: we have a rr* 
moving through a magnetic field, the mag- 
net has poles, and marked N and S; the 
magnetic field is of such a direction, say, that 
from our vantage point the rr* curves to the 
left (a rr will curve to the right). If we run a 
film of the event backwards the n* will be 
seen to curve right, an impossible n* in our 
magnetic field. Ah! but let the camera 
reverse left for right. Now our rr + curves left 
again. But perversity has us, for when our 
camera changed left for right it also changed 
all the internal spins and flows of the tt*. 
And this changed particle is a rr. A rr 
should curve to the right, not left. But wait! 
did our camera not also interchange the 
north and south poles by reversing the spin 
of spin-alligned basics traversing the space 
between poles (despite the now phony fact 
that the south is imprinted N, the north, S), 
reversing our field? Indeed. Now we have 
the n* curving left, well enough, but since 
our magnetic field is reversed, it should now 
curve right, not left. Therefore time reversal 
is impossible. When we have allowed our- 
selves the abilties to see the spin and sub- 
structures of all components of a particle we 
see that we have changed a particle into its 
antiparlicle, we now have a rr curving cor- 
rectly in a reversed field, but we have not 
run the tt* backward in time. All such ex- 
periments with micro (as with macro) con- 
stituents fail if we arc allowed analytical 
instruments, e.g.. magnets in determining all 
parameters. Only if we disallow instruments 
showing charge (the curve), ionization, spin, 
momentum, etc., may we say: The most 
elementary particles can travel backwards 
in time — unfortunately we are hiding be- 
hind our ignorance. For when we allow 
total analysis, showing the known proper- 
ties of particles, no example of time reversal 
is seen. Indeed since one can show that time 
reversal is impossible in the four simple 
basic particles (by our hypothesis), the elec- 
trons and neutrinos, due to its violating one 
or more of the known laws of nature and 


since (in our view, above) all matter is com- 
posed of these can we not conclude that time 
'versal is disallowed in all more complex 
ructures by existing laws of nature ? 9 * * * * * 15 


1. Besides the 2°.7 blackbody of Pcnzias and 
Wilson and the other known electro-magnctic 
radiation of space I assume there to be much 
other. More than 90% of the substance of the 
world is unaccounted for; it is needed to account 
for the formation of the gravitational systems. If 
this missing mass is in the form of photons wc 
should have enough. 

2. The elementary particle aspect of the UPT 
with which this paper is concerned was first 
conceived in about 1 957, excerpts of which were 
printed in pamphlet form (on three occasions in 
the early 1960"s). New data was added as it 
became available. I call the overall scheme the 
unified particle theory, and intend publishing the 
concept in book form. As far as I can determine 
the French-Swiss LeSage was the first to propose 
a particle shadowing effect gravity. 

3. Though a filled in cylinder is not apparently 
a prequisite here, it might give us a clue as to why 
the Bohr energy orbits contain the numbers: 1 , 4, 
9 ... 36 ( Balmer and other scries). If R, r are the 

lii (in usual sense) of the torus; then in main- 
.aining a constant volumn as r assumes values I. 
1/2, 1/3 ...; R assumes the values 1, 4,9... 

4. I apologize if due credit has not been given 
anywhere. I have little access to the literature. 

5. I assume that both the broken and unbroken 
tori have the ability to replicate themselves, given 
enough energy through acceleration. The new 
material is from the basics of space. But no tores 
can replicate unless it has basics on both sides 
(and acceleration secs to this) thereby producing 
pairs of components of opposite spins and llows 
— all the intrinsic properties there are (all other 
properties are seen as caused by these spins, and 
flows, and. their interactions with basics). 

7. The electron charge remains constant due to 
constant volumn. spin, and flow of the torus. 

8. Although the numbers and kinds of particles 
and resonances are, by this hypothesis, restricted 
in the lower mass range there arc nearly unlim- 
ited possibilities at higher and higher masses, 
given sufficient energy of acceleration and some 
degree of stability. 

9. Since I have made the assumption that 

"''thing exisLs except the basic photons of space 

the two tori, broken and unbroken ones, then 

-it ‘"forces" of nature, gravity, weak, electro- 

magnetic. and strong must ensue from these. It is 
not difficult to envision that tori in proper juxta- 

position would be difficult to break apart because 

of helicity of basics (charge) flowing through the 
holes of tori whereas at some distance we might 

Over Unity Motors?? 

have repulsion. Further, certain positionings can 
be seen as readily breaking apart, i.e., being 
pushed apart; others only slowly, only after hav- 
ing flipped over — recall, if you will, that we 
have a preference of helicity for the closed tori; 
and a permanent helicity for the broken ones. 
And gravity can be seen as a push shadowing 
gravity, much like the one LeSage envisioned. 
The total interactions ( weakening) of the basic 
flux is the important criterion here. Wc need no 
"field" - - the weakened flux density is the field. 

10. In our view an electric “field" is the align- 
ment of spins of basics caused by the flow of 
electrons through the basic stuff of space; a mag- 
netic field is the spin alignment of basics caused 
by the flow of the basic stuff through electrons 
(which are alligncd and usually “stationary"). In 
both cases the basics go through the hole of the 
torus, i.e., when the tori move past the basics wc 
have the electrical, and when the basics move 
past the tori wc have the magnetic one. 

11. In the famous parity overthrow experiment 
suggested by Lee and Yang. 

12. See page 

1 3. Radioactivity, its random ness, and tunnel- 
ling are naturally explainable by slight inho- 
mogcncitics in the basic flux. One should not stop 
here. Both the high energy production and super- 
luminal velocities of QSO’s can be seen as caused 
by matter (galaxies) having reached near the edge 
of a bounded, steady — more or less — ball of 
basic flux. The nearer one comes to the edge the 
more particles that become unstable. Out of the 
flux all are unstable Total internal reflection will 
keep the size of the world constant. At edge of 
basic flux, matter all across a galaxie, without 
regard to extent, could simultaneously break up 
to radiation - hence the “superluminal" 

14. If this view (from the unified particle the- 
ory) is correct then the v, while possibly massless, 
should not of necessity have a linear velocity of c. 
By producing short bursts of neutrinos one 
should be able to time the flight of the bunches. A 
test. An alternative to this view of the v. nd one 
which I once considered, was this: It is a mold 
pattern molded in the basic flux by reactions 
against that flux by the tori — a pattern molded 
by kick-back at time of break up of composites, 
so it would be a dimple in the flux of specified 
energy and spin angular momentum. At least this 


allows it go off at c always. And what of the 
preferred flow pattern of the tori, the e", which I 
have suggested? If outside flow is away from the 
flux (instead of into) and consistently used thusly 
will it not answer? Yes, but both cannot be right. 
I discount this latter (mold pattern) view. 

15. The unified particle theory, if proven true, 
has, of course, fantastic implications. Much of 
present day physics will need revision. Several 
branches (some cosmology, particle physics, rel- 
ativity, quantum mechanics are out, discarded 
crutches). Perhaps this is why the many workers 
to whom, over the years, I have given extracts of 
the upt have reacted very violently, usually nega- 
tively, before they see the whole picture. New 
ideas out of context always seem ridiculous, vio- 
lating all that we have been taught. One must try 
to keep an open mind on the questions this neces- 
sarily limited extract will raise. In five years I had 
finished 225 pages from which most of this ex- 
tract is taken. 


l\l Corbach, R.; Mohr, A.: Seltene Erden- 
Cobalt-Magnete im Kleinmotorenbau. 
Bosch-Broschure, 1978 

/2/ Mohr, A.: Uber die Beanspruchung von 
Permanentmagnetsegmenten in Gleichstromk- 
leinmotoren und ihre Prufung. 

Bosch Tech. Ber. 6 (1977) H. 1, S. 7-17. 

/3/ Koch, J.: Uber die Optimierung von per- 
manentmagnetisch erregten Gleichstrommo- 
toren bei Verwendung von Mehrstoffmagneten. 
Diss. Univ. Stuttgart, 1982. 

/4/ Reynst, M.F.: Entwurf kleiner Gleich- 
strommotoren mit Permanentmagneten aus Fer- 
roxdure. Valvo-Ber. X, 1964, S. 334-349. 

151 Mohr, A.: Der Induktionsverlauf im 
Luftspalt kleiner Permanentmagnetmotoren und 
seine Aussagekraft. Bosch Tech. Ber. 6 (1978) H. 
3, S. 109-127. 


Richard LeFors Clark, Ph.D 
December 7, 1984 

The systems of universal energy flow fields are in three dimensions only (three axes). The three currently recognized 
field flows are the electric, magnetic, and gravitational. At the neutral centers — mid-polar positions — of each of these 
fields, are rotated 90 degrees from them, are the cross fields, which are the dielectric, diamagnetic, and diagravita- 
tional fields. Thus, each directional flow axis has two energy flow fields. As an example, gravity and the diamagnetic 
energy flows are both in arbitrary Z axis. All six energy fields are thus coupled in one system. 

All of these coaxial pairs of six (6) energy flow systems are modulating oscillations in the three axes, carried by the 
ether. The ether itself is an extremely tenous and elastic "carrier wave" medium, which oscillates in a frequency and 
mode of its own. 

Due to the dual field impressions carried in each flow axis by the ether, we can and do cause interference radial 
shifts in these axial flow systems. As an example, increasing the local diamagnetic field does decrease the local gravity 
field. This is, in fact, what Schauberger was doing in his hydrodynamic systems. 

As Albert Roy Davis has proved many times, any diamagnetic material placed midway between attracting magnetic 
poles loses gravitational weight. This happens only at the neutral center, mid-point between the attracting poles, which 
is the exact location of the diamagnetic field. Thus, as the magnitude of the diamagnetic field increases, the magnitude 

(and effect) of the gravity field decreases. You can easily verify these statements with any diamagnetic sample 

suspended from a spring scale and two powerful permanent magnets in the spaced, attracting position. Try it! 

The elctrical field is coaxial with the diagravity field and explains T. T. Brown's capacitor units. A large D.C. power 
supply, two spaced metal plates (a capacitor) and any good dielectric sample suspended from a spring scale will 

demonstrate this phase of the system. 

The fourth parameter is not time; it is oscillatory motion! Time is only an arbitrary interval in any sequence of 
events and not a dimension of existence (So much for "space -time" theories). The universe is composed of informa- 
tion in various forms of oscillations as to frequency, direction and mode. Our human assignment of arbitrary names 
to matter, energy, etc. forms or aspects of the universal information content is rather egocentric and foolish. 

The technology involved is to transfer useful gains between these fields by purposeful interference. Small causes for 
big effects exists in the Clark Energy Field Interference Transfer Systems (CEFITS). It is going with the tide of univer- 
sal design instead of against it as we presently do. 

NOTE: The universe is infinite and unbounded and not the "Divine Smoke-ring" of Eddington's torus equation. 

Euclid was right about parallel lines. Mathematics is a synthetic language and should not be mistaken for reality. It 
can be an artificial tool or toy, but never is it real. 




Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) Austria 

Wilhelm Reich was a psychoanalyst of the Austrian school who studied under Freud, and later became a teacher 
and investigator of natural scientific phenomena. 

As his career developed, he began to study the interaction of space energy to human health and to formulate the 
various reactions of these key relationships. He was able to identify a form of energy which he named "Orgone" and 
build devices wich could collect and accumulate this energy. 

Orgone energy is the name given him to a specific life energy within and around all living organisms. The existance 
of orgone energy outside of the living organism in the atmosphere was demonstrated in various test conducted by 
Reich. The inner life energy is stimulated from the outer orgone energy in the atmosphere. This concept is logical, 
since nothing can exist within the living organism that did not previously exist in the environment of the living 

The color blue is the specific color of orgone energy within and without the organism. Blue is the color seen in all 
functions which are related to the cosmic or atmospheric orgone energy. Protoplasm of any kind in every cell or 
bacterium is blue, and cells lose their blueness when they die. Orgone energy penetrates everything at different speeds. 

Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy accumulators were in the form of squarish boxes which consisted of alternate layers 
of organic and metallic materials, such as cotton or cellulose and aluminum. Reich's continuing experiments in this 
field disclosed that organic materials attract and collect orgone energy from the atmosphere. The metallic material 
acts to both repel and contain the orgone, and thus the combination of both materials produces an ideal collector or 
accumulator of orgone energy. 

An extraordinary occurance within the orgone accumulator box is the unexplained temperature rise that occurs 
which cannot be explained by the present Laws of Energy Conservation. 

Reich further discovered a motorizing force (high or low potential) within orgone energy (1949) which could be 
harnessed to propel a special type of motor. He is said to have built a special motor with a rotating armature revolved 
by entrapped orgone energy, but there is no record available to validate this device. 

According to Reich's findings, the so-called "heat waves" that we see shimmering above roads and mountains are 
not actually heat at all, but orgone energy that does not rise. They will move from west to east, at a speed faster than 
the earth's rotation. They cause the twinkling of the stars in our sight. Thunderstorms are formed by changes in the 
concentration of atmospheric orgone energy. 

Wilhelm Reich began to get into trouble with the authorities when he attempted to translate the benefits of orgone 
energy into medical applications, and specifically orgonetic irradiation of the organism (patient). The Wilhelm Reich 
Foundation was formed for the purpose of promoting the healing effects of applied orgone energy, but started to 
draw the attention of the F.D.A., who were very skeptical of orgone energy and its application. 

While some of Reich's teachings and methods may have been open to question as more information has evolved, the 
basics of orgone energy have been accepted by most non-establishment scientists who are free-energy activists. 

Wilhelm Reich was eventually arrested and placed in jail where he remained until his death. 

Karl Von Reichenbach (1820-1865) 

Karl Von Reichenbach was a student of the teachings of Goethe in Germany and was gifted with a high degree of 
creativity which brought significant changes and improvements in several technological areas. 

In later years he was a widely recognized scientist and industrialist who began to specialize in "life energy" which 
surrounded plants and all living organisms. 

As he began to investigate and record data on this living energy, he determined that it was given off by both in- 
organic as well as organic substances. He discovered that some "adept" people displayed a sensitivity to the detection 
and effect of this life energy, and employed such people to record the nature and properties of the life energy. 

His work differed with that of Wilhelm Reich in this regard, since Reich explored natural phenomena without the 
direct assistance of human "adepts". It was discovered that the energy was emitted from electromagnetic action so 
that it could be closely investigated, defined and recorded. Von Reichenbach was actively engaged in life energy 
research within the period from 1822 to 1850, and made many discoveries such as paraffin, creosote, dyes and other 
similar industrial components. 

Von Reichenbach's various discoveries were published in a series of publications entitled "Research on Magnetism, 
Electricity, Heat and Light, In Their Relation to Vital Power" (May 1845). 

A record of Reich's research and his biography are provided in the book: "Letters on OD and Magnetism", by F.D. 
O'Byrne, available from Health Research, P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, Calif., 95245. 

The people who were sensitive or "adepts" who assisted Von Reichenbach in his research efforts were sensitive to 
changes in etheric energies. The energy termed odic, odyle, odylic or od was detected by these people from the actions 
of crystals, chemical processes, solar and moon energies, and from magnets. 



Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) 

As a young man Rudolf Steiner observed the fundamental truths of nature with a mental facility far beyond that of 
the traditionally trained scientists of his time. 

His mind was tuned to the supersensitive world, just as was Tesla's, Reich's, Von Reichenbach's and some others of 
his time. 

He developed an early understanding of the field forces which form around growing plants and support their 
flowering, levitation and overall vitality. Steiner became a careful invetigator of the natural world and became one of 
the eminent German and Austrian scholars who worked for years in the collection of the Goethe papers. 

In 1923 he published a book: "Knowledge of Higher Worlds and Its Attainment", which outlines how men may 
leam the ability to perceive the supersensitive, or invisible world, which he was gifted with being able to do. As an ac- 
complished clairvoyant. Steiner was able to foretell and warn us of the fundamental errors in our present social direc- 

Steiner had the fortunate faculty of beginning life endowed with ability to move voluntary with intuitive clair- 
voyance into the supersensitive world. 

Through his studies he came to realize that most of the world religions and in particular the Hibernians, Jesuits, 
Rosecmcians, Masons, Yogas, Hindu, Muslim and other religious groups essentially all seek the way of raising the 
consciousness to the perception of higher worlds! 

Jerry Gallimore, Indianapolis, Indiana Active Researcher 

Jerry Gallimore, like most of us in the free energy movement, believes that the known energy forms, including 
etheric energy are real and have been lost to society in our headlong rush to develop expedient, non-renewable energy 

He believes that present day science has discarded all of these unusual energy forms as being unworthy of investiga- 
tion. In his various books J.G. has proven that this position is erronous and has demonstrated that the various 
unusual energy sources are both valid and promising for future application. 

Jerry Gallimore has been active in the free energy, gravity and natural phenomena fields and has authored several 
extensive publications relevant to developments in these fields, which are: 

a) Transverse Paraphysics 

b) Unified Field Theory 

c) Collected Properties and Writings of J.G. Gallimore 

d) Handbook of Unusual Energies 

These above books can be purchased from: CADAKE Industries, P.O. Box 1866, Clayton, Georgia, 30525 

His books describe the pioneering energy work of Wilhelm Reich, Karl Von Reichenbach, J.W. Keeley, and others 
in this field. 

In the second volume of the Handbook of Unusual Energies J.G. says": "There is a definite connection between the 
four beat of Russell, the four beat of Reich, and the four energies of alchemy and others. We can get free energy out 
of the atmosphere!" (Tesla's free energy, Reich's "orgone" energy, and Von Reichenbach's "odic" force are all 

J.G. is active in gravity and the gravity measurement area as shown by his "Field Measuring Device" patent, as 

Abstract of the Disclosure: 

"A field measuring device including a stationary ciystal of diaelectric material having a crystalline lattice structure, 
a source of D.C. voltage potential and an ohmmeter. The source of direct current is coupled across opposite ends of 
the stationary crystal and the ohmmeter detects stress changes in the crystal which are induced by the presence of a 
magnetic field. The stationary crystal of dielectric material may be a solid state electrical component such as a diode 
and a single meter, such as a multimeter may be used to provide both the source of direct current as well as the 
measurement means for detecting stress changes. 

J.G. at work. 



John Bigelow (1976) Indianapolis, Indiana 

John Bigelow's major contribution to the "free-energy" cause is represented by this folio/book: "EARTH 
ENERGY, the entrancing force with a thousand names", published by Health Research, P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne 
Hills, California, 95245. 

The main value in Mr. Bigelow's book is that he has managed to cover practically all of the free-energy researchers 
work in a clear and concise manner. In addition to the concise explanations for each of the various energy projects, the 
accompanying sketches/illustrations provide a quick understanding of the phenomena involved in each one. 

He covers the project work of Laithwaite, T.T. Brown, John Searl, Dr. Moray, Lester Hendershot, Tesla, Keely 
and most of the other known energy researchers. 

Mr. Bigelow has been able to cut through most of the mystery surrounding many of these devices and phenomena 
and provide us with the basic understanding OH their principles of operation. 

r principles of operation. 





SPtZblAftM CN 
Disc SA^c&rz. 

(SCAgt. PI SC ? ) 



T. T. BROWN ElectroGravitic Research 

The anti-gravity research of Thomas Townsand Brown started with his curosity about X-Rays and his belief that 
they may be used for space travel. 

He discovered that an X-Ray tube unit which he had acquired exhibited a tendency to move when energized, which 
apparently had not been noticed by anyone before his discovery. He reasoned that this actual motion was the reaction 
to a polarization effect within the X-Ray unit caused by the high voltage electrical input, and he proceeded to expand 
his research in this special effect area. 

He designed and built a unit which he called the "Gravitor", named because of its demonstrated weight loss or gain 
depending on its axis position. The "Gravitor" was essentially a multi-plate capacitor of unusually large plate surface 
area dimensions. When placed on a scale with fifty KVDC applied to the unit, it either gained or lost a small percen- 
tage of its weight depending on whether the positive or negative side of the unit was upward. 

it was established by T.T. Brown that when charged with a high voltage the twin plate capacitor of relatively large 
surface area would be physically moved or elevated in the direction of the positive electrode. 

Since T.T. Brown received considerable support from Dr. Paul A. Biefield during his experimentation, this anti- 
gravity effect for plate capacitors is known as the Biefield-Brown effect, which is now widely recognized in physics, 
but not applied by the physics community. 

Over the thirty years of Brown's experimentation some remarkable demonstrations have been performed with 
various sizes of disc/capacitors. A two foot diameter disc/capacitor charged to about fifty KV, at fifty watts achieved 
a speed of over fifteen feet-per-second around a circular course. In some later tests, larger disc/capacitors of about 
three feet in diameter circling around a fifty foot diameter course, and charged to one hundred fifty KV resulted in 
more spectacular performance that was held in confidence. 

T.T. Brown's extensive work in this field is covered by a number of issued U.S. patents, as follows: 

No. 2,949,550 Electrokinetic Apparatus - Aug. 1960 
No. 3,022,430 Electrokinetic Generator - Feb. 1962 
No. 3,187,206 Electrokinetic Apparatus - Aug. 1960 
No. 3,018,394 Electrokinetic Transducer - Jan. 1962 

An explanation of the Biefield-Brown effect at the micro level is provided by the observation that when an atom is 
placed within the electric field of a capacitor, its atomic field will become distorted, the nucleus is pulled in toward the 
negative plate while the electron field is pulled in the opposite direction toward the positive plate. 



T.J.J. See Gravitational Theory 1930's 

The scientific work of T.J.J. See of the 1930's has been largely unknown and/or ignored by the scientific communi- 
ty for all the years since its first introduction. 

It has been said that See had the unfortunate tendency "to come on too strongly" with his theories which was usual- 
ly interpreted by his astronomer colleagues as being "arrogant egotism" rather than "studied conviction" which it ap- 
parently was. 

See published a series of seven manuals (a total of about 4000 pages) on his extensive R & D into the understanding 
of the gravitational riddle. See's technical work, and in particular his wave theory of gravitation was quite competent 
and is now generally viewed by many as providing a sound basis toward an eventually accepted unified field theory. 

The basis for See's wave theory is that Pi () is an infinite oscillating series leading to an expanded theory of cur- 
vilinear motion. The oscillationg series correspond to dynamic impulses, ie: physical waves in the ether, as postulated 
by Huyghens and Newton for the curvilinear motions of the stars observed in the immensity of space. 

According to See, gravitational, magnetic and electrostatic fields are presented as longitudinal/compression waves 
in the ether, of widely divergent wave lengths. These various wave forms are of proportionate magnitude to the 
distances over which they operate. 


See's anti-gravity theory explains how a rotating body effects gravity, as was vividly demonstrated by John Searl, 
and Otis Carr in their anti-gravity experiments. According to this theory, when a symmetrical metallic body is rotated 
at a critical speed, the surrounding ether is set in motion which produces an ether vacuum, which prevents the 
transmission of gravitational forces to the rotating body. 

The well-known psychic, Edgar Cayce identified T. J. J. See "as a scientist with a sound theory to the solution to the 
riddle of gravitation". 

Dr. William J. Hooper (1930-1971 ) 

The questioning of Dr. Hooper of our present electromagnetic field theory lead him to his multi-electric field theory 
which was aimed at a refined, combined electromagnetic plus gravitational field presentation. Dr. Hooper's theory, 
like that of T.J.J. See's theory above, has not received the attention that it deserves. 

Specifically, Dr. Hooper found that there are three electric fields with their own distinct characteristics which are: 1) 
the electrostatic field 2) the transformer electric field, which is produced by a changing magnetic field intensity, and 3) 
the motionally induced electric field (Faraday's induction). 

Dr. hooper first found that the "motional" electric field was incapable of being shielded during early tests, and 
later tests showed that while it is possible to partially shield this field, it is both impractical and very inefficient to do 

It is the motional electric field that Dr. Hooper believed might be related to gravity due to its essential inability to be 
shielded as related to terrestrial gravity. 

Two U.S. patents have been issued for Dr. Hooper's work in this field, which are: No. 3,656,013 and No. 
3,610,971, which cover the theory of the motional electric field. Further information on his work can be found in the 
manual: "New Horizons in Electric and Gravitational Field Theory", published by Electrodymanic Gravity, Inc. 34 
w. Tallmadge Avenue, Akron, Ohio, 44310. 

The Moray Device and the Hubbard Coil 
were Nuclear Batteries 

Paul Brown 

Collected Research Mongraphs, Vol. 1 
Cadake Industries, 1987 

The natural radioactive decay elements emit three primary forms of radiation; alpha, beta, and gamma. Alpha par- 
ticles are helium nuclei or heliumions consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons giving them a mass number of 4 and each 
alpha particle carries two positive charges. Beta particles on the other hand are high speed electrons meaning that each 
beta carries a single negative charge. Gamma rays are photons and consequently we have no need to discuss them here. 

An alpha or a beta particle in motion constitutes a current element. Several charged particles in motion is an electric 
current and is measured in amps. What I am trying to tell you is that alpha and beta radiation is naturally an electrical 
phenomenon only these radiations have no polarity. Natural radioactivity is emitted in all directions so that you end 
up with no net current or voltage. The object of a nuclear battery is to provided polarity to these emissions to achieve 
an electric current. As the particles are absorbed, the velocity goes to zero and the magnetic field collapses, yielding a 
variation of flux to produce an emf in an induction coil. 

Now, the amount of power contained in these particles is phenomenal. A charged particle in motion carries with it a 
magnetic field of an magnitude determined by the particles charge and velocity. Energy is stored in this magnetic field 
and is released as the particle is slowed or absorbed. The opposite principle of accelerating a particle by pumping 
energy into it. For instance, an alpha particle traveling at 67% the speed of light is absorbed in 6 mils of copper; the 
energy produced during this absoiption is equivalent to 10 watts. Granted, this is 10 watts for only a micro second, but 
if you are using a 1 curie alpha source then we are now talking about 37 billion alpha particles per second. Madame 
Curie is quoted as saying "The complete transformation of a gram of radium into lead, produces about 100,000 times 
more energy than the combustion of one gram of hydrogen." And Ernst Rutherford said, "one pound of radium 
would radiate energy at the rate of 10,000 horsepower." Hopefully, it is now obvious to you that the energy content of 
radium is enormous. Now, I must point out that the use of radium is common to both of the devices in our discussion. 

Lets look at conventional nuclear batteries and see how they convert alpha and beta decay into electricity. But first, 
I should tell you about how exposure to these radiations alters the dynamics an any electric circuit. A conductor expos- 
ed to these radiations has its resistance reduced and its conductivity increased while dielectrics become partial conduc- 
tors and their conductivity is not described by Ohm's Law. These characteristics have been known by the scientific 


community since 1903. In addition to that, in 1916 it was shown that by using a weak solution of radium in conjunc- 
tion with radio aerials near the antenna or tuning coil greatly increased the receptivity of the radio, even in cir- 
cumstances where no stations could be received before. Most of these phenomena are explained by looking to the 
atomic scale to see what happens as a particle is absorbed. For an alpha particle being absorbed in copper, the panicle 
is traveling at a high rate of speed and has a large amount of kinetic energy which is transferred to the electrons of the 
copper by collision. The alpha produces some 86,000 ions before being absorbed. These ions are then free electrons in 
the conductor in addition to those normally present. This process is called the Multiplication Factor of the cell. That is 
because for every incident beta particle you get say 20,000 electrons. 

Conventional nuclear batteries are composed of cells of several types. For now, we will concern ourselves with only 
the basic four. The commonly known beta cell as first demonstrated by Mosely in 1913, was a beta source sitting on a 
feedthrough insulator at the center of an evacuated conductive sphere. As a beta particle leaves the source, it gives the 
source a net positive charge and as this beta particle is absorbed by the sphere it contributes a negative charge to this 
electrode. Further charges increase the difference in potential and current may be drawn from this to a load in the 
usual manner. An alpha source may be substituted by the principle remains the same. This is the beta or alpha voltaic 
effect and batteries of this type have been built as large as 2,000 watts that could fit into the palm of your hand. 

The contact potential difference cell or a class 2 nuclear battery: Simply put, this is a conventional battery composed 
of a stack of plates composed of materials with different work functions only no electrolyte is used. Instead, we im- 
merse the plates in a radioactive gas. The life of all nuclear batteries is proportional to the half-life of the source 
material used. For radium, the half-life is 1,600 years. The advantage of this type of cell over the beta cell, is its 
multiplication factor. One high energy beta particle ionizes many gas molecules before it is finally stopped. Each of 
these new charged particles is effective in placing a charge on the electrodes. Cells of this class commonly have 
multiplication factors of about 200. 

The third type is the class 3 P-N junction cell. By simply exposing a p-n junction transistor to alpha or beta bom- 
bardment, the transistor produces power to drive a load. Cells of this type have multiplication factors in the realm of 
200,000 times. 

And finally, the thermojunction type or radioisotope thermoelectric generator commonly called the RTG. This is 
the most dependable and the least efficient type of cell. Radioactive source materials are hotter than their surroun- 
dings due to self absorption of particles. By simply placing a thermocouple in the vicinity of this heat source, the 
energy is converted into electricity. Cells of this type operate at only about 20% efficiency but Voyager is equipped 
with an RTG. 

I believe the simplest type of nuclear battery is the class B type. Simply put, the device is.a radioactive wire. Using a 
conventional battery and load utilizing a radioactive wire to complete the circuit. As current is drawn from the bat- 
tery, it is amplified so that the full load current is not drawn from the battery. If you wind a transformer utilizing 
radioactive wire, the transformer acts as a current amplifier. This patent is closely related to the Hubbard coil. The 
McElrath patent; a cold cathode vacuum tube nuclear battery. This application was filed in 1931. I believe if Moray 
ever filed for patent, he must have had a conflict with this patent. 

An LCR oscillation is the electrical counterpart of a swinging pendulum. If you could eliminate the wind resistance 
and the friction in the pivot, then the pendulum would swing or oscillate forever, in response to an impulse. At 

resonance, if it were not for the ohmic resistance of the circuit, then the LCR oscillation would continue forever. By 
experiment we have found the 8 series transformer arrangement of Hubbards's to yield a low damping design. This 
transformer in series with a capacitor and a means for absorbing nuclear decay (the fuel cell), forms an LCR tank cir- 
cuit. Normally, such a circuit would yield a damped oscillation in response to an electrical impulse. However, the Riel 
cell contributes energy to the osciallation through every cycle as current is carried through the wire. The result is a cur- 
rent build up in the tank which must be removed and this is accomplished by impedance matching a transformer to the 

circuit. That is to say, the LCR oscillation does not damp out due to the energy contributed by the fuel cell. Simply 
put, this is the secret of the Hubbard Coil. It is an LC resonant tank oscillation at its own self resonant frequency with 
energy in excess of that required to maintain the oscillation, available to be removed from the tank by an impedance 
matched transformer. Lets compare this to the statements made by Hubbard himself. From the Seattle Post In- 
telligencer we read, "the current is pulsating... its life as a power unit is indefinite. .it is made up of a group of eight 
electromagnets, each with a primary and secondary winding of copper wire, which are arranged around a large steel 
core. ..the core likewise has a single winding., .about the entire group of coils is a secondary winding., .a coil thus con- 
structed is lifeless until given an initial impulse. initial impulse is given by connecting the ends of its windings for a 
fraction of a second to an ordinary house lighting circuit... the manner of this momentary charging constitutes the 
principle secret.. .a device for extracting electrical energy from radium. All of these statements tend to support my 

theory of operation. 

In summation then, the Hubbard Coil is a low damping power transformer utilizing the primary winding in an LC 
tank circuit oscillating at its self resonant frequency. The transformer secondary is impedance matched to the primary 
oscillations to yield output power. Oscillations in the primary tank are started by placing a pulse across the secondary. 
The oscillating primary tank circuit absorbs energy of radioactive decay from radium. 


Now we will take a look at the Moray Device. It is a simple amplifier driven by an RF signal and containing the 
Moray Valve. Actually this is a transformer coupled, class-A amplifier in which the power consuming load is coupled 
to the plate circuit through an impedance matched transformer. The Moray Valve itself which from his notes we know 
used a compression alloy including radium chloride. I am going to describe the Moray device as a high frequency LC 
resonant circuit in multiple stages utilizing a novel (radium doped) detector and novel oscillator tubes also containing 
radioactive material. Lets compare the Moray circuit to the McElrath circuit, which is a cold cathode, vacuum tube 
amplifier driven by an RF signal to produce usable power. These tubes of McElrath's used radium on the emitter. In 
Moray's early device, he used an antenna and a ground. RF signals are impressed upon the LCR tank circuit to yield 
high frequency oscillations and the circuit was tuned to resonance for maximum current in the tank. Energy from 
radiated particles is contributed to the circuit by absorption in the detector which also has a high multiplication factor 
due to the cascade of electrons produced within the germanium of the detector. The circuit dumps this excess energy 
into a second stage oscillator to go through the same process and so on through multiple stages. Later design im- 
provements eliminated the antenna and ground connections but required an input emf to initiate the oscillations in the 
first stage. The Moray device utilizes many principles characterized by conventional nuclear batteries of the class 1, 2, 
3 and class 5 types. 

By comparison, we see that the principle for operation of the Hubbard Coil is the same as the Moray device employs 
only utilizing a different technique, namely, both use an oscillating primary LC tank circuit at its self resonant fre- 
quency with radioactive decay energy contributed by particle absorption within the primary circuit and electrical 
energy is removed from the LC tank by means of an impedance matched transformer. 

In conclusion, we now see a plausible explanation for two so called FREE ENERGY devices. This approach yields 
an explanation for their claimed performance within the context of contemporary science without invoking such 
borderland concepts as the aether or zero point energy. Proper application of this technology could be of tremendous 
value to all of humanity.